Siteground Review (2023) ❇️ Speed ​​test, live demo and my honest web host recommendation SiteGround Video Review


Siteground Review (2023) ❇️ Speed ​​test, live demo and my honest web host recommendation

Tutorial Hosting
Are you looking for a fast hosting provider with 
great customer support? Well in this Siteground  
review I’m going to show you everything that you 
need to know about Siteground so you can make a  
better informed decision on whether this hosting 
provider is right for you. i’m not going to waste  
your time with fluff content here instead i’m 
going to provide you value by showing you results  
from my live test like the page load speed uptime 
and customer support quality i also provide you  
with a live demo so you essentially get to test 
out siteground without having to actually purchase  
it for yourself and lastly i will provide 
you with my honest recommendations on if  
or who should buy siteground i will have a special 
bonus offer for you if you decide to pick up  
siteground through my special discounted link in 
the description below i also have a free checklist  
on starting a successful blog for everyone 
so make sure to stick with me to the end and  
i’ll show you how to get access to this bonus now 
let’s get straight into this review after purchase  
setup and ease of use last year siteground 
did a complete overhaul of their systems  
and moved away from cpanel to their own custom 
solution which i really love it is so intuitive  
and easy to navigate so i will now show you by 
doing a quick install of my wordpress website  
so you can see how easy and quick this actually 
is right now let me show you how easy it is  
to install your ssl certificate and cloudflare 
compared to your typical way of doing it on cpanel  
so you just go to security click on ssl manager 
select your ssl and click get it’s literally a  
one-click install it’s that easy literally i’ve 
only clicked one or two buttons and it’s done and  
now once your ssl certificate has been installed 
then you just go to actions and enforce https  
click on that button and we’re done and you can 
easily check this by navigating to wordpress  
install and manage scroll to the bottom click on 
this login to admin panel and now we can see that  
our website has a lock on it and the certificate 
is valid so hopefully this shows you how easy it  
is to navigate through siteground’s dashboard 
and i’ll also show you how easy cloudflare is  
to install over cpanel in the next section overall 
i would score siteground a perfect 10 out of 10  
for setup and ease of use i really can’t 
fault them with anything in this section  
i think all users especially beginners would love 
how clean their new interface is and just how easy  
it is to navigate and do things to your website 
i’m very impressed speed and uptime performance  
tests after i’ve installed the basic wordpress 
site i went ahead and tested out the speed  
of the bare bones website using gt metrics 
the result is 1.1 seconds this is super fast  
and is showing great promise considering i 
have not optimized the website at all yet so  
now i will take it a step further and add some 
design elements to it to increase the page size  
and the speed will be a bit slower but don’t worry 
if you’re overwhelmed looking at this my course  
that i will provide you for supporting the channel 
will guide you through this step by step i’m also  
going to configure optimum settings for the sg 
optimizer plugin by turning on static dynamic  
and memcache i will also install cloudflare and 
the free short pixel image optimizer plugin this  
will make it more comparable to what you would 
normally do in real life the speed is now 1.9  
seconds as it’s way under google’s recommendation 
of 3 seconds and is close to being the fastest out  
of all shared hosting platforms that i’ve tested 
so their sg optimizer plugins seems to be living  
up to the expectations so far lastly i wanted 
to test out their grow big and go geek plans  
and see how fast their premium plan really is and 
if it’s faster than just installing a free speed  
optimizer plug-ins so now i’m going to deactivate 
sg optimizer and replace it with the free  
plug-in called wp fastest cache now let’s see 
what the load speed will be the new speed is now  
2.7 seconds which is 0.8 seconds slower so i would 
say there is enough of a difference here for their  
grow big and go geek plans to be worth that extra 
money but only when you have enough traffic coming  
in of course at the beginning i wouldn’t worry 
about it and i’d just stick to their startup plan  
now moving on to uptime i have been monitoring 
the stability and performance of siteground with  
uptime robot and can report that their uptime 
for the last 30 days is 100 that’s right their  
down time was zero minutes in fact the last time 
my site was down with siteground was around 90  
days ago which was amazing you really can’t beat 
that overall i would rate siteground speed and  
performance a 9 out of 10 as you can’t really 
fault them here on anything and their speed  
is lightning fast and is one of the best i have 
tested for shared hosting here’s a quick question  
for you do you think siteground’s page load speed 
of 1.9 seconds is faster or slower than what you  
expected let me know in the comments section below 
support siteground has a few different options for  
you to contact them by whether you want to call 
email or live chat them they are available 24  
7 to help you out their customer service team 
is regarded by many people as the best in the  
industry so i will test them out by asking them 
these three different questions on live chat first  
i will tell them that i have been infected by a 
virus on my website and ask for their help second  
i asked them a quick question about their sg 
optimizer plugin and which plan i need to purchase  
to get this but one trick i have on this question 
is i choose the wrong question category and the  
third question is i asked them if they could 
do me a favor and install the ssl certificate  
and cloudflare for me as i am a complete newbie 
and i have no idea how to do it and here are the  
results for question one they were willing to help 
straight away and scanned the website for me to  
check for the virus however they were not willing 
to remove the virus for me if any were found  
it’s not ideal but at least they were willing to 
find the virus for me and list them out and then  
all i have to do was to go one by one into the 
files and delete them for the second question  
they were able to resolve my query in about five 
minutes and that includes the wait time so that’s  
not bad at all and for my last question siteground 
did not hesitate to install my ssl certificate and  
cloudflare they immediately did that for me and i 
didn’t have to click a single button on my mouse  
i was really impressed by their response for that 
with regards to the response time i contacted them  
at three different times of the day to make sure i 
get an overall average and not just a biased fast  
response time during their off-peak hours so their 
three response times were 30 seconds 10 seconds  
and 3 minutes and 15 seconds so that averages out 
to be around 1 minute and 20 seconds of wait time  
which is definitely the fastest i’ve tested out 
of all companies so far so overall i would say  
their support was great and i would score them 
a 9 out of 10. their support team was friendly  
and willing to help immediately without having to 
ask twice and their response time is the best i’ve  
ever had from any online service including those 
outside of the web hosting world i just took one  
mark off because they did not actually help with 
the removal part of the virus scan and that was it  
do you like the level of detail i’m providing in 
my review so far if yes make sure to like my video  
and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel so 
you don’t miss out on more quality content that  
i’ll be releasing every single week pricing 
options click on the link in the description  
or type this into your browser this will bring 
you to my personal discount page on siteground  
where you will get their current best deal 
available i will be comparing their shared hosting  
plan in this review as that is what most people 
are looking for although siteground also offers  
other higher end hosting solutions like they 
manage cloud hosting plans so you know that  
they are capable of supporting you when you 
are ready for an upgrade there are three shared  
hosting plans that siteground offers with the 
startup tier currently costing 6.99 per month  
you are limited to just one website and 10 
gigabytes of web space which seems quite expensive  
to me considering it was about half this price 
early in the year before their new pricing model  
was released if you require more than one website 
then you need to look at the next two tiers which  
can provide you with unlimited websites these are 
called grow big and grow geek plans which will  
cost you 9.99 and 14.99 which is more reasonable 
and comparable to other hosting providers i no  
longer consider siteground as a budget hosting 
provider however i do believe they are still  
one of the very best in terms of performance and 
i still have my own personal account with them  
i will explain to you who i believe siteground is 
suitable for later on in the video so stick around  
for that apart from the standard increase in web 
space and website visits the main difference that  
sets these two plans apart from their startup 
plan and honestly many of the other hosting  
providers is their speed optimizer plugin called 
sg optimizer on the startup plan you only get the  
first level of caching which is the static caching 
but on their grow big and grow geek plans you get  
all three levels which also includes dynamic and 
memcache so i’m gonna go all out and get their go  
geek plan now with their domain names i really 
don’t recommend that you buy your domain name with  
siteground or any other hosting provider as they 
always charge you fifteen to twenty dollars per  
year for just the domain name and then they 
will add on another ten to fifteen dollars  
for domain privacy so that means overall you’re 
gonna have to fork out up to thirty dollars per  
year for a domain name other reviewers don’t tell 
you about this disadvantage because they’re afraid  
they’re gonna lose the sale but i just wanted 
to be upfront and honest with you and provide  
you with the full knowledge to make an informed 
decision now what i recommend you do instead is  
to buy all your domain names from 
i use them myself for all my domain names and  
they have been great so the main advantage you can 
see over here is if you buy your domain name from  
namecheap you will get the who is guard which is 
the privacy protection for free and all that for  
under 10 i’ve also got a link and tutorial video 
for you if you’re interested in purchasing your  
domain name through namecheap however if you don’t 
care about the price and you think you’re going  
to stay with siteground for the long term then 
by all means pick a domain name from siteground  
now fill out all your private information and we 
come down to this section now we need to choose a  
data center locations siteground has six locations 
for you to choose from i always recommend you  
choose the location which is closest to most 
of your customers so for example if you have a  
local business in australia or new zealand then i 
would choose australia as my location but if your  
customers are worldwide then i would definitely 
want to choose the united states siteground also  
comes with very flexible monthly 12-month 24-month 
and 36-month plans all their plans used to cost  
the same on their previous pricing structures so 
it didn’t matter how long you choose you would  
always get the same monthly price but now their 
cheapest plan is the 12 month plan so they are not  
incentivizing you to buy three years like everyone 
else does they want you to buy for only 12 months  
and then renew at this massive increase of 39.99 
per month i really don’t like this new strategy  
of siteground i just think it’s a bad business 
model it just doesn’t make sense why their 24  
month plan and their 36 month plan would cost 
more per month than their 12 month plan anyway  
i would just pick their 12 month plan and for the 
next part is the sg site scanner this one i would  
definitely recommend you not buying it as it is 
not necessary so if you’re happy with everything  
just confirm and click pay now the overall pricing 
score i would give siteground is only a 5 out of  
10. siteground used to be slightly more expensive 
than other hosting providers but they made up for  
it with their performance and speed but now with a 
new price hike i really don’t think their price is  
great at all and i can’t give them a better score 
than this so if you’re someone who only needs one  
website or is just a beginner starting out i would 
100 not recommend siteground at this price for you  
i have a better recommendation which i 
will share with you later on in the video  
if you’re someone with a budget and just want 
the best of the best then siteground may still be  
the best option for you this is a quick note 
regarding my bonus offer to you if you decide  
to pick up siteground through my link just send 
me your receipt to bonus dot com dollar and i’ll  
send you access to my bonus course right away 
and if you want my free checklist on starting a  
successful blog then just go to this link in the 
description to get access to that recommendation  
overall i have given siteground an average score 
of 8.5 out of 10. they really are one of the best  
shared web hosting providers i’ve tested they have 
great speeds the interface is one of the cleanest  
and easiest to use and their support is also top 
notch you just can’t beat that perfect combination  
so this is my recommendation for you whether 
you’re a beginner or advanced user looking for  
the best overall shared hosting provider i believe 
siteground is a very worthy option that i think  
you should really consider however if you’re on 
a budget and can’t afford the fairly expensive  
price of siteground then i don’t think they’re 
the right option for you now i think picking the  
right hosting provider is such a crucial step 
for your business so you must get this right  
but if after watching this review you don’t think 
siteground is the right hosting provider for you  
then i recommend you check out this hosting 
alternative which i know will do the job but  
if you’re happy with siteground then go to this 
next video and i’ll see you over in that tutorial

Are you looking for a fast hosting provider with great customer support? Well, in this Siteground review I will go through everything you need to know about Siteground to decide if Siteground is the right hosting provider for you. 🔴Get Special Discount on Siteground ➡️ ———- RELATED RESOURCES ———- 📕 FREE CHECKLIST 📕 Download this Ultimate Successful 6 – down. Figure Blog Checklist! ► 🎥 Best Siteground ALTERNATIVE ► 🎥 How to Install WordPress on Siteground [Tutorial] ► 📺 Best Web Hosting ► 📺 Best Web Hosting for Beginners ► 1XFLszEOU9w. 📺 Best Web Hosting for WordPress ► 📺 Best Managed WordPress Hosting ► 📺 Best Cheap Web Hosting. ► https :/ / 📺 Best web hosting for small business ► 📺 Best web hosting for affiliate marketing ► list =PLNP6XMkJWzYS9IRtS53MKZqdpaBmqINwd 📺 Best Web Hosting for E-Commerce ► 📺 Best Web Hosting for Bloggers ►. TmxQqfFhn7DHY I'm not going to waste your time with contentless content. Instead, I will present you the key results of my live test such as page loading speed, uptime and quality of customer support. I'll also provide you with a live demo so you can virtually test Siteground without having to purchase it yourself. And finally, I'll give you my honest recommendation as to whether or who should buy Siteground. ⏱️TIMESTAMPS⏱️ 00:00 – Overview and Bonuses 00:58 – Post-Purchase Setup and Ease of Use for Siteground 02:37 – Siteground Speed ​​and Uptime Performance Tests 04:59 – Customer Support Review 07:26 – Pricing Options for Siteground Shared Hosting Plans 12 :38 – Honest recommendation from Siteground ———- RELATED VIDEOS ———- 🎥 Siteground Review [2022] 🔥 Best web hosting provider? (Live Demo, Speed ​​Test and Recommendation) ► 🎥 Siteground Review 2022 🔥 Pros and Cons of Siteground Web Hosting ► ? v=IFMRfppW5xE 🎥 SiteGround Review – Is SiteGround Worth It Now? My thoughts ► 🎥 Siteground Review (2022) ❇️ Speed ​​test, live demo and my honest web host recommendation ► =efzSRXkS6UA ———- CONNECT WITH ME! ———- 🔔 SUBSCRIBE for more actionable marketing tutorials ► 💬 Join my Affiliate Marketing and Passive Income Facebook Group ► https://www. 📝 Blog ► 🐦 Twitter ► #sitegroundreview #sitegroundtutorial #siteground DISCLAIMER: This video and description may contain affiliate links contain. This means that if you click on one of the product links, I will receive a commission. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue creating videos like this. I will never support or promote a product I don't believe in. Thank you for your support!
#Siteground #Review #Speed #test #live #demo #honest #web #host #recommendation

Hosting Review

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