SiteGround Review 2023 – What you need to know SiteGround Video Review


SiteGround Review 2023 – What you need to know

Tutorial Hosting
Hey folks Joel here from sageo digital I’m making a video today to go over siteground siteground is a hosting company it’s the company that we use to host the website that we create to host our own website it’s what we recommend to our clients and we get a lot of

Questions as to why why choose that particular company and it’s a fair enough question there are so many hosting companies out there why would we just choose this one um company we’ve used a bunch over over the years um and you know what a lot are as good

As each other but there’s a few things about this one that stand out and why we continue year after year to to renew our um subscription with them and uh and manage as many websites as we do through them and I’m going to go over a few of those things today so

To those of you never heard about it before so this is siteground um this is the main page the home page here so you can see they’re celebrating their 19th birthday they’ve been around for a long time I mean depending on when you watch this video today or at the moment it’s their

19th birthday they’re offering 85 off new plans and as you can see even before we get into the get hosting and having a look at the different plans you know they’re offering for 2.99 a month I mean it’s incredibly reasonable um what they what they offer uh before we get into the different

Hosting plans that they they offer and choices for yourself um one of the main reasons we use them is their support you can just go over here right now you can get quick help you can go through popular Pages you can go straight through to their visit help center

We’ve used it numerous times I mean just I think it was only two days ago we had a critical error occur on one of the websites that we we’re building and it wasn’t a fault that we’ve seen um before and it was in a WordPress website and what had actually happened for some

Bizarre reason and that happens with websites like coding it it can confuse itself um we had a contact form that caused a critical error with the website and then we weren’t able to upload products we were building a a woocommerce you know e-commerce store on woocommerce through WordPress

And um we within a matter of minutes had received an auto email from siteground explaining what had happened and what to do and to contact their support so they can assist us in getting that website fixed and back up and running straight away I mean that’s just one example

There’s been other times where we’ve had to contact them because of something going on with the WordPress site that we just can’t figure out how to create something like we had a space issue with a website you know in all manner of different things like they’re so quick

They’re so easy and another thing last year as well I started shopping around for another hosting company when we were about to renew our subscription with them and I was shopping around and you know we’ve been with them for quite a while and they they offer you know discount pricing and

Everything like that but when you’ve got lots and lots of websites running and my next year subscription was going to be x amount of dollars I reached out to him and I said hey look you’re offering this bird for new customers can you offer this to me as an existing come customer

And they’re like yeah sure why don’t we give you that discount pop that code in so they’re just really helpful and you can get hold of them real quick and they’re always polite and friendly so it’s not something you really think of I think you know support when you when you

First get going and you want to build your site and and everything like that but it’s so important that you can get the help and the assistance that you need even if you’ve been doing this for years which we have you come unstuck there’s things that go on

You know your developers make an error in the code or something like that and and they’ve got to fix it or you get a critical error and you need your hosting company to really assist you so this is one of the main reasons that we come back to them time and time again

Another one is the speed of it now look this is um a website called and I just came across this when I was looking at some you know good features and benefits now this is showing you the the upload time and the response time they they boast that they have like 99.99

Of their time that they’re um siteground is up and it’s working and it’s working correctly and everything like this well this is an independent website from siteground that’s showing the uptime for each of these months and there’s only this one in February of this year 2023

There’s 99.99 the rest of the time is a hundred percent up and if I let’s have a little flick through some of these pages okay there we go 99.99 99.98 and October 2021 is the first time looking back through the months here you can see that it’s dropped down by 0.3 of

A percent or 0.03 of a percent so it’s incredibly reliable it’s really reasonably priced and they’re really helpful so going back to the main screen now let’s have a look at some of their hosting plan so at the moment 85 off um let’s have a look here we go

There we are so for new hosting plans here look start up if you’re just building yourself a site you want to get going 2.99 a month that’s US Dollars I’m in Australia um so that’s I don’t know it’s probably four bucks a month um one thing I will point out that they

Do want like a 12 month minimum up front so um you know if you’re looking at building an e-commerce site through WordPress and there’s no cheaper way than doing it through Shopify we’ve got a lot of stores on Shopify but you know that’s that’s 30 US dollars a

Month and that’s all you know that’s that’s your hosting that’s that’s everything and they do it through the one through the one platform but that’s 30 a month right there so if you’re you know not everyone has a large budget to get going when they want to build a new

Um business so whether or not you’re doing an e-commerce site or you know a service site which is the majority of the people that we work with 2.99 a month you know that’s it it’s it’s that it’s that cheap now this is discounted down from 19.99 a month so after a year

It’s going to revert to that 19.99 um or depending on how many years you want to carry that that price over for but like I said I just reached out to him and I said hey give you can you give me another discount and they and they do like we um

It was worth doing I didn’t do that previous years I’m just like yeah this is the price and then I just went back and asked them and they and they said yeah not a problem so this is for one website here which most people getting going they’re just thinking about this one

Website that they want to build up and it’s it’s perfect it’s great it’s um it’s so good and if you just jump up just slightly there 4.99 a month this is what you can have unlimited websites now you know you need to pay attention to web space and things like this depending

On the size of the websites that you’re making and everything like that but it’s not like you have to just jump up to the the Go Geek make sure you’ve got everything going on with as much space as you need you know you can jump up plans as and when you need to

Today you might be building one site um then you’ve done that one site and all of a sudden you know how to build a site now and somebody else asks you to build a site well you might just want to quickly up it to to this one without

Even having to spend too much money so um really really nice obviously a list of Premium features and everything like that as well um if you hover over there then it’s you know you’ve got a free website builder um free SSL and https this is your site security

Um this little padlock at the top here um just shows people that the website is secure and and um you’re not going to have any problems there you uh oh yeah you even get free email accounts so like let’s say you’re well we’re um say Joe digital right but you

Want to have a business email address going um on at the same time rather than having like say Joe digital which you know is great for receiving emails but it doesn’t look that professional to your customers then you can have info at as long as you’re whatever your url is you

Can have their whatever uh your company name um and that’s existing there as well otherwise you need to get a you know a Google Business there’s many good reasons to have like a Google business account obviously it’s all encompassing you can you can get your listings up there on um on Google

Uh or you can do it through Outlook as well you know there’s these options but again you’re getting going 2.99 a month building your website you can get a business email address to put on there as well and then it goes into its own little email account in the back end of

Um siteground and then you can also do an on forward from there into your actual email account as well so we really like that feature um especially when we’ve you know we’ve got a client that doesn’t have a great big budget and they really want to get going

Um it’s fantastic so I can’t recommend this enough so other features as well like if you want to you can register a new domain straight through here as well so um just to explain that a bit you got your hosting you’ve got your domain name your domain name is

And that is hosted on site ground right now you can buy your domain names elsewhere and we actually do I bought a few through here before and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it but I do like to purchase them through a separate company um just so I’m keeping I’m not putting

All my eggs in one basket I’ve got a separate email address and I’ve got all my separate domain names there and I use my hosting over there but like I said I have bought them through here a number of times I do find them a little bit

More expensive through here than if you go through um Go Daddy which uh which we use which I’ll do a video on on GoDaddy as well just to explain that for beginners um but there’s many different places to get your domain names from there’s many different places to get your hosting

From Wii U siteground and um I hope I’ve explained why so if uh if you’re interested in a discount I have got a link below full disclosure it’s an affiliate link um and what that means if you click through then it just gives us a little

Bit of commission so that we can keep making these videos you don’t have to you can just go straight to you don’t have to click on that link at all it’s entirely up to you won’t cost you anything um and there’s a discount um at the point of this video that

Discount is uh the discount code before is still working let me know in the comments if it’s not and I’ll pop another one up there for you as well but that siteground any questions whatsoever please let us know I’m happy to do an updated video on this as well or if

There’s any features I haven’t explained um give us a shout all right thanks a lot
Are you looking for a reliable and powerful web hosting provider? Look no further than our 2023 SiteGround review! In this video, we'll give you a detailed overview of SiteGround's features, pricing, and overall performance so you can make an informed decision about whether or not it is the right hosting provider for your website. ✅ Best WordPress Web Hosting 👉 Get Siteground Discount ► ✅ Learn more about our systems here ➤ Check out our tutorials 👉 Like this buy a domain name on GoDaddy 2023 (Live Walkthrough) ► 👉 Complete Siteground Tutorial | Create your first website ► 👉 How to Create a WordPress Website with Astra Theme Using Elementor – Step by Step Guide for Beginners ► Our Team of experts tested SiteGround We offer comprehensive hosting services and provide you with valuable insights and opinions on the various hosting plans including Shared Hosting, Managed WordPress Hosting, Cloud Hosting and more. We'll also cover SiteGround's security features, customer support, and website builder to give you a complete picture of what this hosting provider has to offer. Whether you're a small business owner, a blogger, or an e-commerce website, our 2023 SiteGround review will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about your web hosting needs. So sit back, relax and let us walk you through everything you need to know about SiteGround hosting in 2023. DISCLOSURE I am affiliated but am not sponsored by any provider. This means I may earn money if you purchase paid services through the links provided, and I may offer discounts when they are available. Since I am not sponsored, I can keep my own opinions and provide unbiased reviews and tutorials. If you enjoyed the content, please consider using my affiliate links. All my opinions on this channel are always my own! Thank you for watching! SUBSCRIBE to receive more free tutorials. SHARE this video with friends. COMMENT below which video I should do next. See you in the next video! Website ➤ Follow us on Instagram ➤ Like us on Facebook ➤
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Hosting Review

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