Siteground Review & WordPress Tutorial – Best Web Host for Your Website? SiteGround Video Review


Siteground Review & WordPress Tutorial – Best Web Host for Your Website?

Tutorial Hosting
hey guys it’s Hogan here and in this
video I’m gonna be giving you a review
of SiteGround
web hosting so I’ve been using Hostgator
for the last eight years now and
essentially they’re the first web host
that I’ve ever used back in 2010 and
I’ve been with them ever since so I’ve
got like four accounts with them
there hasn’t been any major issue to
make me want to switch but I just wanted
to test outside ground because there
have been a lot of rave reviews in like
Facebook polls like you know they’ve
been rated among the top web hosts
lately and a lot of people are switching
to site ground so I sort of just wanted
to check out whether or not is it worth
the money like is it actually vas is the
performance actually good is the
customer support good and sort of give
you my honest review on it okay so
basically by the end of this video I’m
actually gonna also show you if you
decide to go sacrum show you how to set
up a website blog or e-commerce store
using psych ground web hosting okay
I’m not gonna show you the exact you
know the whole entire process because
I’ve got like two hour tutorials for
that but I’m gonna get you basically get
you started for your first website okay
so basically site ground my first
impression of it was like in 2016 and in
my opinion back then it looked a little
bit more technical to me and it didn’t
really appeal to me like the web site
was a little bit older than what they
have right now and the main color is
green which I don’t really like that
much and sometimes I just you know not
colors that appeal to me I don’t really
you know feel like I want to buy into
the brand but with like Hostgator and
Bluehost my favorite colors blue so you
know I know it’s kind of silly but it’s
the truth like sometimes I pick things
based on color so I didn’t really think
much about side ground until a lot of
people started using it until it started
popping up everywhere so that’s why I
decided to test it out okay
so I’ve actually got a I bought a shared
hosting plan and the plan that I got was
I think the grow big plan where you can
actually hold it host multiple websites
and I bought that a few weeks ago
and I tested it okay so in terms of the
speed of the website it is the fastest
when you actually compare it to like
Bluehost and Hostgator so about 1.9
seconds on average whereas Bluehost was
1.97 Hostgator was two point zero six
okay so I tested these you know two
times per location and I picked the
fastest one and I also tested different
locations for example Tokyo Sydney
London South Polo in Brazil and
Frankfurt as well so I tested these
different locations because you know
your customers might not be just based
in the United States right so it might
be based based like overseas as well so
that’s why I want to test you know the
speed for what it’s like for your
overseas customers as well so with site
ground the data center basically where
your website files are stored is located
in Chicago and a really good thing about
saikhan is actually you get to choose
the location so I’m gonna go over that a
little bit later on but with Bluehost
and Hostgator their data center is just
in the United States and you don’t get
to choose right so in terms of speed
they’re a little bit faster
but like not amazingly fast and I
basically tested it with with web sites
as well so I basically created three
different web sites and they have the
same theme and also the same plugins and
the same content as well and I tested it
on a website called Pingdom calm you can
also come to this website to test out
your website speed if you have a website
right now but I tested it for all these
locations here and that’s how I came up
with the average right but I think I
think the main thing the main really
really good thing about site ground is
actually the performance so there are a
little bit more premium in terms of
pricing compared to the other web hosts
and I’m gonna explain a little bit about
that later on but the performance is a
lot better than you know some Bluehost
and Hostgator so what I mean by that is
that I think they’re using better sort
of hardware so that’s why I like if you
actually navigate around WordPress so
for those of you don’t know what
WordPress is is basically like a content
management system to build out your your
website without learning how to code
right so when you actually you know
turning on the Builder and navigating
around the website it’s just a lot
faster so sort so sort of like a faster
computer right like for example when you
go back to your dashboard it just loads
in an instant so that’s what I really
really like about psych round like when
you like click on pages and you want to
add pages like you just load super fast
compared to like Bluehost like when you
click on add new it just loads a little
bit slower and you can definitely feel
the difference here ok so it’s sort of
like this one is on Hostgator save a
click on add new so it loads a little
bit slower so it’s sort of like
Hostgator and Bluehost might be using a
computer from 2016 whereas a crown is
you were using like the the sort of the
the newest computer like for a 2018 so I
think that is one of the main reasons
that you might want to go with sach
round the performance when actually
building your website is a lot quicker
but in terms of load speed there’s not
that much difference right so when it
comes down to the customer support you
have to sort of log in once you’re
actually a customer for support or you
can start a sales chat and I didn’t
really find that much difference in
terms of like the speed of it and
actually solving my issues for example
I’ve tested like Hostgator a lot of
times I’ve had you know some issues with
them but they normally solve there
pretty promptly as well and they answer
my questions
pretty promptly as well and I’ve also
tested Bluehost there wasn’t that much
difference to be honest so you know for
the customer support I think it’s pretty
standard they they all offer 24/7 live
chat support and you can also call them
as well alright so now I want to discuss
a little bit about the pricing right so
what you’re going to notice here the
pricing actually matches up pretty well
against you know some of the top
competitors like Hostgator like if I
click on back here ok so as you can see
you know true dollar 75 starting from
here 3 dollars 95 and with Bluehost you
know the pricing is very similar to the
top companies but what do you go to
notice is that a lot of people don’t
explain this or tell you this but they
actually renew at sort of a higher
pricing right so this one renews at $12
a month so after the first year it’s
going to be $12 per month which
basically means that is around twelve
times twelve hundred forty-four dollars
per year okay for this startup plan okay
so for the grow big plan
$20 times twelve is about two hundred
and forty dollars per year and when you
actually compare that to host Gators
equivalent plan okay this one I believe
is around $12 per month okay any times
out by 12 which is about 140 dollars or
so okay so this is about twelve times
twelve hundred forty-four dollars with
Bluehost it’s 11 eleven times 12 which
is 132
I believe hopefully that’s right um but
with SiteGround you know because you’re
getting a better performance and faster
speeds then you obviously have to pay a
little bit more right so you know so
that’s something that you have to take
into consideration you know I feel that
side ground is more for people with the
budget like if you have the budget then
go with sack round if you don’t have the
budget and you’re currently using maybe
Hostgator or Bluehost or another host
and you want to speed up your website
what I do recommend is actually using a
plug-in called WP fastest cash okay so
you can download actually a plug-in
called WP face fastest cash and you can
activate it and turn on or basically all
the settings and then delete the cash
and then you’re gonna test your website
on this website here and it normally
speeds up your website bar a lot okay
and another thing that you want to
consider is make sure your website is
not very like large it doesn’t have that
many large files on it okay so like you
want to keep it below 3 megabytes per
page ideally probably around 2:00
otherwise it’s gonna load really slow if
you have a lot of like images and you
know pop-ups and all
lots of stuff like that so I’ve also got
a tutorial to actually speed up your
website so you might want to watch that
tutorial first if you followed my other
tutorials and your website is loading
slow you might want to try that first
because I want you guys to you know save
the most money but also give you guys
you know the just my honest opinion
alright so here is the Grobe plan and
here is the Gogi plan and this one
renews at $35 a month okay so basically
summing up who’s like who is it for like
psych round so in my opinion it’s for
people who have the budget then go with
sack round because you don’t want to
sort of move around because that wastes
a lot of time just like if you have the
budget then you know get the expensive
you know leather sofa because you’re
gonna be using it for like ten years
right rather than you know getting a
cheap one and then you know half a year
later or a year later then you gotta
figure out what to do with it and that
takes time and money so yeah so you have
the budget go with sack round because
they have better performance and this
speed is quite good it’s better than all
the other other people but you know the
pricing is a little bit more so yeah you
get what you pay for right so if you
don’t have the budget then you might
consider Bluehost or hostgator okay so
there’s something that I forgot to
mention to you guys which might actually
help you make the decision to go side
ground or not it is that you can
actually choose different data centers
so basically if if I actually click on
get started and I put in maybe some
random domain name URL and just actually
register once right okay the first thing
is you can actually choose different
extensions here like different for
different countries with Hostgator and
also with Bluehost you don’t really have
these country specific ones to sort of
choose from right so this is a really
good thing and if we actually click on
proceed then you can actually change the
data centers right this is not something
that the Bluehost or host code actually
offer and I think it’s just actually
really really good
so basically like if your customer base
is mainly based in the United States
then you would go with Chicago the
reason for that is because all your
website files will be stored in Chicago
that means it’s gonna reach your
customer a lot faster if your customer
base is let’s say I’m in Australia and I
am a local business in Australia then I
would pick Singapore okay because that
is probably closer to Australia than the
United States and that way the websites
gonna load a lot faster for my main
audience right so this is something
that’s hostgator and Bluehost doesn’t
offer and I think that is really good
you can also sort of change the data
centers if you actually purchased a plan
later on for three years I think okay so
yeah that’s one of the really big
benefits that I forgot to mention so
what I’m gonna do now is if you actually
decide to go to sacra then I’m gonna
give you like a quick little tutorial
and show you which plan to choose for
you know your blog or your e-commerce or
your website and go through the entire
process of actually setting up your
WordPress website so you can basically
get up and running and start building a
website right away it’s not gonna be
like a full-on like to our tutorial
showing you every single little step
because I do have other tutorials for
that but at least I’ll get you guys up
and running and you know and stuff like
okay so below this video there’s a link
to side ground which is gonna apply a
discount or you can type into the
browser so type in site ground com
forward slash and go forward slash Hogan
and then CH UA and then click on enter
so that’s gonna take you to the shared
web hosting plans okay so the prices
here are for in Australian dollars
because I think it automatically directs
me to the Australian website if it
directs you to the wrong sort of region
then you can select the region which you
are located in okay so for example the
price here for United States I think
will be 395 595 and I think 11 95 or
something like that
and the regular pricing I think that one
was 1195 here 1995 and 3495 okay
but because I’m Australia and
Australia’s the currency is a little bit
small the United States so it’s a little
bit more okay so here are three
different plans so the first thing that
I want to say is that you can build a
blog a website or an e-commerce store
with either of these three plans okay it
doesn’t really matter what plan you
choose for for that purpose but the main
difference between these three plans is
that the startup plan only offers one
website so you can only create and host
one website on the startup plan on the
grow peak and they grow go geek you can
host multiple websites so you can
basically have your website your parents
website your friends website and a
client’s website so you might have like
four different websites on these plans
and you’re paying still the 1995 per
month for the renewal okay so if you do
get this special price discount and then
it is really cheap if you can like house
for websites okay so here as you can see
it says suitable for ten thousand
monthly visits so this is just an
estimate if you like get more visitors
then you can also upgrade to a bigger
plan later on anyway okay so let’s just
say you get the startup plan for one
website and maybe like you know two
months down the track you decide okay
you want to create another website then
you can actually upgrade to the plan
within the customer dashboard area which
I will show you in a second
really easily and you’ll still get the
discount so you don’t really have to get
these plans today because you can still
upgrade and still have that discount it
will be calculated accordingly I think
on a pro-rata basis I think that’s a
word for it okay here you get all the
essential features you’ve got everything
that you need but here you’ve also got
the premium features so let’s say for
example you might have your website on
Bluehost you can also ask them to help
you transfer the website you get
priority tech support and you also get a
something called super Keysha for great
speed okay
and they also do free backup and
restores as well for your websites so
this one is a really good deal in my
opinion because you know hosts multiple
websites just because like let’s say if
you can ask for websites then you divide
the price by four basically okay so here
probably a little bit more than what you
actually need because this one is
suitable for a hundred thousand visits
which is quite a lot if you’re just
beginning a new website I think this one
is pretty good for most people okay
you do get some geeky advanced features
which I don’t think is you know
necessary unless maybe you are like a
web developer or something like that
but yeah okay so you can read more about
it but let’s just go with the crow beak
and click on get started and here you
have two choices you can register a new
domain or you might already have a
domain so you might have registered
domain on like GoDaddy or Namecheap then
you can select this okay so once you
select this then you’ll need to connect
them to later on if you do have any
issues with that so you can contact the
chat support and that will help you with
that so here I am going to register a
new domain so this one might be a site
tutorial one two three and then he can
select the extension okay so I’m gonna
select comm and then I’m gonna click on
proceed okay so if it’s available then
it’s gonna take you to the next page
here you need to enter in your email
address so I’m gonna enter in and you
want because every registered an account
but I will go through and show you the
exact process so I’m gonna get a new
account with you guys as well so I’m
gonna put in my address and put in a
phone number I guess and then I’m going
to scroll down filling my credit card
okay and scroll down you can change the
plan if you decide to change directly
okay here for the data center so this
depends where your primary audience is
located if they are located in the
United States The Cove is Chicago if
they are located somewhere in Europe you
might go with answer them or London so
for Asia Pacific you might go with
Singapore and so on okay so I’m just
gonna select this one here so for the
period I recommend going either the
12-month or beyond because if you go for
the trial then it’s gonna be $32 and
you’re gonna get the domain registration
as well which is about $50 if you get
the domain privacy which is basically
the thing that helps you sort of hide
your personal details like your address
your email address your phone number and
things like that from the rest of the
world then it’s gonna add up so if you
click on that okay so it’s gonna add up
if you select let’s say the 12-month
it’s just a bit better deal okay so if
you go for longer then it’s basically
gonna lock in the discount okay so if
you have the budget then you know
obviously the longer you you are on the
discount the more money in is safe okay
so I would at least go for the 12-month
but since I’ve already got a actual
account with them you know and I’ve got
to account with like hostgator and also
Bluehost I’m just gonna sign up for a
trial but you would probably go for a
12-month okay so domain privacy
I recommend it but it’s not necessary
this is basically helps sort of monitor
and checks your website let’s say you
might get hacked and so I might like you
know put like you know bugs and stuff
like that onto your sort of website it’s
gonna let you know okay so I normally
don’t select it I’ve also got a tutorial
to show you how to secure your website
and you can follow that tutorial for
free but if you do want to add an extra
layer security then you know go ahead
and select that one okay so here is the
subtotal and everything like that
okay and I’m gonna select on these two
and then I’m gonna click on Pay Now
okay so it should show something like
your order has been successfully
submitted okay and basically you can
click on here to proceed to the customer
area okay so they’re also going to send
you an email with your username and
password to login to your sort of site
ground control panel but we’re gonna
click into here okay so this will
normally pop up and basically what we’re
going to do is we’re going to click on I
don’t need help
because I’m gonna help you that right
now okay and for here it says do you
want to add this site ground site
scanner we’re going to confirm I’m gonna
select this and then I’m gonna complete
setup okay so this is your site ground
sort of customer portal area where you
can manage your accounts you can click
and chat to the support staff you can
also click on the billing so you can
update your credit card you can also
cancel the services here as well okay so
if you actually click on the support tab
then if you have any issues if you have
any questions like for example you might
want to add another domain name to your
account then you could be like you know
add-on domain and then click on search
okay and you can click on this and
you’ll basically walk you through how to
configure it okay so you scroll down
here then you can click on here to
transfer a website you can scroll down
here these are the most popular things
that people ask ok and finally if you
need assistance then click on here
alright so if you scroll back up here
click on accounts and then here you can
click on upgrade so for example we’re on
the grow big accounts but let’s say if
you click on upgrade let’s say you might
be on the startup plan so you might only
have you can only build one website ok
so you can actually upgrade
by paying the difference right so you
can select the accounts and then you can
basically pay the difference and upgrade
instantly so I think this is really good
and really convenient okay so you can go
back to my accounts and then I’m gonna
show you how to install WordPress so
WordPress is basically the platform that
most people actually build their website
block and ecommerce store on okay so
we’re gonna go to information in
settings okay so if we scroll down here
for the server location okay so as I
said before you can actually relocate it
for $30 so you can actually change the
location to like Singapore or London you
know sometimes it depends on like maybe
you expected your audience to come from
the United States but most of them come
from like the UK or Europe then you can
relocate right you can also follow this
to create an email address and things
like that okay so we’re gonna install
WordPress so we’re gonna do that by
accessing the cPanel area so you can
either click on access cpanel or you can
click on go to cpanel up here and then
we’re gonna click on proceed you might
remember this thing here and click on
proceed all right so here we want to
look for wordpress ok so here click on
WordPress and we’re gonna install
WordPress onto our domain name alright
so you can either click on Install Now
here or click on install here alright so
everything here we’re gonna leave as
default select the domain name that you
have bought alright so here for the
protocol what I suggest is to choose the
HDTV first because I don’t think we have
actually enabled the SSL so select this
one first and I’ll show you how to
enable the SSL certificate for your site
ground web sites sort of after when
we’ve completed the tutorial ok and then
for the site name you can actually put
in like your name or something like that
I’m gonna type in logo you can change
this later on you can put in a site
description like tutorial
something like that scroll down so for
the admin accounts this is gonna be your
username to log into your WordPress
account so I’m gonna put in my username
I’m also gonna set in a password okay
and for the admin email you want to put
in your email that you are currently
using okay because they’re also gonna
send you the account details
all right so scroll down scroll down
here for easy setup because I’m going to
show you how to set up WordPress we want
to deselect that because it’s actually
gonna install like some like plugins and
stuff like that which we don’t really
want okay if we Advanced Options just
leave it as default all right and then
click on install so once that is done
okay it should say congratulations and
if we actually go to the website so
let’s just say open link in a new tab
okay so this is your WordPress website
the default right so what we’re gonna do
is we’re actually gonna log in to this
website here to actually configure and
actually build our website or blog right
so to do that you can type in your
website and then forward slash WP dash
admin and then click on enter okay or
you can actually click on this URL here
alright so here we’re gonna put in the
username that you’ve set and also the
password and then click on login
hopefully that is alright okay so I’m
gonna close that so whenever you want to
log into your website this is the sort
of admin URL that you need to type in so
what I would do is I would actually
bookmark that to my browser all right so
this is your WordPress dashboard and
basically where you control your whole
entire website okay so if we go here and
click on visit site then this is the
default okay so we want to completely
change it
right so you can actually build like a
blog a website or ecommerce store using
WordPress and I’m gonna show you the
basics of it I’m also gonna leave the
links in the description for my full
tutorial on how to actually set up a
ecommerce store a website and also a
blog alright so what you might want to
do is you might want to actually just
click on those links and it will
actually direct you to the time where I
have just installed WordPress and then
you can just follow along and build your
website okay but right now I’m gonna
give you like a like a quick you know
10-15 minute overview of how to set up
your website so yeah alright so we’re
gonna close everything here we don’t
need them and the first thing that you
want to do is you want to configure some
settings so hover over settings click on
permalinks here you want to make sure
you select post name okay so this is
just for search engine purposes you want
your page title and the post to be in
the URL rather than having something
like this right
scroll down and save changes okay so if
we actually go to users and click on
users this is where you can add
additional users to your WordPress
website so for example you might have
someone who edits your website so you
might create a new user name for them
okay so we’re gonna go through each of
these tabs so for plugins so if you
click on plugins plugins actually add
additional functionality to your
WordPress website so for example a
plug-in is something like let’s say on
your phone you have apps right you have
like social media you have productivity
you have gaming apps all sorts of apps
plugins are essentially the same thing
and you can click on add new and here
are all the different plugins so there
are thousands and thousands of different
plugins you can click on the popular and
also they’re recommended and you can
also search for plugins okay so whenever
you want to add some additional
functionality to your WordPress website
then you sort of want to do like a
search for like maybe
like a booking plugin all right and then
a booking plug you might come up right
and then you install and activate it and
add it to your website okay so let’s
just say you want to build a ecommerce
store then you need to install the
WooCommerce plug-in right this adds the
e-commerce functionality to your
WordPress website it basically adds like
additional functionality so you can like
add in like products you can add in like
the payment settings to receive payments
and stuff like that everything like that
right so I’m gonna show you how to add
in a plug-in later on so I’m gonna leave
that for now okay so if we click on
appearance this is where you can add a
theme right so this is the default theme
it’s like quite old and stuff like that
this is 2015 2016 click on add new and
if you scroll down here here are some of
the featured themes that you can add all
right so you can add and install and
activate these themes onto your website
and it’s basically going to add a
specific sort of appearance to your
website all right so for example let’s
just say you like this one here right or
you can click on popular latest ones and
favorites but let’s just try this one
and install click on activate and if we
actually go to visit site then you’re
gonna see that the whole entire website
has changed right so it’s changed like
it’s added like the specific color and
specific look to it all right so you can
actually use any of these free themes
most of them are actually free but you
sort of have to pay for premium features
cuz you know the theme developers have
to make some money so they create free
themes for you for additional features
you normally have to pay okay so you can
click on dashboard and go back to themes
and you can add in anything that you
like right but the theme that I use and
that I’m gonna go through with you now
is themify ultra which is a premium
theme but I have permission to actually
share with you guys for free so you have
the option to like update and get like
supports if you want to
but I really think you know starting off
with themify ultra is like a good start
because you can actually build anything
that you want right with each of these
themes they sort of have a set
appearance and it’s sort of hard to
adjust right it really depends on you
some of you might want to go with these
themes because the pre-built look and
that’s fine but I’m gonna give you a
tutorial on what I use all right so I’m
gonna click on add new and below in the
description I’m gonna include a download
link for the theme download alright so
for the theme download download that
onto your computer okay so it’s gonna
look something like this the MFI – ultra
dot zip right sometimes it might be like
in a folder then you might need to
right-click and compress it back to the
zip file right let’s go back here let’s
click on upload theme choose file and
upload themify ultra zip it has to be
the dot zip and then you want to click
on open install and that is uploading on
the bottom left as you can see ok so
once that is done click on activate and
then put the skins and demos we’re going
to close it ok and themify ultra will
show up themify settings this is where
you can control your theme right if we
go to and visit our website this is what
it sort of looks like ok so it’s sort of
a very very plain where you can
customize all the colors everything that
you need to do with your website ok so
let’s go back here to dashboard and here
on pages so click on pages and we’re
gonna add in some pages so click on add
new so a page would be like for example
you want to create first of all your
homepage oops
going to delete that homepage and then
we’re going to click on publish and then
we’re going to add in a new one so we
can add in like a bout page a services
page a FAQ page any page that you like
so for example let’s do about publish
add new we’re gonna do maybe a service
page add new and maybe let’s do a
contact page and publish all pages and
this is where you can manage the pages
okay so let’s go to visit site and as
you can see we’ve added in the pages
here alright so we’re gonna click on
home and that’s going to take us to our
home page but we sort of want our home
page not to have this extension on the
end so we need to click on customize and
we need to set it in properly so click
on that and themify options is basically
where you can actually change the color
for each of the sections of your website
so you can actually change your logo you
can you know change everything which
I’ll show you briefly later so click on
back click on home page settings click
on a static page and for the home page
set in home and then we’re gonna click
on publish and close all right so our
home page now if we click on to it then
it’s just gonna be our domain name okay
so how do we actually set in a layout
for our pages like how do we change the
header how do we change the footer
section and how do we add like content
in the middle okay so to do that you can
go back to your dashboard and then what
you want to do is you want to go to
themify ultra themify settings
and what I like to do is I like to open
it’s in a new tab ii see what we’re
doing so let’s click on default layouts
default page layout and then what we
want to do is we want to remove the
sidebar and the title okay so go back
and it’s like no sidebar high title and
also disable page comments save okay so
once you’ve done that let’s give it a
refresh and that looks pretty good right
so how do we change the header so go
back here go to the theme settings and
look for theme appearance okay so here
is where you change the header design
all right so you can choose from more
than a dozen header designs what I like
is the header top bar here okay
and you can click on save let’s refresh
the page and that’s done all right so
I’m gonna remove this here the site
tagline the RSS icon and also the search
bar but that’s up to you so to do that
you can actually go back here exclude
the site tagline exclude search RSS and
then save okay and then you can refresh
and then you’re pretty much good to go
all right so the next thing that we want
to do is we want to set in our menu okay
so we’re gonna arrange the menu properly
so go to customize and then what we want
to do is click on back click on menus
create a new menu and for the menu name
just name it top nav okay you can name
it whatever you want but top nav for top
navigation select a main navigation for
the main navigation on the top food and
navigation is on the bottom so click on
next okay so we’re gonna add in two
items so click on add items and select
the pages that you want to displace so I
want to display about services and
contact okay so you can add in
no pages or you can create a drop-down
menu by clicking it and putting it under
the thing that you want to drop down
from okay so we’re gonna put it back
like that and then what we want to do is
just click on publish all right so
that’s going to set in our top
navigation menu so whenever you add in
new pages then you can click on add
items and then add in a new page as well
right you can also select it so it’s
automatically going to add new pages
directly to the menu as well so you can
select that if you want to and click on
publish right so we can click on back
here and close okay so for the footer
section here let’s say for example you
want to edit the footer section
go back to your themify settings and
theme settings scroll down to the footer
design so you can choose the footage
designs based on what you want okay so
what I want to do is let’s say you want
to remove the back to top button so you
can click on exclude back to top and
let’s say we save it and then refresh it
and then that’s looking really really
nice and simple right so how do you
remove this thing here go back here to
scroll down to footer text and for the
footer text to disable that and save
let’s refresh the page and that is
looking really good really simple and
pretty much ready to start building all
right so I’m gonna show you a few things
with the Builder and then I am going to
show you how to set in the HTTP okay so
what we’re going to do is turn on the
Builder right so hover over the green
icon here you can click on the lock and
each of these modules you can drop in so
it’s like drag-and-drop so you can add
text you can add video you can add
testimonials sliders you can
and images anything that you like right
so for example what we’re gonna do first
is I’m gonna show you how to create sort
of like a pure image that you might see
on like really popular websites like
Apple right how do you create an image
like that how do you add some text and
how do you add some fun so just the most
basic stuff that you need to know so the
first thing that we need to do is
actually get an image right so you can
actually go to a website let’s go and we’re going to look for
some images so these images you can use
for your website and you don’t have to
credit people you can use it for a
personal or business so let’s look for a
really nice hero image maybe let’s type
in and like landscape wow this one looks
really really good this one looks really
good as well um this one looks good
let me think okay let’s let’s just try
this one here I guess or maybe this one
so download that to computer ok so
download that to computer and save it
alright so once you actually download
that to computer right if you actually
click on get info then that image is
like six point two megabytes that’s way
too way too big you want to crop that
image so go to a website called photo
calm and click on edit photo
okay let’s click on open computer and
upload that image and let’s crop that
image so the image size isn’t that big
so this is the image size here again on
the left on the bottom sorry and what
we’re gonna do is click on resize make
sure the lock icon is selected type in
1600 for the width okay so that’s pretty
good size for a here image and then you
want to click on apply okay so you can
also click on crop if you want to sort
of reduce the height of it as well so
let’s just say you want to you know get
it down to let’s say 900 I think that’s
pretty good maybe something like that
okay 900 click on apply okay save it and
I think we need to connect with Facebook
or something like that so I might do
that okay so once you’ve done that they
we can save it let’s save it as hero and
you can save it as normal or high I
think normal is pretty good download it
save it okay let’s go back to our
website let’s hover over the purple
right so that’s for the row and let’s
click on styling okay let’s click on the
background and background type I’m gonna
select image but you can select
gradients you can add a YouTube video so
you can put in a youtube link here
okay so gonna upload and click on browse
library make sure you select browse
library select files let’s upload the
image and let’s click on insert file URL
okay for the background mode
let’s select full cover and what we’re
gonna do is we’re going to click on
padding okay so we’re gonna add some
space as you can see you can’t see that
image so we’re gonna do is click on all
and let’s add in maybe 15 and change
that to percent
to the top and let’s change this one to
15% for the bottom you can also drag and
remove this so you can move this to the
right as well like that okay I’m gonna
add s like that so I might add a little
bit more padding so let’s just say 20%
just click and drag it up and click on
done so going to image there right so if
you want to have like a full size image
that goes from the left to the right you
want to click on the hover over the
options here and you can select the
width to full width all right so you can
change you back to defaults or you can
go full width like that right so let’s
add some text to the middle so let’s add
some text so this is your hero text yeah
you want to select heading 1 and you
want to go styling you want to select
font and you can change the font color
okay so any color so I’m gonna select
white and I’m gonna align it to the
center like that’s okay and I’m gonna
click on the heading
okay we’ve set this to heading 1 so you
want to click on heading and you want to
change the font size to let’s say 100
okay and you can make it bold or
whatever you want you can also change
the font family so by default it’s open
sans you can set it to let’s say 700 it
makes it bold okay I think that’s fine
and I’m gonna click on let’s say done
alright and that’s the text there yeah
so let’s just say you want to add a
button so you can look for a bus in
module and you can drop on there you can
select the size of the button ok you can
also select the the type ok rounded or
something like that I like that one you
can do it outline okay and here you can
do a button text so like you know maybe
and here is the link so depending on
where you want to link it to you need to
paste in the link so let’s say you want
to link it to Apple or something
normally gonna link it to like another
page or your website like services so I
also put an apple for now and you can
put in there you can change the color
you can add an icon you can also click
on styling on button link and you can
customize the color more we’re not gonna
do that for now let’s just go to styling
fonts and maybe align to the center that
got done okay so that’s very simple and
very easy you can also double click the
image to edit the row go to styling you
can do a row overlay for example if you
want the the text to pop a little bit
more you might want to add like a
gradients or a color overlay like it’s
like black okay and change the opacity
down to like maybe 15% like that click
on done and then you’ve got a nice hero
image that you’ve just created so click
on save and if we want to preview you
can click on preview you’re gonna notice
a huge gap here right so how do you
remove the gap click on back end and
it’s gonna take you to the back of the
website to your page right and then here
you can click on the page options select
full width’ update and go back to your
page and then you’ve got a really nice
hero image and you can add some text
here button you can turn on the Builder
again and you can let’s say you can drop
in a featured module or anything like
that what you can also do is you can
also set in the amount of columns all
right so you can set in like over over
here the purple three columns right so
you might do like a future module like
that okay and then you can add your text
here you can play around with the
settings as I said you can watch the
tutorials that I left in the description
below that’s probably the
best idea because I want to briefly show
you the Builder click on done and let’s
say you want to duplicate it you can
okay just move it over like that right
so it’s probably too close to the image
so what can do is okay add some padding
to the row so click on rows styling
padding okay so let’s set maybe like 10%
to the top or something like that
we might be like 5% that’s up to you so
let’s just try 5% and 5% here and click
on done you know it’s pretty good so you
might want to add like text on the top
like saying it’s services so what you
could do is like click on rows I’m gonna
add in one row on top maybe like here or
something like that so we’re gonna drop
in let’s say a text
so yeah let’s put it you know let’s see
if that works services change it to
heading 2 you can alliance the center by
using this one here as well let’s click
on done let’s click on preview to close
let’s add a little bit of padding so you
can do that to the row so double click
the row styling padding let’s add 5% to
the top something like that right so
it’s really simple to sort of build your
website so you can add in like images
you can add in video testimonials
anything that you want okay so if we
click on save and if we close it then
you know that is like a simple website
that you have done in about 10-15
minutes okay so you can actually share
this your URL with your friends and
family and they can actually see the
website that you created right so what
I’m gonna show you is some a little bit
more additional features that you might
want to know if we click on the about
page you can click on turn on builder
and you can also click on load layout
and here are some of the pre created
layouts that you might be sort of
interested in so you can actually load
it up
so I’m not sure why it’s not showing
right now at the moment but normally it
should show up or maybe there’s too many
okay now it’s up so you can look through
the templates that you might like and
let’s say you want to import this about
click on it append and that’s gonna
import the layout for you right so all
you need to do is change the images
change the text change the links and you
have a layout ready so double click like
about me
oops about me like that done save it and
you can close it
alright so that’s looking really really
good really really awesome ok so if we
were click on ‘contact I’m gonna show
you how to use a plugin so we’re gonna
download a contact form plug-in so go to
a dashboard area and go to plugins again
click on add new and we’re going to
search for contact form 7 we’re gonna
install this one here over a million
downloads installation sorry and click
on activate alright so click on the
contact here ok and what you want to do
is you want to click into here ok so
here you can change your form sort of
fields in case you can add additional
fields as well
you can check out the FAQ and Doc’s if
you need to click on mail tab and make
sure to set it to your email okay so it
should be set up there this is the
shortcode that you’ll need so copy that
and let’s just save that for now ok so
you can copy the shortcode to your
clipboard and let’s say we go to visit
site and click on the contact page turn
on the Builder you might want to you
know drop in a text module to add a
contacts you might want to select maybe
something like this one okay so we’re
gonna put the contact form in there so
what you need to do is grab a text
module let’s just paste in the show code
okay that’s gonna load your contact form
so people can use this to actually
contact you click on save and close all
right so that’s your contact form if we
click on services page there’s also
something really cool so turn on the
Builder you can also add in rows which
are pre created so you don’t have to
create like adding a specific entire
layout you can import specific rows to
edit right so you can use this one here
or maybe let’s have a look maybe
something like let’s find a good one mmm
maybe something like this one okay so
you can select it click it and then just
drop it in there and let it go all right
and that’s your sort of your hero image
you can click on the plus again so you
can add in another row let’s say you
want to add in maybe maybe something
like this one the menu just drop it in
there like that and they go click on
save you can also zoom out okay which is
really really awesome and then we can
save it and close it okay so this space
there you need to click on edit page and
you need to let’s say we want to click
on full width and update right so let’s
say you want to add like some blog post
you want to be like blogging and stuff
like that
so what you need to do is click on posts
ok so this is a default upon post
apparently so let’s click on View and
this is what a default blog post looks
like alright so we’re gonna go back and
I’m gonna delete this one so trash it
click on add new and here is your blog
post title so it might be like the top
10 travel locations in Bali or I don’t
know it as a random title but like top
places to visit in Bali okay so here is
where you gonna type in your blog post
so let’s just grab some some random text
okay and let’s just copy that to pretend
that is like a blog post and paste that
in okay and here you can actually add in
media so you can upload images so upload
files select files to add in like your
images that you have taken and stuff
like that what I recommend is like
cropping that images to like a smaller
size otherwise gonna you know take too
much space and bloat slowly you can also
add in videos as well by pasting in a
YouTube URL but let’s say you want to
paste in like a video like you’ve
uploaded a video then you can get this
and just copy the URL alright and go
back here and let’s just paste it in
like that
okay and the video will pop up can add a
category sorry and type in travel ID new
add some tags set in a featured image as
well well that’s why I recommend and
we’re gonna click on publish alright so
once that is done you can click on the
website the URL and here you have your
blog post where people can leave a
comment and stuff like that okay so you
can also edit this area which is called
a widget area so to do that you can
hover over here click on widgets and
here are all the available widgets
alright so you can use the available
widgets you can click it and sort of
drag it and put it into here right or
you can delete the existing ones by
clicking on delete like that okay so
let’s just delete something to show you
an example you can do like maybe you’re
like a text widget okay so if you do
like about me
hey guys you know my name is Hogan and I
love to travel
alright so click on save click on done
and then we can click on visit site so
we’re going to notice is you know your
blog post doesn’t show up right so how
do you actually display your blog post
you can display it in a few ways so you
can create a new page called blog or you
can display it any way you like
basically so you can turn on the Builder
let’s just pretend this page is a blog
page hover over here the green icon and
click on post and drag it into wherever
you want and then that is gonna display
your posts like that like your blog post
right so if you have a featured image
then it’s gonna show up an image which
is gonna look really cool and you can
change the display settings and stuff
like that and then click on done so
that’s how you display your blog post so
if we click on save and close then if we
click into that then that’s going to
direct us to the blog post you can edit
the widget area and here’s your video
and you’re good to go right so let’s go
back here and how do you actually change
the colors and fonts for the entire
website what I recommend you do is click
on customize and that’s going to
automatically take you to themify
options click on the Advanced Options
tab okay and here you can click on site
logo you can upload a site logo you can
also change the header color section
here the header background color so like
you can change it to like let’s say like
a dark grey okay and then you can also
change the main navigation which is here
the main navigation link color to a
white color okay like that you can also
change the this color here which is the
logo so you can hopefully you can change
it there to let’s say Y see if it works
okay so that doesn’t work so
we need to change the header link color
so let’s find the header add a link and
change that to Y okay and that’s how you
change it for each of the sections this
is the sticky header where you scroll
down so you can look for a sticky header
and change the colors you can also
change the footer colors and everything
like that you can also edit the blog
post what I do recommend is staying with
just one font so you can click on body
font and you can change the fonts here
okay just one font for the entire
website that’s why I recommend you don’t
need that many fonts to make it look
good let’s just delete that for a second
and let’s try it open sans okay and then
you can change the font way to normal to
bold and stuff like that
right so yeah make sure to follow my
other tutorials I don’t want to make
this one too long otherwise it’s gonna
be like 2 hours and I think that is
pretty much it so to get the HTTP what
you need to do is you need to go back to
your control panel
area for your site ground go to my
accounts okay and then you can go to I
think the control panel again and what
you want to do is look for let’s encrypt
okay so it’s under security and what you
want to do is here you actually want to
select the SSL and activate it okay so
what’s it gonna do it’s actually going
to be put into an installation queue
once you do select and activate it okay
and it’s probably gonna take like half
an hour or an hour or so before this
status is actually active okay once it’s
actually active then what you need to do
is you need to come back here and select
HTTPS okay and make sure to select on
for that to enforce it and select this
on as well
click on ok and once you’ve done that
then once you actually refresh your
website then it should actually appear
here ok so if you have any troubles or
anything like that so you can contact
the customer chat support and stuff like
that ok ok I think that’s pretty much it
so what we’re gonna do is actually log
out from our website and we can view our
website ok so that is your first website
up and running obviously I haven’t shown
you to build like the best website in
the world but if you put some time and
effort into it you can build anything
that you want and hopefully you guys
found some massive value in the video
make sure to give it a thumbs up and
subscribe for more videos so my name is
Hogan and see you guys in the next

Get Siteground: (*affiliate link) An honest review of Siteground web hosting where I compare them to some of the big names (HostGator and Bluehost). Download Theme: Get Updates/Support: (use: HOGAN for 30% Discount !) *Some links are affiliate links – this means I may receive a commission if you purchase through the link. There are no additional costs for you and you save money. All products/services I recommend are products I use and love. This keeps my content free for everyone. Thank you 🙂 Tutorials website: E-commerce: Blog tutorial: https:// vla5vKCcRVY?t=769 Dropshipping: Thank you. If you have any questions below, let me know! Hogan
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