The Best Web Hosting | Bluehost review BlueHost Video Review


The Best Web Hosting | Bluehost review

Tutorial Hosting
Hi guys welcome back to the channel welcome to yet another video so i mean this video will be going through the best hosting um platform out there for your site yes in this video we’ll be going to the best hosting platform for your website and it’s going to be a bluehost and

Review and why this is actually the best um hosting platform for youtube and what’s your websites and all that so i will give you reasons for this from practical and i’ll give you a live walkthrough of everything so make sure you stick to him but then before getting into it

Please make sure that before we get back you are kind of subscribed to our channel then you like this video at the end so let’s get started guys Okay so um bluehost yes um you can actually talk about hosting domain hosting without actually um calling bluehost is one of the best if not the best arguably i’m hosting platforms all day yes and it’s a couple of reasons when you talk about price functionality because these day this is the

Um their home page so already you can see they give you a free domain name for the first year and then they give you a free ssl certificate you can see it and then um which i’m another reason why i like them which is this is uh

They are kind of they are in partnership with wordpress yes they have been in partnership with wordpress for quite some time now so uh it actually means that they will especially for those of us who will be building their their sites and based on wordpress it

Will actually be an easy process for you you know wordpress actually makes sense building sites is easier you don’t even need to learn how to code you just use simple drag and drop and then your video inside that’s the whole point of things um that’s your point of development to make things

Simpler so understand so now having wordpress making the whole building website journey i’m kind of them easier now and now you have a web hosting service that actually actually in partnership within your wordpress and platform then you see it’s actually a good combination for success

So um that’s it guys um a lot of reasons and then here’s another under or some reason these guys have one of the best um customer supports yes very very important guys you guys know i don’t joke with this believe me i don’t deal with customer support i i

I won’t even i don’t even personally i don’t patronize businesses or companies who don’t treat their customers well i understand this is what this is like my number one and whatever i do this is like my number one understand yes and then we start talking about product quality obviously you’re not the

Only person that has quality products so i can always get political products anywhere but i need customer service i need to be able to communicate with you i need to be able to share my problems with you and you’ve been able to offer me solution that’s it guys so

These guys they have uh some support and that’s why i’m actually recommending them to you guys then we start talking about the price which is um at 395 per month um from um 7.99 so you can see it’s around 50 51 percent discount that’s almost half the price

So it’s actually a good um it’s actually a good kind of um experience all altogether so in this video i’ll be giving a live walkthrough of um how to get started um bluehost and web hosting service so um to that let’s get started already so um this is the

Bluehost um platform now the link to um signing up to this um hosting service is going to be down in the description below and now the good thing is you get these discounts when you use that code guys remember um this is a discount from 7.99 to

Um 395. so you’re going to get this discount if you use my question the code and the link sorry the link down in the description below guys so make sure you use that so when you do that you just improve that in search bar and then yeah here

So when you get to this page you just click get started get started and it’s loading okay okay now um take us to this other page now here is where they give you a live a like a walkthrough of them they are pricing and all that so um but if if a beginner

You pretty much don’t need to look at any of that you just need a basic plan because it’s it has everything you need so um you have let me go through the features just to tell you that i’m not happy here guys these guys are one of the best

These guys they give you let’s just cut the whole long stories here i’ve already gone through the free domain free one year domain day cd and the ssl certificate guys these guys they give you 50 gigabytes of um web storage 50 gigabytes at 385 per month if you are actually

Into the game you know how how great this thing sounds because i’ve seen what um and what uh this and web hosting uh providers that offer i’ve seen two two point something i think around two dollars two bucks and they’re offering like two game two gig

Two gig i’m not happy i don’t want to call names here i don’t want to cast anybody’s business but then i’ve seen it guys so these guys are giving you 50 gig um web storage for your website and then if you go for a and follow on

To the other plans as the plus plan you see they have unlimited storage at 5.95 so i’m not happy here guys so i know i recommend you guys know i always recommend the best yeah only the best of the best for my own view and experience

So i i see what works and i assure you guys so believe me these are the right guys these are the guys you want to be building as you want to be hosting your website believe me you’re not going to regret that so now let’s continue

So let’s i’m going and click get started click get started and now you select your plan so for a beginner you’ll be needing most for the most part you’ve been in a basic plan so we’ll go ahead and click the basic plan select that and then see where that takes us so now

Um is asking us for dominion now there are two options here you can either choose create a new domain if you are new to like if you’re building your website for the first time you understand you can use and create a new domain and then you can use a domain of your

Own this is if you had like if you have had and a web you have a website already but you were kind of you were hosting it maybe on it on it on a different wordpress team um service provider and now you want to migrate to bluehost and start

So you can now impute your domain name that’s your site yeah and then continue with those steps but for the sake of this as well as we’re doing this like this is from the scratch kind of thing so um let’s go with the continued domain now here is a a pro tip

Now i know i’m choosing a domain name can be very very stressful believe me it can be very very stressful coupled with the fact that um in the sun you choose the domain name and then already someone has already taken it something like that was kind of problems so now here’s a tip

Now to um kind of um get um a domain name like a free domain name and something related to what you’re doing i’m going to recommend this now you go to your search and and look for this link domain search domain domain search yes so now linda mentioned in domain search

Is actually something that helps you not only find available domain names but it also helps you it suggests available domain names within you know as in your related understanding you give it a keyword and then it will look for not only available domain names but domain names related to what as you give

It as and what you want to do so let’s try something let’s say um stores let’s let’s say into the comments and you’re looking for stores stores kind of something let’s let’s see if that works okay yes so now it’s actually going to generate available domain names as a related to stores instead

So you can actually choose anyone you like understand so let’s try to look for a cool name um there’s um let’s uh let’s um look for okay stars in it let’s just say i’m starting okay star square okay i think star square is kind of cool

So okay now we have star square and star square is um uh star square is um is is okay you can see already there’s already an option here to register now with bluehost bluehost was the only server and then of of course from bluehost you can now create the

Website with wordpress now bluehost is the server they gave yeah this is just a site i just pulled up as in on uh was it called on my google search and it’s giving us blue so that it doesn’t look like i’m just i’m making these things up guys

So bluehost is actually great guys it’s like one of the biggest the big guns are there in terms of web hosting so um let’s um actually um now we know that this um site and this domain name is actually available can pick it you can pick a star square okay you can

Pick that and then go over here and go for stores square right is that is that i against star square so now we have star square as our domain name now what um this thing do you go with um you have to go with dot com i usually

Recommend dot com it looks professional and um if i just dot com it it gives your size credibility and all that so click next and then um we’ll go back to the next stage okay now i’m the domain you can see the roman store square is um dot com is available believe me

If if not for these guys believe me you could have spent like way more than what we just as in this short time just spent i’m looking for only domain just you spend a lot of time looking for domain names and it’s not and you might

Not like it so now here you provide like basic information now let me go through this and you just fill in your physical information and all that this is not going to be hard for you to like fill up so i’m now i’m now um you choose them you could actually go for

The okay okay here’s the thing with blues the best prices come with other they the longer you commit with them um the best and and the better the price you’re gonna get for your hosting and stuff so you can go with that six months range which is i think three years

You stand for web hosting and then um you’re going to get the cheapest price and you’re going to get the cheapest price at that plan understand so i suggest you go with that or if you want to go train you can go with this bus so just you go for

Three years because this is your website you need to commute with them so um i’m not saying now here’s where this gets kind of kind of technical because here you the truth is you’ll not be needing all this so um but what i know you need is this

You need this domain privacy protection yes so that um your private your information your details understand as a website owner is going to be like protected so that people can just come in and then steal your information and then obviously at the very least they might

Be spend sending you spam emails and all that so you wouldn’t want that at the very least so i think you you should use this you should check this check this and then um now um code guard basic now this is actually what basically helps you um back up your site in case

Maybe anything happens to your site something like that so um but for the most part i don’t think you’ve been in it for 2.99 per month there are basically other um services and other plugins on wordpress if you’re using if you’re going to use a wordpress site

There are plugins on wordpress that help you back up your listing and i think most of them are free so for 299 i don’t think um you’ll be needing this tonight now so seo tools for now you don’t need this you can you could actually do this yourself without actually hire a professional

Issue as a servicer and provider to help you with that um single domain assessor honestly you need a site lock um security essentials uh i don’t think you’ve been in this so that’s it guys after that um that’s it you can now check out by inputting your and payment information and then

Afterwards you agree to terms and condition and then you click submit and that’s it um you actually registered on bluehost and then you now have hosting plan for it so now um here’s one thing guys please always use um bluehost customer support it’s not okay science their processes

Are fairly simple you understand setting up everything it’s fairly simple you just have to use this customer support anyway you have any problem they are willing to help you they always they have a live chat so you just go on a live chat with them

And then you kind of talk to them if you have any problem at all any problem authorities understand no matter how it is just chat them up and then they are going to help you do that so um uh that’s it guys um and now um

You might be asking i know a lot of you might be asking but why do i need a website you need a website guys you need a website it’s not something that should even be kind of convincing you need it it’s an assistant even even if you’re trying to venture in any

Slight way into i’m having a business or having anything doing online you need to have a website it’s very very important it gives credibility it gives functionality you understand so people can actually find you so i know social media is a thing these days but then

You need you need the website the file you need a website whatever important a lot of telescope website a website gives you also gives you professional email like you won’t be using the you have your professional image like let me say this huh now you can have um a

A private a a a domain email like let me say instead of having like let me say dima and it can be having dima at it looks professional you have been seeing it from this professional company as you understand so it looks professional if you’re if

You’re a client and you’re receiving emails like a business proposal from this kind of emails like it gives you confidence to your level understand so these things they come with website and then like having websites is not only enough having a good um hosting site as an

And server is as important as having a website on yourself because then they love things website there’s also side speed yes bluehost i like them because they give you um good size speed yes and their websites and boots with um i’m hosted on bluehost is actually um i’ve noticed they load

Faster compared to others yes this one thing you can go and try it or you could go and ask people guys so i can’t start eliminating all the benefits of this and boosting uh um server so you gotta check these guys out if you’re ready to view the website

I think you got you have to check them out and i’m sure you’re going to like um what they’re able to offer when you just oppose them with their other counterparty competitors so that’s it guys that’s it for this story i believe i’ve made enough points and i’ve given you in

Because i myself i went through the whole headache over and looking for a good hosting um service believe me you guys don’t yes thank god for youtube you can come on youtube and you see these videos coming from people who have been through the same issues

And i’m giving you those tips and advice and tutorials based on practice believe me it wasn’t all it wasn’t like that for everyone some of us we just didn’t know all these things we didn’t just um our minds didn’t get to it understand so found it

Very very hard to kind of get around the whole thing but thank god i’m you’re actually watching this and now you actually know what you should do and where you should get your web post very very important so guys um that’s it for this video please um i need you to

Do me a favor please kindly go down below and then smash the like button very very important you guys don’t know what this team means to me and other youtubers obviously it helps you to recommend this video to others personally the only reason i want this

Channel to grow is for people to see what i do here you guys know i put out quality content out there and i i put a lot of work and then resources look for what you guys really need i do this for people so that i can actually help a lot of people

So it’s actually mean a lot to actually help our mission if our world our works can actually spread to a lot of so it can help as much as possible so that’s what the like button you have source to it’s when you smash it it actually helps you to say okay

Now i can actually recommend this to this guy to this guy so you could see for you it’s just a like button but for the other guy who might be needing this um kind of video it means the world to him so please kindly go down below and smash

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Stay safe peace
In this video I will show you the best web hosting service provider; a full Bluehost review. I will show the unique features that in my opinion make BlueHost web hosting service the best among others. These include the best and affordable prices, free domain name, free SSL certificate, great 24/7 customer support, among others. I'll also give you step-by-step instructions on how to sign up for an account with Bluehost. The most important part is that I'm going to show you HOW TO CHOOSE A GOOD DOMAIN NAME IN ONE MINUTE! So be sure to watch this pro tip until the end! _________________________________ USEFUL LINK BLUEHOST SPECIAL LOGIN LINK: _________________________________ *Get our free e-book by email here: *SUPPORT OUR FREE EDUCATIONAL CONTENT CREATION ALL PLATFORMS : *Please subscribe to our channel and enable notifications to stay updated with our great content: Also leave a like β€œ and β€œShare” our video so that others can recommend it and benefit from it. Ask questions and get interactive in the comments section. we are always there! Visit us on our website today to learn more about our work: Learn more about us and connect with us across all platforms using the link below. Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. If you use these links, you may receive sign-up bonuses from these platforms. Thanks and see you in the next video. #webhosting #bluehost #review
#Web #Hosting #Bluehost #review

Hosting Review

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