⭐ An honest Siteground review: What we discovered after a 6-month speed test 😮 SiteGround Video Review


⭐ An honest Siteground review: What we discovered after a 6-month speed test 😮

Tutorial Hosting
If you guys are looking for web hosting you probably have come across siteground web hosting I bet you’ve come across many blogs and videos telling you siteground is the best web hosting ever just click the link in the description right well many of them do this because

They just want to make a commission but do they really answer the question is siteground a reliable and fast web hosting there’s only one way to find out we purchased a siteground hosting plan and monitor it for six months we tested the uptime the downtime the page speed

The whole shebang and I’ll share my complete results in this video I’ll also go over the pricing the features and the interface to see if this is something for you now I’m going to play devil’s advocate here you know we do have an affiliate link for siteground in the

Description below of this video and if you guys do use it it does help us to continue to provide these tests for you guys all for free so we would really appreciate it and it does help us reduce the cost to bring you guys these results

So we’re first going to walk you through our test results we’ll then talk about the pricing and features to see is cyclon Worthy’s results we’ll then be talking about the interface the features the services to see if you could use this platform on a daily basis now

Before I show you guys these results let me show you the websites that we tested this on for six months here is the WordPress website we tested Cyclone hosting on the website is a complete website with more than 10 pages and it also has various plugins installed on it

Like Elementor WP forms woocommerce and a few other various plugins we did not want to use a blank page test because this really doesn’t utilize and strain the server and show how the server reacts with pages and plugins installed on it like a real live website should in

This test we use PHP version 8.1 which is the recommended PHP from wordpress.org we also use the grow big plan which is a recommended package from Cyclone hosting so we wanted to make this test very fair and transparent we also do have the domain in the description below along with reports

From pingdom in case you guys want to download the PDF reports from pingdom so without further Ado let’s take a look at these results we’ve been recording Cyclone hosting for six months so let’s first talk about the page speed Cyclone had an average load time of 1.79 seconds Google recommends

That your website should be loading at under 2.5 seconds so this page speed meets that criteria keep in mind we did not install any optimization plugins like WP Rockets or these seraphinite accelerator plugin we probably could have shredded another second of load time on the website with proper

Optimization tools next let’s talk about uptime Cyclone had an average uptime of 99.99 with only 32 minutes of downtime over the course of six months but what’s a good and acceptable uptime usually anything above 99.95 uptime would be considered an excellent and reliable web host according to medium.com cyclon

Meets this uptime criteria trust me nobody likes a slow website I think everyone here watching this hates slow websites right so based off these results I would say that siteground is a fast and reliable web post and is suitable for anyone either starting a website for the first time or full-on

Web design agencies so now that you guys have seen these results the key question here is how much is all this going to cost me Cyclone offers three different hosting packages the startup The Grow Big And The Go Geek the startup plan starts around 299. now the startup plan

Is really a dud because you can only host one website and it has limited features compared to the other two plans you can get a year of Hosting with this package for around 50 bucks The Grow Big starts at around 4.99 The Grow Big I would say is the optimal package you can

Host unlimited websites you get 20 gigs of disk space which is plenty and your server allows up to 100 000 visitors every single month which is pretty enormous it also includes PHP implementation which can cause your web pages to load 30 faster receiving a faster first-time device you also

Receive free ssls free migrations and free backups with this plan you can get a year hosting for just 90 bucks next up the Go Geek The Go Geek plan starts at 7.99 now if your website starts getting more traffic you can always upgrade to the Go Geek The Go Geek is pretty

Similar to The Grow Big the difference with this package it just includes more space and bandwidth and able to handle more traffic for larger websites you can get a year of Hosting with this package for around 115 dollars now I want to talk about something that most reviewers intentionally leave out

And that is the renewal fees now this usually catches people off guard so let me explain what this is so next to talk about the renewal fees every plan you see here will renew at a higher cost after your first year the startup plan run news at 18 the grow

Bigger news at 29 and the Go Geek renews at around forty five dollars so after your first year of Hosting you’ll then be billed at these new renewal rates so now that we know this how does cyclon’s renewal fees compare against other web posts in the web hosting

Industry well let’s take a look let’s take a look at Bluehost we also installed the same template on our website for our Bluehost accounts and we monitored their performance as well for six months Bluehost had an average load time of 6.11 seconds which is pretty terrible

They also had an uptime of 99.93 percent with more than three hours of downtime I will leave the domains and downloadable PDF reports for you to view in the description of this video just in case you want to see them for yourself so now let’s look at bluehost’s Price

Bluehost offers four different plans which are very similar to each other their starting price is nearly double siteground’s prices here is a comparison side by side I will note that Bluehost renewal fees are slightly cheaper than sitegrounds but from our speed test and uptime it makes way more sense to go

With siteground you can always browse around other hosts and check the renewal prices but in my opinion if I’ve already found a fast web host with good uptime I would probably stick with them so as you guys can tell getting the cheapest price for web hosting isn’t everything right

When I first started with web design I started with ipage and HostGator and my sites were extremely slow right and then when I would call the companies they would blame the theme I would go to the theme they would blame the plugin and then the plugin would go back and blame

The hosting it turns out it was the hosting right so getting the cheapest price isn’t always the best solution so if you guys guys do want fast web hosting that’s reliable I would definitely consider siteground here so now I’ll talk about the interface with siteground the interface with siteground

Is pretty friendly they keep it simple and modernized when you log into your account you’ll see several tabs like the home website Services the billing tab referrals and they also have this new marketplace where you can purchase additional Services you can also access customer support 24 7 using their live

Chat box they also do have this new live chat AI helper just in case you’re looking for something quick the support with cyclon has always been premium and you’ll probably wait less than a few minutes for live agents and a new amazing feature that Cyclone has introduced is their new malware cleaner

Many web hosts on the internet have malware scanners but they don’t clean the malware from your websites instead you’ll be forced to go to a third party and have them clean the malware for you which is pretty inconvenient siteground now has a service where they will clean

The malware from your website for just a hundred bucks which is much cheaper than the industry standard on the back end of siteground you can access all of your websites from the website tab and you can also purchase additional add-ons you can also access every site tool for each

Domain here you can get a overview about your website information like the disk usage the name servers and the traffic you can also adjust your caching you can install WordPress access your file manager adjust the SSL and also adjust the PHP for every domain overall the interface is really simple and easy to

Learn you can manage all the websites from one location and pay all your invoices here in my personal opinion psychron does offer well-rounded hosting packages that excel in speed features uptime and customer support reports although Cyclone might have slightly higher renewal fees the quality of service that you receive definitely

Justifies the cost overall I would definitely recommend Cyclone hosting finding a reliable web host can be a real pain in the butt I’ve been through countless web hosts paying overpriced fees and getting really crappy performance trust me I have licked the pot clean when it comes to web hosting

So don’t gamble with other web hosts like I did I hope you guys enjoyed this web hosting review and I hope I brought a lot of value in this video and after the question is psychron a reliable web host I’ll definitely say yes if you guys

Do have any questions for me or a thing you want to let me know let me know in the comments below of this video uh also if you guys do want to use our affiliate link guys it’s in the description go ahead knock yourself out these tests do

Cost us money just to record the progress of these web hosts it costs us around 250 a month and then we also have to pay for every package so it can get very pricey if you guys do want to see the reports for these websites I will also leave those in the description

Below of this video my name is Daryl Wilson and have a good day I’ll see all of you party people later
Free Domain with Siteground: https://www.darrelwilson.com/siteground Bluehost: I won't even link you a Bluehost link, just don't do it. XD In this video we share our speed test results using Siteground for a full 6 months. We'll show you exactly how fast Siteground is and what performance benefits you can expect from using Siteground. After watching this video, you will have a much better understanding of what Siteground can offer you and whether it is the right hosting solution for your needs! NOTE: You can filter the months on Pingdom. Siteground Domain: www.darrelwilsonhosting12.com SiteGround Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SUzMkuzvbmfgTQ6qpwRWHoBNZyA0KU6i/view?usp=drive_link SiteGround LIVE Tests: http://stats.pingdom.com/ 1au75guoamq1/5433645?_gl=1*1feprdg*_gcl_au*NDQxMTM0MjE4LjE2OTQyNDk3MzI. BlueHost Domain: https://www.darrelwilsonhosting12.com BlueHost Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FOpVV52xqkhSZivOrmnXW8TwIEiJbVMr/view?usp=sharing BlueHost LIVE Tests: http://stats. pingdom.com/ 1au75guoamq1/12237127?_gl=1*1feprdg*_gcl_au*NDQxMTM0MjE4LjE2OTQyNDk3MzI. Thanks for watching party people. If you would like me to write another review about another web host, please let me know in the description! Siteground Review.
#honest #Siteground #review #discovered #6month #speed #test

Hosting Review

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