Wix review. Is this the best website builder for beginners? WIX Video Review


Wix review. Is this the best website builder for beginners?

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so Wix… Is it a website builder you
should use? It’s definitely a website
builder I am sure you have heard of,
because Wix seems to advertise more
then anyone else I know on the planet!
you may have even seen an ad for Wix
before this video that’s how much they
advertise but is Wix any good? Is it a
website builder you should use? I’m gonna
answer that question in this video and
I’m gonna tell you what I think of Wix
and whether it’s worth using. I’m Tim
from realwebsitehints.com and it’s my
mission to help you find the best and
easiest ways of building great-looking
If you’re interested in getting Wix
definitely check out the link down below
that link helps to support this channel
and it helps to support all the reviews
that I create and the free tutorials
that I make so I definitely thank you
guys for your support! So let’s go ahead
and dive in and check out Wix and see
what’s up with this website building
platform because what I’ve been doing is
testing out different website builders
trying to figure out what the best
website builder is and what is the best
website builder for different situations
so we want to find out what my top
recommended website builders are
definitely check out the link at the top
of this video and down in the
description below
I’ve got my video that shows the best
website building tools and the best
website building platforms. One of the
first things that I really do like about
Wix is all of the templates that they
have and how good they look I mean I
think that if you’re just looking for
website inspiration in general
definitely looking at the templates that
Wix offers is a great place to get some
inspiration. This here is the portfolio
page that I created with Wix pretty good
looking pretty basic I actually think if
I wanted to I could have gone a lot
farther with the design on this using
Wix on Wix offers some amazing design
tools the Wix editor is basically like a
page design software it’s you know
somewhat similar to like Adobe InDesign
or Adobe Illustrator it gives you a lot
of control to place things exactly where
you want them on your website and I
think that can be really good for
desktop website design like what we’re
saying right here and which also does
create a mobile version of your website
the great thing about Wix is that you
have a lot of control over setting up
and designing and making sure that the
mobile version of your website looks
just as good as the desktop version
that’s something I really like it’s
something that other website builders
don’t offer either there’s zero control
over what the mobile version looks like
it’s just Auto generated for you using
responsive design or there’s not enough
control over it so as we go farther into
looking this you know the portfolio
options for a Wix website I think are
you know really fantastic there’s a lot
of different layouts for portfolio pages
these portfolio pages the gallery images
are responsive so they work well on both
mobile and desktop and we definitely
offer some of the most options when it
comes to gallery page designs so if
you’re looking for to build a portfolio
website I’ve definitely consider looking
at Wix just because there’s so much you
can do and if you’re a design
minded person we excuse you a lot of
control over to the design I love having
all these different layouts available on
the gallery pages I think that’s really
cool and you know designing sort of any
kind of pages any kind of layouts that
you want Wix is definitely really good
for that and if you’re one of those
people that hates responsive design
because you know your images move around
on desktop depending on the size of the
window and things like that and you
can’t get things to pinpoint exactly
where you want to Wix does allow you to
do that and I think the fact that you
know Wix gives you that control for
desktop layout and then also very good
control over the mobile layout I think
that that’s you know a great feature and
a great option for people who are really
sticklers in design so here’s the second
website that I created with Wix just a
very simple restaurant website and one
of the things they notice about Wix is
that they offer a lot of different tools
for various different kinds of
businesses I think that that’s one of
the strengths of Wix is all of the
different apps that they offer that you
can add to your website some of the apps
that I found that you know might be
useful for different businesses are if
you want to offer us a subscription
service there’s an app for that on Wix
that allows you to get those reoccurring
payments you can sell prints or photos
online digital prints have it sent out
to do prints mugs canvases so if you’re
a photographer and you’re looking to
sell your photographs you can just add
that right to your Wix website I think
that’s fantastic if you’re interested in
building calculators to help people
figure out thing there’s a calculator
builder on there and there’s all sorts
of different tools for restaurants
there’s a reservation tool there’s an
online ordering tool there’s special
menu functionality that you can add to
your website and you can even add an
online store to Wix and I haven’t taken
a deep dive into Wix for an online store
but I think that it’s probably something
you could use for definitely for a
limited number of products maybe more
right now I like Shopify the best for
creating an extensive online store and
you can check out my review of Shopify
I’ve actually used it to build an online
store before but I think that you know
if you really want design control and if
you don’t have that many tools to sell
Wix could be a good option for selling
online so what does it like designing
pages with Wix well you get a lot of
control as I said before to design your
pages just the way you want them which
doesn’t have exactly page sections they
call them strips and they do work a
little bit different than typical page
sections that you might find on other
website builders because one of the
problems that I actually
was the strips they’re pretty easy to
add you just go over here to add strips
and then let’s just add a basic strip
like this testimonial one here it’s
going to add it into the bottom of your
site and then you can you know sort of
drag it like this or you can resize it
like this and I think that’s one of the
things that I had it’s sort of an issue
with is when you drag it it’s actually
making extra space behind your website
which you might want to do if you have
like a really cool website background
anyone reveal that as people are moving
through but I found it was way too easy
when adding a new strip to either
overlap it or wind up having a small gap
that you didn’t intend to and getting
rid of that gap can be kind of
frustrating and I think that’s kind of
the thing with the Wix builder is it’s
has a lot of tools a lot of design
control but because of that it’s also
gonna take you a little bit longer to
build your website but you do get that
sort of like fine-tuned control over
everything on your website one of things
that I do like about Wix is the global
controls that you get over colors and
text the one thing is that I didn’t find
that there was an easy place to just go
and say like okay right now I just want
to set up the global text and global
colors for my website kind of have to
dive into one of the elements to make
those adjustments but for example if I
click on this text here I click Edit
text if I change any of these attributes
of the text if I change you know the
font type if I make it bold or italicize
or I change the color I can click to
save theme and then every time this
paragraph one text type comes up or at
anytime I add this paragraph one text
type it’s automatically in a default to
those settings I had but you still also
have the ability to change you know the
paragraph look for just this one section
or even just one word and I think that’s
a great level of control some of the
other website builders I’ve looked at
you’ve one change the color of just one
word to emphasize any kind of add a look
but with Wix you’ve got full control
over pretty much all the design and the
same thing with with the colors of your
website on there is a color palette sort
of a default color palette and I found
that the easiest way to get there is to
go to one of your strips click on it
click change strip background and then
click color and then here we’ve got the
sort of default colors that I’ve already
changed for this website but if you
click on change here
you’ve got different color palettes that
they’re suggesting for you and then you
can also manually change them by pushing
these buttons down here I just think
that getting those types of things set
up getting your fonts set up and the
colors that you want them to be getting
general colors for your website set up
you can definitely save you a lot of
time in design one of the other things
that I think makes Wix a little bit
slower for designing your website is
that you know to be nicely if I wanted
to add another text block down below
this if there’s just a little plus icon
and I can automatically grab that but
every time you want to add a new piece
of content to your page you need to use
this plus Add button and then you’ve got
all of these different options of the
type of content that you can add you can
add text images gallery etc but to do it
you need to select text it’s like the
kind of text you want and then drag it
over your website position it where you
want it to be etc so it’s a little bit
time-consuming but I think that that’s
kind of part of the trade-off of having
all this control that you have where are
the things that I do like about Wix is
that when you do add a strip to your
site you’ve got all these different
pre-made designs sort of help you get
started just like that you can add it
and then you can modify it to fit your
needs and I think that having those
pre-made sections like that can really
help you speed up in the design of your
one of things I also like about Wix is
that if you’re building a website that
has a lot of content on it a lot of
images you get a lot of control over the
media that you’re added to your website
so for example I go over here and I
click on image my uploads there are all
sorts of different ways that I can
manage the media that I’ve uploaded I
can add folders I can create boards I
can remove things there’s also the
option to add images from Shutterstock
or media from Wix or unsplash which is a
free resource for royalty free images
that you can add to your website there’s
definitely a lot of choices there and I
also like the fact that you know when
you’re building a Wix website you’ve got
vector art that you can add your website
that’s included logos and badges that
you can add sort of all sorts of things
that just make it really easy for you to
add interesting elements to your website
I also got a chance to check out the
tech support offered by Wix and I was
actually pretty impressed by it I don’t
know whether it was the time of day or
what but when you dive in and you figure
out how to actually
contact a Wix tech support person they
actually just give you a phone call and
you talk about it over the phone
and when I contacted tech support on the
support agent was able to help me out
they were able to over the phone
walk me through exactly what I needed to
do to resolve my issue and not only did
it result my issue but it also showed me
in the future how I can handle it myself
I think that for easy-to-use website
builders having great customer service
like that that you can get ahold of and
you can actually talk to a person either
by a chat or on the phone it’s
definitely really helpful to helping you
get your website up and running quickly
as possible which also does offer some
pretty good blogging functionality for
an easy-to-use website builder like this
so far I haven’t found anything as good
as WordPress for doing a blog so if
blogging is a really important part of
the website you want to make I really
think that WordPress seems to be where
it where you need to go but if blogging
is something that’s important to your
website but not something that’s you
know the thing that your website is all
about I think actually Wix offers some
pretty good options their actual
category pages so when you create a new
category it actually creates a new page
that you can link to there’s several
different layout options for how your
blog feed is gonna display and then you
do have some control over how your blog
pages are gonna display and how your
single blog posts are gonna display and
I think that’s a really good feature I
also like the blog post editor it’s
fairly easy to use it’s easy to add text
it’s easy to add images there’s not a
lot of control you can have you can’t go
crazy with the design on your blog pages
but I think that’s you know not
necessarily a bad thing if you keep the
design of your blog post simple so I
definitely think that blogging is an
important part of your business um Wix
is not bad for that it’s it’s actually
an OK blogging platform just as long as
blogging isn’t your main function for
your website so what are my final
thoughts on Wix is it a website builder
that you should use well I definitely
think first of all you should check out
my top recommended website builders and
see if one of those is better for your
needs but I do think that if you’re the
kind of person who really likes a lot of
control over the design and layout of
your website Wix is a good option it has
a ton of control over the design and
look of your pages particularly for
desktop but it also does a pretty good
job of giving you control over to the
mobile look of your website and that’s
really important to have that good
mobile experience if you’re looking to
build a website as quickly
and easily as possible I definitely
think that there’s some better options
out there you don’t get anywhere near
the design control but you can get a
website up and running really quick for
example Jimdo is one of the website
builders that i’ve tried recently that
makes it ridiculously fast and easy to
build a website but you don’t really
have that much design control but I did
really like the style and look that it
creates for websites and if you do like
this sort of page design first style
website builder I’m gonna put a video
out that’s going to talk about some of
the different page design first website
builders kind of like Wix that are
alternative to Wix I also think that Wix
is a really good option for adding
different functionality or website I
mean WordPress is probably the best
routing functionality but with WordPress
they’re a little bit on your own it’s
really up to you to make sure everything
works right with Wix they’ve got a great
customer support and I’m sure they’ll be
happy to help you out getting some of
that added functionality working on your
website should you have any problems
it’s something I really think what’s it
good for
but if you’ve had a chance to use Wix
tell me about it in the description
below do you like it is it something
that was too frustrating for you to use
or just in general what was your
experience using Wix and for more
tutorials and website building reviews
definitely be sure to check out my
website realwebsitehints.com and some of
the other videos on my youtube channel
thanks for watching and I’ll see you
guys in the next video

Try Wix for free and find out if it's right for you. https://www.realwebsitehints.com/get/wix-youtube-review/ Some links in this description help support this channel and my website builder reviews. Thanks for your support. Wix is ​​one of the most famous website builders, but how to use it? And should you use it to create a website? In this review, I'll show you the benefits of Wix for creating a website. Do you need one of the easiest website builders? Jimdo doesn't have the same granular control over creating a website as Wix, but you can definitely create a website quickly. Jimdo link https://www.realwebsitehints.com/get/jimdo-1/ My most recommended website builder video: https://youtu.be/N8DlhWpId5U
#Wix #review #website #builder #beginners

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