Wix Review – How to Build a Website WIX Video Review


Wix Review – How to Build a Website

Tutorial Hosting
hi this is Alex plan and we’ll see
product reviews calm today I’m going
over a website called wix com it’s a
website that allows you to easily create
a website for personal or business use
even if you don’t have any understanding
of HTML or technical background this is
the website for you so what I’m going to
do today is I’m actually going to go
through creating a website in in
literally minutes and you’ll see how
easy it is so when you go to wix com
you’ll have to create an account just by
entering your email address and password
and once you do that you’ll be going to
a page called welcome to Wix as you see
here so I’m going to create a personal
page resume and cover letter which
usually applies to most people and click
go the next page you’ll see is a
template page where you choose the
template that you want and Wix offers a
large selection of nicely designed
professional templates and you just go
on to the next page but before I go into
the templates i want to go over this
little area called type html5 and flash
the default is html5 and this is what i
recommend you know you can create a
flash website but if you want your
website to be seen in search engines
html5 is the way to go flash is not very
SEO friendly plus flash does not show up
on iPads which more and more user users
are using these days so I’m just going
to choose this template here and you
have a couple of options you can view it
or edit I’m going to view it because I
want to see it in full of you before I
choose it okay looks good so I’m going
to choose this template and all I have
to do is click edit the site and we’re
going into the Wix HTML editor and this
will allow us to change images change
text change the background color add
pages and to change text all you have to
do is click on the actual text and this
little white box comes up you can click
edit text
and highlight the text and start typing
just put hi and to set it all you have
to do is just click outside of the box I
like to click in this far area in the
white here and it’s at let’s go ahead
and change this right here as well I’m
available to work click here to set it
you can go ahead and change all this
text here text right there close that
huh and then you’re going to probably
want to change this image because most
likely this is not you and the changes
image all you have to do is click on the
image and select change image you’ll see
two tabs here my images and images my
images images that you have that you
would like to import into the system so
for example you can import images from
your pictures there’s also the images
tab where it’s hard it’s the library of
images already included with wix com so
let’s say this is a picture of you just
click ok and the picture is in the
actual box here but the problem is the
image is being cut off at the top here
it’s cutting her head off so to extend
that all you have to do is click on this
little icon at the bottom here with a
little arrow pointing down and just
click and drag it and right there and as
you can see when you do that you click
and drag you notice that all the
elements below it will move accordingly
let’s put it there and to set it click
to the side there’s the image ok I’m
going to go over these for editing
buttons here and this is not these
buttons are not going to show up on your
webpage so we have pages design add and
settings pages we can go into pages that
are already existing so if you click on
like project
you go into the projects page as you can
see here you can go in here and start
changing tax and you can even move the
text if you don’t like it that position
go ahead and change that image and you
can also create new pages by create
clicking on this ad page link and you
can create a blank page or you can
create a subpage under the current
categories and if you click through the
sub pages you’ll see different layouts
as you can see to the right clothes that
the next button year is design we can go
in and change the background color if
you like as you can see here there’s
already some options to choose from will
click on that and as you can see the
background your changed I’m going to
discard that you can also change let’s
say you don’t like the fonts you can go
in there and change the fonts as well ok
the next button is the ad we can add
like additional buttons a shopping cart
for the e-commerce site I’m going to go
in and create a social element a social
button and we’ll create let’s create a
twitter follow click on that as you can
see the twitter twitter button shows up
right here and we can actually move this
anywhere we like so i’ll put it right
there and deselect by clicking to the
side pretty easy and then we have the
Settings button here where you can see
your site address and it’s going to be a
subdomain so what a subdomain is is is
is going to be like your name wix com
and if you want to have your own domain
name that’s outside of the Free Package
you’re going to have to pay a monthly
and then also in the settings I want to
bring this to your attention there’s
also the SEO option which I recommend
using and all you have to do those dads
as can be saved will save later for the
SEO you enter a title description and
keywords and this will allow you now the
search engines to know what your pages
so you can rank it accordingly and then
there’s also the statistics like Google
Analytics but it’s asking you to upgrade
if you want to use that that’s one of
their upsells but let’s say I made all
my changes I like my page you can go
ahead and preview the page and see how
it would look live so you just click on
that preview button i just clicked on
and then you can actually use the
navigation buttons on the top and see if
everything looks good just like that and
then when you’re happy you just click
back to editor and then i will that i
just save it make sure you save it i’m
just going to put test for now save now
it’s saving into the HTML editor there
should be a yep i’ll publish your site
now button and you just click the
publish your site now your site and
click this i’ll also changes to find my
site and i got to enter the site title
site description keywords because i
didn’t enter that earlier once you do
that your site is good to go it’s live
and ready for people to see I hope you
enjoyed this video and you take care

Wix review on how to easily create a website, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36YRlD9wB84&feature=plcp. Wix.com offers a way to create a website with little or no knowledge of HTML coding by selecting hundreds of professional templates and using their easy-to-use HTML editor. To get started and read the review, go to http://www.cproductreviews.com/reviews/wix-review/.
#Wix #Review #Build #Website

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