How to use a custom domain with GitHub Pages Video Tutorial DreamHost

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How to use a custom domain with GitHub Pages

 Video Tutorial DreamHost

How to use a custom domain with GitHub Pages

Tutorial Hosting
Hey everyone this is tony seastech i’m tony and in this video i’m going to show you how to add a custom domain name to your github pages website now if you don’t already have a github pages website then you can watch my other video about how to create one for

Yourself which is free free hosting free sub domain but in this tutorial i’m going to show you how to add a custom domain name regardless of where you got your domain name from like i bought my domain name from google domains you might have bought yours from godaddy or dreamhost

But the same concepts in this video apply regardless of what your domain name register was so if that’s something you want to learn how to do let’s go ahead and hop on into the tutorial here right now i do have my github pages website at as you can see here

It’s just a static html css javascript website and we can look at the repository that that’s associated with here tonyflow if you go into the settings here down to the github pages section you’ll see that that’s indeed the case now we have we get this for free this is the

Subdomain at but if you want a custom domain name like if for example i want to apply the domain name to my github site that’s what you do down here in this custom domain section so what i’m going to do i own

I’ll prove it to you in a second but i own the domain name career quitter dot com you want to type in whatever your domain name is that you own and you want to associate with this github page’s website and hit save now this is um

If we go back down here we’ll see that that has now been applied to our github pages and what we want to do is to update a few dns resource records in order to pretty much tell our domain name registrar that that’s where our website is being hosted now so

If you click on this learn more here you’ll see um under the manage a custom domain name for your github pages site there are a series of ip addresses that we want to add a records for so these are these ip addresses i’m going to show you how to add those

With google domains but like i said this is the same concept applies wherever you got your domain name from so for example if you got it from godaddy this is google domains but if you got it from godaddy you would just log into godaddy find your domain name find your dns

Settings and then make those changes so let’s go through that process here for google domains here’s the domain name that i own courier quitter dot com i’m going to go into the dns settings and then down at the bottom under custom resource records we’re going to add those ip addresses so

The first one is this one right here the next one is this one right here the third one this one right here and if you see the pattern the first one fourth one is 1 1. so we have 108 109 110 111 all ending in 153 and that’s the same pretty much for

Everybody who uses github so let’s add those as an a record we also want to add the www version of your website so this is all of these right here are for i’m going to do the same exact thing for so we’ll use the same four ip addresses 108 109 110

And 111 and that’s it so add those um so we have technically eight different records here um and as you can see up here it could take up to 48 hours we’ll see what kind of luck that we have for these changes to actually be applied

But let’s get out of here let’s minimize this for now and go back to our website so we still have that’ll still work but if we go to career it’s not redirecting us just yet to the new github pages let’s pause the video here for a few minutes

And then i’ll catch back up with you guys when that propagation has finished all right guys so i just figured out that this might have been a caching issue so this still isn’t loading in my current session but if we go open like a guest window or a private

Session and go to you’ll see that it does indeed redirect us to the github page’s website so as you saw before tony is this website and that’s taking us to so they’re one in the same thing they’re just two domain names pointing to the same website host it with github

Pages now as you can see here by default we’re getting an ssl certificate and i’ll show you why that’s the case from i think it’s from let’s encrypt let’s see here if we can see that in the details section yeah so they issue you a free uh let’s

Encrypt ssl certificate which is perfect for https and that’s what our website is being served over so let’s get out of this let me show you why that’s the case if we go to our settings again in our repository we’ll see this might not be checked by default um

If it’s if it if you did not check this box then feel free to check this box and that’s just going to provide that extra layer of protection as it says here encryption uh for https websites so um adding the custom domain name and then enforcing https those two things should get you

What you need to do if you have any questions about this let me know in the comments below i’ll do my best to help you out i want to thank you guys for watching if you want to see more videos like this from me in the future then please consider subscribing and if

You do i’ll see you in the next one You
Learn how to add a custom domain to your GitHub Pages site. In this tutorial we demonstrate this with Google Domains, but it works with any registrar including GoDaddy and others. Learn how to set up your own GitHub Pages site here: Follow me on GitHub 👉 For more information, visit Check out my vlog channel @TonyFlorida #github #githubpages
#custom #domain #GitHub #Pages

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