How to install WordPress on HostPapa web hosting Video Tutorial Hostpapa

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How to install WordPress on HostPapa web hosting

Tutorial Hosting

Hello everyone, today we will be providing a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to install WordPress on a HostPapa hosting account. By following this guide, you will be able to set up your own WordPress website with ease. Let’s get started!

Accessing HostPapa Account Dashboard:
To begin, you should have already received a welcome email from HostPapa with your account details. Open the email and click on the link provided to access your account dashboard. Once you have accessed the dashboard, log in with your credentials to proceed.

Accessing cPanel:
After logging in, you will be directed to the HostPapa account dashboard. Look for the option to access cPanel and click on it. This will take you to the cPanel control panel where you can manage various aspects of your hosting account.

Installing WordPress with Softaculous:
In the cPanel control panel, navigate to the Softaculous section and locate the WordPress icon. Click on the icon to initiate the installation process. Softaculous is an applications installer that makes it easy to install software like WordPress with just a few clicks.

Completing the Installation Form:
Once you click on the WordPress icon, you will be presented with an installation form that needs to be completed. Follow these steps to fill out the form accurately:

1. Protocol Selection: Choose the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) for your website. We recommend selecting the WWW version.
2. Domain Name: Ensure that the domain name displayed is correct.
3. In Directory: Leave this field blank to install WordPress in the root directory.
4. Database Name: The default database name is fine.
5. Table Prefix: The default prefix is fine.
6. Site Name: Give your site a name.
7. Site Description: Provide a brief description of your site.
8. Enable Multi-Site: Leave this field blank if you only require a single WordPress installation.
9. Login Credentials: Create a username and password for accessing your WordPress dashboard.
10. Admin Email: Use a valid email address for administrative purposes.
11. Choose Language: Select your preferred language for WordPress.
12. Select Plugins: Check the box for plugins like Limit Login Attempts for added security.
13. Advanced Options: Customize update notification settings and theme upgrade options.
14. Theme Selection: Choose a theme for your site or stick with the default for now.
15. Installation Details: Enter an email address if you want to receive installation details via email.

Completing the Installation:
Once you have filled out the installation form, click on the Install button to begin the installation process. You will receive a confirmation message indicating that WordPress has been successfully installed on your hosting account.

Accessing the WordPress Dashboard:
To access the WordPress dashboard, use the administrative URL provided after the installation is complete. This dashboard is where you can manage all aspects of your WordPress website, including adding new posts, changing themes, and more.

Exploring Your New WordPress Site:
Take a moment to explore your new WordPress site by clicking on the “Visit Site” link in the dashboard. You will see the default “Hello World” post, which you can delete if you wish. Use the dashboard to customize your site title, tagline, and theme to suit your preferences.

We hope this tutorial has been helpful in guiding you through the process of installing WordPress on your HostPapa hosting account. WordPress is a powerful content management system that can help you create a professional-looking website with ease. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to HostPapa’s support team. Thank you for watching, and don’t forget to visit NC M Online for web hosting reviews, coupon codes, and more resources. Happy website building!

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