Test report on the new WIX XP oil filter WIX Video Review


Test report on the new WIX XP oil filter

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well it has come to my attention that I
never actually took part a new Wix XP
I think I’m going to
we’re gonna see what the construction is
like between this and the platinum and
of course the other top filter out there
the Amsoil I’m not including any of the
frames in that anymore not the ultra
but yeah we’re gonna see what
comparisons they have
and uh
well kind of see
how each
one hopefully is different
I’m gonna have set up here in a minute
the Amsoil and the Wix XP not the Wix it
the Platinum so we can see them all
together after I take this one apart
so I like to know what difference is
there are I like that all of those
filters actually but I sure think the
was a great filter
this Wix XP though is cheaper than the
in a full synthetic oils designed for
full synthetic oils 5735 6 XP
and yes
said something about here about mileage
up to 10
000 miles I believe but it does tell you
here that you should get your oil
changed sooner than that which is a
pretty pretty neat thing to see in a box
and at least once every 12 months pretty
neat to see that and as we see man
Hummel so
Wix XP extended performance now these
are of course
as you must know are built in the USA
that’s uh
not too bad this one actually is for my
Honda Civic
but I decided to take it apart to do a
and I bought a ton of these for the
Honda Civic so it doesn’t really matter
I I probably will never run out of
filters for that Honda Civic I I just
have over 16 000 kilometers on it
and it’s already five years old and
I barely drive it
so we’re gonna check this one out
and good old rubber yeah it’s it’s
Rubber and yeah it’s in good shape it’s
not a cheap rubber that one so let us
start this up bye
cutting her open
hopefully this has a nice sturdy case so
far it feels like it does
I remember I I took a part and reviewed
a used one that was in bad shape it was
in very bad shape
so I wanted to do a new one
make sure that we’ve seen what the
insides of these actually look like
and the used one wasn’t a good
comparison at all that I did
top off
well it’s not the top base plate I took
the base plate off uh there is eight
holes yeah they’re small
three threads
it’s pretty good chunky base plate it’s
not not cheap or anything
it’s uh pretty good
but yeah just looking at this hmm it’s
built well many places where it’s
actually crimped in
so well they’re not well it’s crimped
all the way around but it’s not actually
crimp these are indentations here I’m
some sort of stamp was used on there
and we got the good old uh
anti-drain back
here we go with the
the real spring
that they should have
get up
and we got the good old
uh filtration and we got the bypass
now that’s all standard stuff we all
know about that stuff on pretty well all
Wix has that kind of stuff
but the uh we’re gonna look at this this
different type of medium this isn’t what
uh I thought Wix I thought Wix had a
cotton gauze type of medium this
doesn’t seem to be a cotton gauze
so we’re gonna take a look I’m gonna cut
that off the metal ends are actually
built really well
all right I can see lots of glue on the
inside I’ve been there and uh there’s a
lot of glue used on this one I guess
they didn’t want it to come apart it’s
very solid but as you see the pleats are
not really aligned that well and it’s
kind of all over the place here
quality control
not sure about that
so but I was always thinking these were
well they used to be cotton gauze now I
think these are what they are now this
type of material
let’s get her cut open and take a look
at that
well I got her cut open this does have
mesh in it to hold it all together
I think this is a higher grade
it is is higher grade I gotta tell you
there is the uh
it’s held in there well this is glued in
this is definitely
uh still mesh steel or aluminum either
doesn’t really matter
I took the thing that held them together
and there it is
man she just pops up just like all the
other ones do they always pop up they’re
not glued to them or anything
which is fine and this is some sort of
type it’s not cardboard and it’s not
what is it it is
well some sort of
I would say it does not rip so it is
some sort of uh
fabric of some sort it doesn’t rip
I’d like to
I got I got scissors here
cut it and then rip
so yeah
it’s definitely it’s
definitely synthetic fiber
synthetic fiber a little bit of fabric
type stuff in there
it’s a very nice
I’m kind of kind of like it it’s a very
nice filtration
so that’s kind of nice to see that these
are still made top notch
in the business a good old Wicks you
still get it done
in the cup
it’s pretty thick it’s not terrible it’s
it’s pretty pretty good size gotta love
that spring
but next I’m going to bring out the
other two and compare these two right
beside each other and uh let’s see if we
could build a better filter
well I got them all out here the Wicks
the Amsoil and the Platinum
still like that Platinum boy but it’s
Wix XP is the cheapest hems oil is the
most expensive over thirty dollars here
Platinum is 20.99 I think the Wix is
16 bucks in that general area
but the filtration now now this is
definitely a cotton type material and
this is kind of the same
as this but the Platinum has thicker
for filtration this is
feels awfully solid and cardboard like
for the XP but it is not this stuff is
built well I’m shocked but yeah for
filtration I’m still gonna go with the
platinum on this one
and then probably the Amsoil this stuff
is just a nice
cotton type of
filtration and Wix XP comes up third
with their filtration but I’ll tell you
it’s uh it’s top-notch also now for the
the uh let’s see here I would say the
platinum and the Wicks are pretty well
the same canisters just one’s bigger you
know it’s pretty well the same canisters
made up the same and this though has
that phenolic
uh tube inside which allows a lot of oil
flow through like I really like that
type that type’s excellent
ah they both they all have bypass valves
but the Platinum
and the wig so the only two with real
and this one’s got this goofy spring
don’t like that
base plates
this one had four threads
I wanted three threads and the Wix XP
has three threads and uh well
can I say the base plates are all they
all do their job they all do their thing
they gotta do so
well I would say they all do an
excellent job on that in fact I I think
all of these filters probably do an
excellent job on what they do except
case the Amsoil is pretty darn thick I
would say the Wix XP and platinum have
the same
thickness in case
and well coming from the same company of
course why not right
and uh yeah except
um I don’t know they’re all excellent I
use every one of them I am using Wix XP
the only the price is uh XP is the only
one that I would generally feel is a
really good deal it’s the Platinum
though is for 20.99
and if you wanted to keep your car
running good and keep the oil filtered
well this one I think
probably works better than the Amsoil
Amsoil you got a very expensive car and
you want to keep the engine clean yeah
do it I’m sure the Platinum does the
same thing same with the Wix XP I’m sure
it does an excellent job on filtration
also so all of these filters do an
excellent job they’re high end and yeah
I totally use each one of them in any of
my vehicles it doesn’t matter what
vehicle I’d use them in anything up to
from Corvettes to Ferraris these are
excellent filters all right thanks for
watching please subscribe if you haven’t
and I’ll continue bringing you some more
oil filter reviews in the future

Great filter, has many of the options you want in a filter. Slightly cheaper than Napa Platinum and about half the price of Amsoil.
#Test #report #WIX #oil #filter

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