WIX REVIEW 2024 – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly WIX Video Review


WIX REVIEW 2024 – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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Wix review hey guys welcome back today we will be doing a quick look at how you can get started with Wix and what are the pros and cons of wigs I have used Wix for a while to get started with building my own portfolio website so

What is good the usability of Wix what are the Highlight features or the gold or creme features that you’re gonna get so if you want to get started with Wix check out the link in the description box down below with that link you can get a Premium plan on Wix for free so

Make sure to check that link out now let’s get into it now Wix is a very popular platform to build a e-commerce website or a normal website and the free version of Wix allows you to create a basic website however if you do want to accept payments on Wix then you have to

Make sure that you upgrade to a premium version which you can do for free with the link in the description box and then you can start accepting payments on your website website as well so it really is built for all types of people this is the back end dashboard and let’s talk

About the usability of Wix now the Wix website editor which I will be showing you guys in a couple of minutes is definitely a lot to handle although it is super easy to use the features can feel a little overwhelming considering that there are so many however after

Some time which is usually around two or three days most users that use Wix because of its ease of use are able to use all the features to their maximum potential because it’s easy to use it’s a drag and drop based editor and you really can’t mess things up if you’re

Working with a template however with Wix because of the ease of customization there are times when you can mess up your website because you can make a font too large too small you can increase the padding too much you can move images wherever you want to because of that

Sometimes it it can be a hassle to fix those things up now in terms of the backend dashboard it’s pretty standard it’s easy to use and it provides you with detailed reporting and analytics as well as marketing tools one of the highlights of Wix is that it is pretty

Integratable into your marketing tools you can see if you go into the marketing and SEO section of your Wix website then you can see that you have Instagram and Facebook ads email marketing you can get reporting analytics and you can also link your Google business profile as

Well as your Google site you can manage your SEO email marketing Facebook Instagram ads as well as create business cards directly on Wix you can also create discount codes coupons and manage your social media marketing with Wix as well this is not a feature that you’re going to find in every other website

Builder it’s Unique to Wix and it allows you to make sure that your website your social media handles your Google Business listing all of them look like they’re on the same page because it’s really not appealing when a website is saying something else and the Google site listing is very outdated or a

Social media profile hasn’t been updated for a while but the you know other social media profiles or website is so out of touch so it’s really easy to keep everything all in one place and Wix is going to allow you to do that while keeping your website to the center of

Attention and this is especially helpful if you’re trying to sell products so if you’re using this for Ecom it’s very good for you now if you take a look at the analytics and Reporting in the Wix dashboard you guys will see you will get data from all over your website you will

Be able to see your sales marketing Behavior overview basic reports insights benchmarks site speed and basic security features as well one of the most important features on Wix is the behavior overview the behavior overview is going to allow you to see customer Behavior what kind of crawlability your

Website is offering how customers are navigating through your website to better improve the customer experience now let’s go back into the Wix website builder and let’s take a look at their editor and the features that it has now there are two options with Wix which is really nice because if you’re someone

That is not into design and you just want a website to be there then you can use this feature where it basically allows you to answer a couple of questions and then it will build your website for you this can be great for someone that is looking for just a

Online presence and nothing more and if you are that person then check the link in the description box down below to oil a one year free domain name with Wix as well because on the purchase of any plan on Wix you will get a free domain for

One year so check that link out if you’re someone that really likes to design or if you just want to build your website according to your own taste then you can use a template or take a blank template as well so so if you go into blank templates over here there are

Quite a few different options where it basically just provides you with a layout and you can fill that layout out however you want but if you want a pre-existing template you have multiple different categories and niches that you can pick out from let’s say I want to build a creative portfolio type website

For maybe my art and illustration I can just open this up and you guys can see there are so many different types of templates I can pick out from they’re all very unique and very interesting to look at plus all of them have the core features that you would need for that

Specific niche of industry or you know niche of business so if I want to have you know Ecom features I can choose a Ecom Niche and those store templates will have all of the basic necessities or integration that I would need in my eCommerce store on Wix which is the

Feature that I really like I don’t have to you know go through all the plugins and install the plugins manually me because when I tried building my website that way with a blank slate it was just way too complicated figuring out what plugin is going to work the best with

You know what other integration do I need and having all of those things look cohesive on a website can be a bit overwhelming now let’s take this little template over here so let’s take this one and click on edit and let’s get into the Wix website editor which is probably

One of my top favorite website editors simply because of the ease of customization and really how you can make your website your own which a lot of templates don’t offer you this feature because a lot of the times when you work with a template it can feel as

Though at the end of your editing the template still looks like a template it really doesn’t look like your own website so you guys can see over here this is our template and you guys will see it’s adding Wix bookings because that is a feature that has been

Integrated into this template so if you don’t want a feature you can also remove it and you can put in your own features that you do require for your website or online presence so I’m just gonna wait a couple of seconds for this to be

Completed it can take a minute or two to load up your entire templates depending on how heavy your template is how many Integrations it has how many live features it has so depending on the template that you have it can take a few minutes but usually it loads within like

Three to four minutes so we’re just going to wait for this to be loaded up so our template has been loaded it took around five minutes for this to be completed and that is a pretty standard time considering how many different Integrations and features are embedded in this template now the first thing

That is going to pop up is going to be the details about your site you can use AI to write content for your site now as well which is something that is very Innovative and it’s really with the time so your website also looks with the time

Now I have other website Builders I’ve tried out other website Builders as well but comparatively I think Wix does a better job with keeping up although there are some other website Builders as well that are introducing AI now but Wix has also introduced it and you can just

Enter basic information like let’s say our brand name is going to be aqua and the type of business is going to be retail or let’s say it’s going to be just a portrait photographer and you can add some details about your site so and then I can just click on create site

Text and it will start generating content according to the information I’ve provided obviously the more detailed information that you provide the more detailed the content about your site is going to be now you guys will see this is our template over here we’re just going to zoom in a little now you

Guys can see this is our basic template to remove pages that you might not need for your basic needs you can just click on over here on the top left and you will see all of your pages click on manage pages over here and then you can

Delete any page you don’t require on the bottom you have on your bottom left you have your business features which is basically your business Suite on Wix where you can manage all the Integrations present now this template actually has Wix stores but I don’t want

That so I can just click on delete app over here it will uninstall the app and all of the pages that have been added in accordance to that application will also be removed so I don’t have to individually remove all those pages all those items I can just remove the app or

The integration of the Wix stores and that entire thing will be removed from my website to edit anything you can just do a double click on the item and you can just edit it however you want let’s say this is going to be Sarah Rodriguez

And I might want to increase the size a little of this and now I’m just going to edit my text like this you can see your collections and I’m just going to save it like so and just like that I have edited you know the basic text obviously

This is linked to a collection now you guys can build multiple different pages of multiple different products or collections you can click on ADD section to add your own customizable section or if you want to remove any section from your pre-existing template you can easily select the entire section and

Delete it simply by clicking on the section you can click on these three dots on the right side and click on delete over here and it would remove that section so Wix in general is a great platform to use if you are someone that is not very code Savvy and you’re

Not really someone that’s into writing code and you want a simple easy to use website I would recommend it for all types of uses especially people that are looking for online presences for just a portfolio or just you know a basic online presence for you or your business

Be Ecom features on Wix are amazing and I do think if you upgrade to a business version which you can Avail for free with the link in the description box down below it’s definitely going to work a lot more it’s going to be a lot more

Seamless a lot more effective and a lot more useful for you then but I do think that the just basic plan on Wix is not going to be worth the money so I do think the five extra dollars with the 35 plan are going to help you a lot with

Just the general usability of Wix in general it’s going to be a great platform to build your website especially if you’re someone that’s building their first or second website so I hope you guys found this video helpful make sure to leave a like And subscribe to our YouTube channel and I

Will catch you guys in the next video
Wix Review 2024 | What is Wix and is it worth it? ✅ Try Wix here: https://bit.ly/NewWix Welcome to our comprehensive Wix review, where we delve deep into the nuances of Wix's website builder. In this detailed Wix website review, we examine every aspect that Wix.com offers to ensure you have a clear picture of what to expect. In our Wix reviews, we not only go over the basic features but also delve into specific areas such as Wix's eCommerce platform and provide an in-depth eCommerce review for those interested in online business solutions from Wix. It is crucial to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the platform. That's why we've dedicated a significant portion of our discussion to the pros and cons of Wix to give you a balanced perspective. As website building experts, our goal is to bring you the most informative and unbiased Wix website builder review so you can make an informed decision about whether Wix is ​​the right tool for your online presence. For more insights and a deeper dive into Wix.com reviews, be sure to subscribe to our channel and stay updated with everything related to website development and eCommerce solutions. Disclaimer: Some of the links in the description are affiliate links. This means that, at no additional cost to you, I will receive a commission if you click through and make a purchase. This helps support the channel and keeps our content free. We only recommend tools and products that we use regularly and that we believe will be of benefit. Thank you for watching our Wix website review video.
#WIX #REVIEW #Good #Bad #Ugly

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