SiteGround Review 2019 Pros and Cons of using their WordPress hosting SiteGround Video Review


SiteGround Review 2019 Pros and Cons of using their WordPress hosting

Tutorial Hosting
in this video I’m going to be reviewing
psych Ron’s a wordpress hosting a lot of
the affiliates say yes they’re really
good and they are really good but I’m
not going to share our coat that they
have two main issues and those are the
renewal prices which are really high so
you can get up to three years of this
promotional price but after that it
jumps to these higher prices as well as
they do have strict CPU limits so if you
exceed your resource limits they’re
actually going to send you warnings and
potentially shut down your website
that’s why when you choose a plan it’s
always best to choose one with more
server resources if you know your
website is gonna require more plugins or
it’s going to get more traffic or
consume more server resources there’s a
lot of things you can do to prevent that
like CloudFlare CDN a cache plug-in and
etc but those are two main cons of site
crown and those are really the only cons
I can come up with to be honest other
than that they’re a great hosts for
shared hosting I’ve been using them for
at least five years now and they were
rated number one and a ton of Facebook
pull so you usually see site Brown and
cloud ways are usually the top two in
place foot poles and psych ground if
shared hosting that while cloud weighs
is managed cloud hosting and if you’re
coming from AIG like blue host or
hostess quatre or even a – or GoDaddy
you’re gonna see a good load time
improvement just by migrating the site
Brown their worlds butter and Bluehost
Hostgator GoDaddy or any of those lower
quality hosts so part of that is because
they have really good speed technology
they use solid-state drives and Jenek
servers super cache are there ST
optimizer plugin uses server-side
caching which is faster than the file
based caching used by cache plugins
that’s why if you can I would use SV
optimizer they also have a built in
CloudFlare CDN that which is free all
you have to do is go to your cPanel and
to beta and one-click as well as HTTP to
servers and PHP 7.3 as of today and they
also have really good Trustpilot reviews
recommended by WordPress and EEOC uses
them I’m sure they used a dedicated
server but they still used SiteGround
part of that is because there’s support
and security and up times are all really
good so if you do your research in these
Facebook groups or on Twitter a lot of
people especially the support part
sycron support is pretty much unmatched
you can get a hold of live chat in like
15 seconds or your ticket answered in 15
minutes and if you look at their
Facebook page they always post ongoing
updates that make your makes your
website load faster or something to do
with security or up times but they keep
up to date with new technology and that
is something that a lot of companies
don’t do especially like GoDaddy and
they only release PHP 7 in 2018 when
sycron was one of the first hosts to
release PHP 7 they’re also recommended
by a Vica from the WordPress speed up
Facebook group he recommends I crown and
cloud waves so I had a hundred percent
GT metrics report on site round and this
this is in February to very 2019 so yes
it is possible you will need to use a
cache plugin optimize images and take
care of the other optimizations but
hosting is the number one factor of your
load time so you can fix items and GT
metrics all you want but your server is
the thing that will affect your load
time the most so yes it is possible with
psych round so this I actually migrated
to claude ways because my traffic
outgrew cyclones go geek plan and I was
getting CPU overages I upgraded to their
cloud hosting for $80 a month and it was
still getting CPU overages and I finally
I was pain like hundred forty dollars
for an upgraded version of their cloud
it was just getting way too expensive
which is why I eventually migrated to
cloud ways so sigh crown is great for
shared hosting especially those three
years of the promotional price but after
that you may want to look into cloud
ways which starts at $10 a month there
digitalocean plan is really good but
that is what I use now and the main
difference I saw is my tutorials have
like 418 comments and tons of images but
yet if you run that through GT matrix it
has a 1.9 second load time on cloud
weighs 172 requests
five point eight six megabytes and it
still loads in 1.9 seconds so that was
the main difference I saw between psych
round and clawed way is yes my homepage
didn’t have a lot of content and it’s
still loaded fast on SiteGround but my
tutorials that were really long and
beefed up took way less time to load on
cloud ways because again they are
managed cloud hosting so if you’re using
psych round there SG optimizer like I
said they’ve made big improvements to
this they start adding minification or
image optimization and lazy loading
Gravett ours I definitely recommend
looking into SG optimizer there’s pros
and cons to both
so SG optimizer uses server-side caching
faster than file based caching used by
cache plugins the downside is that it
doesn’t come with as many features as WP
rocket so you have a couple options you
can either use one or the other and I
recommend testing them out to see how
they affect your load time or you can
use WP rocket but then that they have it
plug-in for disabling WP rockets cache
and then install ST optimizer and only
use that for caching so you get the
server-side caching which is better with
SG optimizer and that’s all you’re using
it for but then you’re letting WP rocket
handle all the other optimizations
because it comes a lot more features on
SG optimized
so if you take a look at cyclones plans
I’m not gonna go over these because you
can I mean you can look at these
yourself and I know every review just
covers all their features and it’s kind
of boring the main thing the main
difference in their plans is that grow
big is you can host unlimited websites
it comes with more storage and a few
other features but the main thing you
want to look at is the server resources
so as you upgrade plan to get more
resources which makes your website load
faster if you’re running a WooCommerce
site or you have a decently high traffic
website I would never use the startup
plan and generally I would just stay
away from that because for 2 dollars a
month more for the promotional price
grow big is definitely worth it you get
more server resources more storage posts
on my mentor websites and you get a few
extra features sycron does come up with
a free let’s encrypt SSO there they up
daily backups auto updates a lot of good
features that you can see on this page
and I’ll leave a link to this in the
video description staging is also super
helpful so this comes with their grill
big plan and if you want to create a
clone of your website to test like new
designs or plugins before launching them
on your actual website that’s what
staging does it’s super helpful so they
have a lot of good features that are you
know when you look at other shared
hosting they usually don’t have all
these features so like I said sycron is
really good for shared hosting and they
will migrate your website for free it
with the growth big plan and up but like
I said I use cloud ways there
digitalocean plan just because I outgrew
it psyche runs go geek plan and I was
getting CPU overages and it was becoming
a little expensive someone so you get to
that point and I definitely recommend
checking out cloud ways cyclones cloud
hosting is really expensive for what it
is just to give you an idea for their
entry level price on their cloud hosting
you can get the same thing at cloud ways
for forty two dollars a month two CPU
and four
bytes of memory on their digitalocean
plan so this is what happened when I
migrated from sycron cloud hosting to
cloud ways my time spent dialing a page
pretty much trapped in half and like I
said those longer tutorials took way
less time to load I think they were
taking about nine seconds on psych
ground and with clod ways I can get
anywhere up to like 1.5 seconds for
those really long tutorials there is a
huge difference in psych round shared
hosting and cloud weighs managed cloud
hosting it’s just faster so the only
issue I have with clod ways is that
their support isn’t as good a psych
round but for peer speed and it’s way
better and they were also rated number
one and a lot of recent Facebook polls
just do me a favor in a avoid AIG
companies the same company owns over 83
different hosting companies like
Bluehost Hostgator site 5i page and
they’re generally known for packing way
too many people on the same server so if
you’re witty IG any of these companies
right here I recommend stayin away from
them and GoDaddy also has malware issues
I would stay away from them too they
were rated one of the top male we’re
hosting networks in the world so if you
choose psych roundup I recommend doing a
few things first of all and your cPanel
you can activate cloud player in one
clip all you have to do is go here and
literally press activate
I think I already did it but that’s
where you would do it the second thing I
would do is make sure you’re running a
recent PHP version so you can go to the
PHP version manager right here and go to
your folder and make sure you’re running
that you can try managed PHP 7.1 but
they also have up to PHP seven point
three point seven so that will make your
website load way faster especially if
you’re currently on PHP five point six
you can use a plug-in like query monitor
or display PHP version to see which
version you’re running
but psych round is always up to date
with the latest PHP versions and for
shared hosting they are really fast so
again all these people who migrated to
psych round there’s a reason you know
you can lessen to affiliates all you
want but there’s a lot of evidence that
Sai crown is much faster than GoDaddy or
AIG or any of them and I would pick them
ahead of any of those other companies
for most websites I would always sign up
for three years to get this promotional
price because it is the best shared
hosting you’re gonna find for that price
just be aware that after your initial
promotional period the price is gonna
jump depending on how much website
traffic you have or plugins you’re
running or whether your website’s low I
have a slow server response time Google
PageSpeed insights if it’s still kind of
slow I would recommend looking into
cloud waves and their managed cloud
hosting because it is much faster than
shared but those are the two companies
that are rated of very highly in
Facebook pulls so there are both great
options it really just depends on your
needs and your budget I hope this video
was helpful I have links to sycron and
cloud ways in the video description if
you wouldn’t mind using them they are
affiliate links and they would help me
make these videos but I would really
appreciate it otherwise you have
yourself a good day

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Hosting Review

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