SiteGround Review: After a long year of use SiteGround Video Review


SiteGround Review: After a long year of use

Tutorial Hosting
I’m excited to be giving a quick
overview SiteGround a web hosting and
explain what my experience has been with
them over the past few years
choosing the right web host really
matters and I mean that a bad web host
will give you headaches waste your money
it may cause her website to run slow and
may even delete your website without
notice I’ve said this I’ve said this a
number of times but I am still looking
at you fat cow web hosting on the other
hand a good web host will run your site
almost immediately it will have minimal
to no downtime it won’t get expensive
over time and it will help you and your
business to make more money
so definitely choosing the right web
host is super important mainly if you
are a business owner an aspiring blogger
or just you know somebody looking to
bring cool ideas life then this video is
for you in it I’ll start biting through
the most important features of site
ground and explain if it supports a
cPanel how there are plain themes are
when you compare it to actual usage and
what makes for an TAS mint unfortunately
I will not be able to show you the back
end of site band due to the fact that I
do not currently possess an account with
them so to start off if you want to know
how this product performs against other
web hosting competitors I’ll explain
that I will also let you know about the
pricing structure of site ground if
there are any discounts available for
you so I will explain all that but first
I want to give you a bit about myself so
like I said my name is Tom and I have
been working online since 2012 I’ve run
several business over the years and
because of that I’ve had to go through a
huge number of web hosting solutions so
when I say a huge number I mean a lot of
them so a good number would be 30 to 40
different web hosting solutions I have
tried those and I want to that chain in
a secret that I will be mentioning few
times from now on that
no matter which one you decide to go to
every single one of them if not all are
part of a single company called
endurance international group or let’s
put it simply I G
they are the thousand pound gorilla in
the room so basically they’re a really
huge company so the way they operate is
they acquire a small independent web
host and bring them under their umbrella
so web hosting solutions such as
Hostgator Arvixe a small orange and it’s
son of other popular web hosting
solutions out there operate under a IGS
umbrella now there’s no problem over
here however the reason I mentioned this
repetitively is because the only
difference are gonna get most probably
from these different web host provided
they are under AIG Sunbrella is that the
price is gonna be different and that’s
it performance reliability they’re all
gonna be pretty much the same and the
pricing is the only thing that’s gonna
be different if they are under that
specific umbrella now you are going to
be looking at if he thinks so that
starboard price primarily I am a pretty
cheap person and I don’t have a limited
fund so I like to get a deal whenever I
can wherever I can I expect you do as
well so let’s go over site grants
pricing over here sigh ground retails at
395 a month for you startup 595 per grow
big over here and 11954 go geek now
these green crisis over here or what we
call the introductory process so we’ll
go back to the regular pricing of eleven
ninety five ninety nine to five and
thirty four ninety five respectively
after the next month now you can also
bring this down lower if you decide to
go with an animal subscription so we’re
talking about a year two years three
years subscription appeared that long
will guarantee that you get processed
lower at this point however the caveat
for that is you’re gonna have to shell
out much more money up front which is
gonna be much more expensive at first
but definitely cheaper in the long run
but with that said I will even throw you
a discount
down in the description below that you
can use if you decide to go with side
ground over here and that will cut the
price this good deal right here it’s an
even better deal for you now let’s go to
the details of this pricing structure so
it’s not easy setup fast website
creation and website migration if you’re
coming from a different web host now
let’s start with let’s go with the
uptime now so in my experience with my
previous account site Brown has a very
reliable up time to even boost a 99.9%
uptime here they given provides stats
here which is always nice so last year
it was off by point zero zero four
percent and now it’s back to 99.999% so
my experience that has been very
accurate very reliable no problem there
and let me explain their uptime
technology over here so the way to view
this is they include components for
uptime technology such as Linux
containers a proactive server monitoring
module which is from there there and
it’s in-house do you have automated
backup systems and instant backups
on-demand so whenever you need them it’s
there for you so something goes wrong
you have a backup in place they also
have unique anti bought AI which tackles
spambots which can be very deadly for
high-traffic sites also a secure account
isolation so really this Epsom has been
very very reliable for me in my
experience I’ve had this for a while
only only problems I don’t have it right
now to show you but regardless I could
admit that I’ve had the occasional times
I’m having I mean every single one of
those web hosting solutions out there
will have this particular problem of an
occasional downtime but my experience
with Sai crown over here it has only
happened to me during a server update an
upgrade or for maintenance that they are
doing from their end so this is mainly
due to the fact that they are trying
constantly to upgrade the sir
Vista they provide to you or to me to
customers so really can’t really avoid
maintenance and for the most part is
always pretty better experience there
now let’s go over speed so if you have
thousands of visitors to your site every
day I would highly recommend you go with
wpx hosting instead so I will be leaving
a link in the video description down
below for you to use to get an even
better deal a discount for you however
if you do not you don’t have that much
visitors on the daily side ground over
here will perform just fine for your
needs now this is the contact page for
SiteGround so they have seal assistance
if you’re a new customer or coming from
a different web hosting company that
you’re trying to enquire or you know
maybe discover and explore other
services side Brown has a dedicated
sales assistant to get in touch with so
you can either call them or start a chat
with them even create an account and
just ask them any anything you fancy
anything occurs about your service
reliability any any backups that need
you so it’s just sales assistants I’ve
gone through with this when he started
first started contacting for an account
so they have been very responsive all my
questions have been answered thoroughly
when even above and beyond says as to
what I was asking in the first place so
that’s always nice to have and really
when the sales assistance is very high
quality you can expect the same we check
no support over here just also very very
reliable in my opinion so short queue
times easy to access people you also
have guides built in into their accounts
so you need a common question asked and
searched there if that doesn’t answer
your question you can always reach out
to their technical support now for
cPanel SiteGround has a cPanel but in my
opinion it’s not a must but
always nice to have so missing the more
things that comes with your package the
better it’s going to be so finally so
let’s give you my final thoughts so
ultimately would I recommend SiteGround
the answer is a definitive yes so yes
you can find complaints about psycho
online but if you can give me any web
hosting company it doesn’t have any
completes then that’s the best I guess
but I also believe there’s no website no
web hosting company that has no
complaints from even just one so they
have thousands of visitors and thousands
of customers and most of them are very
happy including myself I just I just
didn’t renew my hosting subscription
which side Graham over here however I
can’t speak for everyone but based on my
experience which i think is a very very
respectable representative of the
average customer experiences I am an
average customer of SiteGround has been
very very positive so if you want to
snag a discount check the link in the
video down below which I would update
every time a new one is available from
psych round so that has been my overview
of cyber over here have you psych round
before what was your experience
let me know in the comments down below
and as always don’t forget to subscribe

SiteGround Review: After a long year of use, buy SiteGround hosting at a special price: Why buy or use SiteGround: ✔️Free SIteBuilder ✔️Free SSL and HTTPS ✔️Free Email Accounts ✔️Free CloudFlareCDN ✔️Free Daily Backup ✔️24/7 Support ✔️30 Day Money Back Guarantee ✔️Unlimited MySQL ✔️SSH ✔️ Trusted by the owners of 2,000 ,000 domains ✔️99.9% uptime guarantee ✔️ Lightning-fast speeds ——– ————————————— ———- — #siteground #sitegroundreview #sitegroundreviews #bestfasterhosting #hosting #bestwebhosting #hosting #fasterhosting #cheaphosting #cheapfasterhosting #cheapfasterwebhosting #hostingtutorial #wordpress #wordpresstutorial ———- ———- ————————————— ► Disclaimer◄ Some of the footage used here The video is not original content created by Best Faster Hosting. Portions of archival product materials have been collected from a variety of sources, including manufacturers, co-developers, and various other sources. If you own something and would like it removed, please do not hesitate to contact us at bestfasterhosting[at]
#SiteGround #Review #long #year

Hosting Review

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