iPhone: How to configure your email settings Video Tutorial Hostpapa

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iPhone: How to configure your email settings

 Video Tutorial Hostpapa

iPhone: How to configure your email settings

Tutorial Hosting
configuring your email settings on your
this tutorial will show you how to
configure your email settings on your
first locate and press the Settings icon
it may be on a different screen or in a
different location than shown here
scroll down
then select mail contacts calendars
this is where you can configure all your
email settings let’s go through some of
the more common ones press the fetch new
data option
if your email service supports push
email you can enable that feature by
turning it on here alternatively you can
set your iPhone to fetch your email at
certain intervals every 15 30 or 60
minutes or manually press here to return
to the mail settings screen
scroll down
from here you can choose how many
messages to show at one time
how many preview lines to show
you can adjust the font size
and whether or not to show the two and
CC labels
enabling this option we’ll send a copy
of your sent messages to yourself if you
want to keep a copy of your sent
messages elsewhere
you can set up your email signature
and choose which email account is to be
your default account if you have more
than one
just about any settings you could want
to change for your iPhone email can be
changed from these screens let’s return
to the home screen by pressing the home
button on the iPhone
that’s it you now know how to configure
your email settings on your iPhone

In this HostPapa tutorial, we'll show you how to configure your email settings on your iPhone. First, select the Settings icon and then go to Mail, Contacts, Calendars. Here you can configure all your email settings. Let's look at some of the more common settings. Retrieve new data Here you can set up push – this will transfer all new data from the server to your iPhone. OR you can select “Retrieve” – this will send your data at specific intervals. You can also set how many messages you want to view at once, preview messages, change font size, view To/CC labels, ask before deleting, load remote images, organize threads, and more. Almost any setting you want to change for your iPhone email can be adjusted from these screens. If you have any questions, you can contact HostPapa's support team 24/7: https://www.hostpapa.ca/about-hostpapa/contact/ For more information, visit HostPapa's extensive knowledge base: https: //www.hostpapa.ca/knowledgebase
#iPhone #configure #email #settings


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