SiteGround Review 2020 – Which SiteGround Hosting Plans Are Best for You? Check this out first! SiteGround Video Review


SiteGround Review 2020 – Which SiteGround Hosting Plans Are Best for You? Check this out first!

Tutorial Hosting
hey guys how are we doing today this is
Wally we’re learning that calm and today
we’re going to be talking about psyche
Brown web-hosting in particular we’re
going to be looking at their hosting
plans if you’re considering uh signing
up with psych round today this video is
for you I am the owner of not only
Lerner Netcom but I have several other
blogs that of set up and psych Brown is
one of my main hosting companies that
aside with when it comes to a hosting
website so in this video what we’re
gonna do is talk about what to expect
with cyclone web hosting their shared
hosting in particular if you want to
create a website today I’m gonna tell
you about a plan that I have all that I
prefer to have you know when I host and
create different websites and the
reasons why as you can see right now I’m
on the site grab my website right now
and you can see the different tabs here
I’m gonna mainly look at their we’re
gonna take you over to the web hosting
tab itself Oh before I get started
something that I want to mention is that
if you have a website right now you’re
hosting with another company and you
want to migrate your website over to Sai
crown they’ll do that for free for you
once you get started you can click on
better you have the link that’s right in
the descriptions portion of this video
and it’ll bring you right over to site
Brown and once you do that you’ll get up
setup you can see this tab right here
for website transfer and do that for
free so that’s just tough but I want to
put out there in the event you want to
migrate your website over to psych round
again they’ll do that for you for free
okay so let’s go back to the the web
hosting itself I want to go over the
little thing and what is it you get with
the web hosting as you can see here
psych Brown offers a three main web
hosting plans there’s the other startup
the grow big and go geek plans itself
and the startup the Stars have three
five which is average you know we
consider like you know Bluehost that
also starts at 395 a to hosting starts
at 392 and pretty a Hostgator right
along that same line so it’s pretty
average when it comes to this startup
playing itself one thing that I will
mention about psych round off back is
that site Brown is not owned by
endurance or ET IG e IG is the company
that owns Bluehost and own Hostgator
they own I page I don’t know a lot of
these other companies that typically
have not-so-hot of you know uptime or
server delivery it so I just wanted to
point out that and that’s one of the
main reasons why I switched over to site
brown so let the startup plan itself as
you can see right here you can host one
website it comes with ten gigabytes of
web space and it’s great for ten
thousand visits or less so if you have a
very small site that you want to bring
over or create with site Brown the
startup plan is it’ll probably be your
best option if you’re looking only to
host one website you know for your small
business and that’s all you really want
to do a lot of nice features that come
with it I mentioned briefly about the
free site transfer if you’re coming from
a different host over to site Brown
you’ll do that for you 24/7 support
which is great something that I want to
mention too is that site Brown gives you
free SSL Certificates that’s big because
if you know anything about search engine
traffic Google they made an announcement
you know some time ago that you know for
web sites that don’t have SSL
Certificates will install it on their
website that they’re gonna rank it lower
so that’s a big deal and obviously if
you want somebody if somebody’s coming
to your website and they are looking to
you know purchase something you want
them to know that your website is secure
so that’s something that you can give
for free through site Brown
they do have a 30 day money back
guarantee it’s applicable to all of the
plans that they have and you can see
some of the features that they offer
with the startup me personally as I
mentioned before I have you know learner
Netcom I have a few other blogs out
there too that of a creative you know
just recently and the plan itself that I
have is the grow big one the reason is
because they allow you to do multiple
websites versus just one so that’s one
of the perks of going with the grow big
you know playing itself just start at
five ninety five per month which i think
is very very affordable you do get more
web space with that 20 gigabytes as for
traffic itself and handles up to 25,000
visits per month you get all the same
essential features as before
but you get some premium features with
you know faster support faster you know
speed you know with the service itself
so going over to the go geek plan this
plan I don’t have I don’t really need
this plan the one that you know really
worked for me
or it’s best for me I should say was a
grow big one the go geek one is a step
up with its biggest t95 per month again
just as would grow be you can host
multiple websites you do get more space
with up 30 gigabytes of web space web
space rather and the difference between
startup and grow big is that with go
geek you can host up excuse me you can
it handles up to a hundred thousand
visits per month and these are some
additional features that you get with it
but as for me with you know my
particular website and the other sites
that I’ve created and built the blogs
that I have the grow big I seem to be
the best plan for me only because you
know not only it supports you know more
visits but you get more space and it
allows me to create multiple websites or
even subdomains if I desire so you can
select any of these plans that you know
works out for you and your budget
you know the grow big one is great but
you may just need startup if you just
have one website that you’re looking to
build the startup plan is the way to go
something that I wanted to do for you
today is take you into the cPanel I
think if you get started with any web
web hosting company you need a cPanel
obviously and sycron has that you can
ask subdomains as I mentioned before
add-on domains with the grow big and go
geek you can add-on unlimited domains to
your to your main domain you get two
redirects you want to transfer the man
you could do that too right here you can
see like one-click platform that you can
build your websites typically it’s
always recommended or more people tend
to use WordPress because it’s more user
friendly and Google just you know loves
them and so this is just a glance at
what you’re getting on the inside of
your site ground now cPanel and as
you’ll notice right here if you have
cPanel with your current hosts that you
have right now they’re pretty much set
up the same there’s some other distinct
features that Hostgator has now
hostgator but SiteGround has such as
hostgator blue holes and some of this
competitor some of the very same
features here but our site crown does
have some other perks extras that they
do give you and talking about that I’m
gonna jump over to resources now with
the resources tab right here as you can
see if you’re totally new to web design
creation of websites and you don’t know
anything about you know building with
Joomla WordPress or other CMS platforms
SiteGround has some tutorials here which
is amazing it’s really great if you
don’t know anything about how to create
websites with WordPress you can click on
this tutorial here and it will take you
step-by-step some other perks that
before that you get with psych round
that you don’t get with you know its
competitors such as Blue Hose so
hostgator is that you can see some
coupons here and discounts that you get
for example with optimum stir WordPress
forms WordPress rocket premium themes if
you want to upload or buy premium themes
of course they cost but they’ll give you
a free premium theme when you get
started with your with your site roundup
package so it really doesn’t matter
which of the packages that you go with
with site crown they’re gonna give you a
free premium theme when you get started
that’s one of the things that I like
about that you don’t get that with you
know like Hostgator or Blue Hose or any
of the other competitors and I’ve tried
them all I know you don’t get any free
premium themes with them so what I
wanted to do today up the purpose of
this video is just to take you on the
inside of site ground
psych grounds that website to tell you
more about their web hosting what is it
that you’re getting you know with it and
to show you what the the user panel the
site panel itself looks like on the
inside so if you want to get started
with site ground today just so I click
on the link that’s right below in the
descriptions portion of this video I
also want to encourage you guys to
subscribe to my channel give it a thumbs
up like it let me know what you
appreciated most about this video and
let me know also which plan you’re gonna
get started with with psycrow I’m gonna
thank you guys so much for watching this
video and I’ll see you guys on the next

Recently I decided to switch to Siteground hosting plans. In this Siteground review video, you'll learn about the three Siteground hosting plans and which one I like to use the most and why. Sign up for Siteground hosting here –
#SiteGround #Review #SiteGround #Hosting #Plans #Check

Hosting Review

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