How to Install WordPress in Hostinger and ZAMPP Localhost 2023 | WordPress Tutorial #3 Video Tutorial Hostinger

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How to Install WordPress in Hostinger and ZAMPP Localhost 2023 | WordPress Tutorial #3

Tutorial Hosting

Installing WordPress on a Live Server

Step 1: Downloading WordPress

Welcome to my YouTube channel, where we will be learning how to install WordPress on a live server. Today, we will be covering the process of installing WordPress on a live server, and I will be guiding you through each step.

First, we need to download the latest version of WordPress from the official WordPress website. You can do this by visiting the website and clicking on the "Download" button.

Step 2: Creating a Database

Once you have downloaded the latest version of WordPress, we need to create a database for our website. To do this, we will be using the cPanel of our hosting provider.

Log in to your cPanel and click on the "Databases" tab. Then, click on the "Create a new database" button.

Step 3: Installing WordPress

Now that we have created a database, we can install WordPress. To do this, we will be uploading the WordPress files to our server using an FTP client or the file manager in our cPanel.

Once you have uploaded the WordPress files, you can access the installation wizard by visiting your website’s URL in your web browser.

Step 4: Configuring WordPress

In the installation wizard, you will be prompted to configure your WordPress installation. You will need to enter the database details, such as the database name, username, and password.

You will also need to enter the site title, username, and password for your WordPress administrator account.

Step 5: Completing the Installation

Once you have completed the configuration, you will be taken to the WordPress dashboard. This is where you will be able to manage your website, including adding posts, pages, and plugins.

Step 6: Setting Up Your Website

Now that we have installed and configured WordPress, we need to set up our website. This includes adding a theme, plugins, and content.

You can add a theme by clicking on the "Appearance" tab in the WordPress dashboard and selecting a theme from the list of available themes.

You can also add plugins by clicking on the "Plugins" tab in the WordPress dashboard and selecting a plugin from the list of available plugins.

Step 7: Adding Content

Finally, we need to add content to our website. This includes adding posts, pages, and other types of content.

You can add posts by clicking on the "Posts" tab in the WordPress dashboard and selecting the "Add New" button.

You can also add pages by clicking on the "Pages" tab in the WordPress dashboard and selecting the "Add New" button.


That’s it! We have successfully installed and set up WordPress on a live server. I hope this tutorial has been helpful in guiding you through the process.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can also subscribe to my channel for more tutorials and guides on WordPress and other topics.

Installing WordPress on a Local Server

In this tutorial, we will be installing WordPress on a local server using XAMPP. This will allow us to test and develop our website locally before deploying it to a live server.

Step 1: Installing XAMPP

First, we need to install XAMPP on our computer. You can download the latest version of XAMPP from the official website.

Once you have downloaded XAMPP, follow the installation instructions to install it on your computer.

Step 2: Creating a Database

Once you have installed XAMPP, we need to create a database for our website. To do this, we will be using the phpMyAdmin tool that comes with XAMPP.

Log in to phpMyAdmin and click on the "Create a new database" button.

Step 3: Installing WordPress

Now that we have created a database, we can install WordPress. To do this, we will be uploading the WordPress files to our local server using the file manager in XAMPP.

Once you have uploaded the WordPress files, you can access the installation wizard by visiting your website’s URL in your web browser.

Step 4: Configuring WordPress

In the installation wizard, you will be prompted to configure your WordPress installation. You will need to enter the database details, such as the database name, username, and password.

You will also need to enter the site title, username, and password for your WordPress administrator account.

Step 5: Completing the Installation

Once you have completed the configuration, you will be taken to the WordPress dashboard. This is where you will be able to manage your website, including adding posts, pages, and plugins.

Step 6: Setting Up Your Website

Now that we have installed and configured WordPress, we need to set up our website. This includes adding a theme, plugins, and content.

You can add a theme by clicking on the "Appearance" tab in the WordPress dashboard and selecting a theme from the list of available themes.

You can also add plugins by clicking on the "Plugins" tab in the WordPress dashboard and selecting a plugin from the list of available plugins.

Step 7: Adding Content

Finally, we need to add content to our website. This includes adding posts, pages, and other types of content.

You can add posts by clicking on the "Posts" tab in the WordPress dashboard and selecting the "Add New" button.

You can also add pages by clicking on the "Pages" tab in the WordPress dashboard and selecting the "Add New" button.


That’s it! We have successfully installed and set up WordPress on a local server using XAMPP. I hope this tutorial has been helpful in guiding you through the process.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can also subscribe to my channel for more tutorials and guides on WordPress and other topics.

Installing WordPress on a Live Server with cPanel

In this tutorial, we will be installing WordPress on a live server using cPanel. This will allow us to deploy our website to a live server and make it accessible to the public.

Step 1: Creating a Database

First, we need to create a database for our website. To do this, we will be using the cPanel of our hosting provider.

Log in to your cPanel and click on the "Databases" tab. Then, click on the "Create a new database" button.

Step 2: Installing WordPress

Now that we have created a database, we can install WordPress. To do this, we will be uploading the WordPress files to our server using the file manager in cPanel.

Once you have uploaded the WordPress files, you can access the installation wizard by visiting your website’s URL in your web browser.

Step 3: Configuring WordPress

In the installation wizard, you will be prompted to configure your WordPress installation. You will need to enter the database details, such as the database name, username, and password.

You will also need to enter the site title, username, and password for your WordPress administrator account.

Step 4: Completing the Installation

Once you have completed the configuration, you will be taken to the WordPress dashboard. This is where you will be able to manage your website, including adding posts, pages, and plugins.

Step 5: Setting Up Your Website

Now that we have installed and configured WordPress, we need to set up our website. This includes adding a theme, plugins, and content.

You can add a theme by clicking on the "Appearance" tab in the WordPress dashboard and selecting a theme from the list of available themes.

You can also add plugins by clicking on the "Plugins" tab in the WordPress dashboard and selecting a plugin from the list of available plugins.

Step 6: Adding Content

Finally, we need to add content to our website. This includes adding posts, pages, and other types of content.

You can add posts by clicking on the "Posts" tab in the WordPress dashboard and selecting the "Add New" button.

You can also add pages by clicking on the "Pages" tab in the WordPress dashboard and selecting the "Add New" button.


That’s it! We have successfully installed and set up WordPress on a live server using cPanel. I hope this tutorial has been helpful in guiding you through the process.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can also subscribe to my channel for more tutorials and guides on WordPress and other topics.

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