Why I Use Dreamhost VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting – Plus Benefits, Pricing and Review DreamHost Video Review


Why I Use Dreamhost VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting – Plus Benefits, Pricing and Review

Tutorial Hosting
Thank you so much for joining me for this video so um basically just kind of letting you know I use dreamhost as my virtual private server and if you’re kind of wondering what the difference between is a shared uh situation or a virtual private server situation I want

To go over that and then just point out some things here with dreamhost that I really feel are valuable and really good price too I’ve had great like with dreamhost I’ve been with them for uh probably almost four years now but basically uh the differences between a virtual private server and a shared

Server one really great thing about virtual private server is it allows you to use your own server space without the cost of actually having a physical server so with a shared server there’s you know might be tons of different websites on there and different accounts

And and uh just a lot of activity going on and then you also share that IP address with uh tons of other people when you’re using a shared server but when you were a virtual private server you have your own IP address which is a great thing and then also you’re divided

Off into that private server uh whereas you’re again you’re not sharing anything with anybody else the other cool thing about it is you can customize exactly how you want it with dreamhost so you could have you know enough storage you can add different storage amounts depending on how many websites you have

On it which by the way you can have basically unlimited websites and email on it then your rapid access memory or your RAM you can kind of see how your website’s running or different software and what resources it’s taking you can adjust the amount of RAM and then also

Your CPU you can adjust how strong a CPU you want just kind of based on your needs another great thing is as I mentioned earlier is your your VPS is isolated on that server so you’re not affected by other users at all so again

That has a lot to do with uptime and how well and how quickly your website loads or websites however you want and then another great thing is uh with VPS and the dreamhost VPS is you have full root access to uh your server so you can install and configure software as needed

Depending on like what your website if you have an Ecom website you have different type of website that requires specific tools to run specific software you can have root access and install that yourself or have you know a tech person install that for you uh their their tech support is great

And can walk you through some different things to get things installed um and then the uh nice thing again about the virtual private server and I kind of mentioned this a little bit earlier but I just mentioned it again is you’re not sir sharing server resources so that basically means uh when you’re

On a shared server everybody’s kind of grabbing the same CPU the same Ram same storage and everything and kind of battling over that a little bit whereas a virtual private server you have kind of a definitive amount of resources that you’re using and then so that means

You’re less likely to have slow down times and things like that because it’s a dedicated server and then as you can see here if you look uh the virtual private servers um are starting at ten dollars a month but let me show you how that breaks down

By if we view the plans here so the VPS hosting plans you have a basic plan and this is if you purchase it for three years you get a really great price you get have one gig of RAM 30 gigs of SSD storage unlimited websites which I mentioned earlier unlimited traffic you

Get SSL certificates for free that update every year on all your domains so if you have 2 or 20 that’s the case then you get unlimited email at your domain and then you can kind of see here as you go up to Giga Ram 60 gig of storage 120

Giga storage up to 80 a month now the thing to remember is that’s for a three year purchase if you do the yearly if you buy it for the year you get 13.75 a month and if you just go monthly which I did when I first started I just went

Monthly at that 15 a month and then now I’m I’m at the VP business level where I’m uh at thirty dollars a month I guess I paid it yearly this past year so it’s 27.50 but you can see it’s just a great starting price I know you can get some

Shared options uh you know around five dollars a month or less but again a VPS is just a great way to move forward with that and then you can kind of see again the features that I discussed the manage performance security and updates uh then your own server resources and then again

You can always expand your Ram uh and then there’s also custom control panel so you can you can work with that quite well and uh just the email is awesome because you can set up all kinds of forwards uh as well as email accounts you know it obviously counts storage so

You want to watch that but you can also um set up a huge number of email addresses if you want to do that if that’s necessary and then again um resources are dedicated to you through the service and it’s it’s super easy to set up and manage uh there’s really not

A big deal like I said if you want to add earlier if you want to add some software some things like that you can uh easily do that yourself at the root directory or you could you know maybe get on Fiverr or if you have a tech

Person or something to to add that for you and again their tech support is is is super uh super great for that and then um again you know you can start out at that lower monthly that just that first start where you get one uh gig of RAM

And the 30 gig of storage and then you can work your way up and again I’ve been with dreamhost for uh almost four years now and I’ve just had the best luck with them they have the best support 24 7 support and uh they get very high ratings as you can

See here so again if you’re considering something like um kind of upgrading your server and are kind of ready and getting a little frustrated with the shared server and want to go ahead and go to VPS this is a great price opportunity to do that if you have any questions about

Using dreamhost please leave them in the comments below and I’ll be happy to answer those questions and again like And subscribe for more videos like this as I recommend different uh products that I have personal experience with here at successbiztools YouTube channel thank you very much
Learn more about Dreamhost VPS here: http://link.suggestbiztools.com/dreamhost-vps If you are looking for a reliable and customizable hosting solution for your website, Dreamhost VPS hosting is a good option to consider should consider. With VPS hosting, you get your own dedicated server room, allowing you to customize storage, RAM, and CPU to suit the specific needs of your website. From my experience with Dreamhost, one of the main benefits of VPS hosting is isolating your resources from other users on the same physical server. With shared hosting, multiple websites share the same server resources, which can result in slower loading times or even downtime. However, with VPS hosting, you have your own dedicated resources, ensuring a more stable and reliable environment for your website. With Dreamhost VPS hosting, you also get full root access to your server, meaning you have the ability to install and configure software and applications as needed. This level of control is not possible with shared hosting, which can be problematic for those who need more server resources. Additionally, Dreamhost's VPS hosting is easily scalable, allowing you to increase resources as your website grows. This means you can accommodate more traffic and visitors without experiencing any issues or slowdowns. Overall, if you are looking for a more customizable, reliable and scalable hosting solution for your website, Dreamhost VPS hosting is a good option to consider. 00:00 Introduction 00:35 Advantages of VPS over Shared Server Hosting 01:19 Customizing Your VPS Server 01:50 Not Affected by Other Users Like Shared Server Hosting 02:15 How Full Root Access to VPS Works. 03:25 Dreamhost Pricing Plans and Features 04:45 Dreamhost VPS Product Features 06:25 Outro – Please Like and Subscribe – Leave Comments if. You have questions.
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