Review: Latest version of the Domain Investor app from GoDaddy
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hi there this is Alvin with kickstart
Commerce calm and in today’s video I
want to discuss Go Daddy’s latest update
to the GoDaddy domain investor app and
so if you had the previous app you
likely remember it was green with the Go
Daddy icon or iconography gentleman on
it that no longer exists it is now black
and it just says investor under the in
title as well as it has an outline of a
blue gavel so let’s go ahead and get
into the app once into the app you’re
actually greeted with a GoDaddy investor
or domain investor welcome page but
because I’ve already been in the app and
no longer shows that but it takes me
directly to the dashboard which you know
as a I guess in contrast to previous
versions I really like or GoDaddy is
taking this dashboard page to where it’s
a tiled approach versus the list
approach that they had and one being
that each tile you can actually begin to
at least see at a high level you know
for instance you can see how many
domains I’m watching how many of I’m
bidding on or been outbid on as well as
lost as well as an offer section and one
it’s I I think this is a great start to
where I believe GoDaddy could actually
use this not only for auction purposes
but even just the management of the
GoDaddy you know giving GoDaddy account
so you know start thinking about how you
manage your domain portfolio and just
taking simple actions as well as being
able to buy domains through the app as
well as likely even checkout although
those things aren’t included in this
current version so let’s take a quick
hop into watching and you can see here
the watching I’m watching 684 domains
I’m not watching all of these domains
it’s just that I do a provider list via
Kickstarter converse com of daily
auctions that are expiring so that’s why
you see that many domains here
likely is the case you probably only see
a handful if you were the typical domain
or if you are the typical domain
investor that being said you can scroll
downward and look through all of the
different domains that are there you can
also click the pills that are there but
top that are showing currently all is be
selected so if you were to click
favorites it will show you the favorites
if you were to click the ones you know
that that either have a bid are actively
bidding on then you could see those as
well as offer slash counteroffer which I
don’t necessarily know why that ones
not unless I mean these aren’t I guess I
understand why it’s likely there in case
you bid on a auction that’s a non
expired auction so most of the time I’m
using this for expired auction so that’s
why it doesn’t necessarily make sense
for me more to me but I can see why they
added it there that being said though
I’m gonna use patio as the
domain but you could click on any other
domain that’s in your watch list
well we click on it and it will show you
the status that you have been outbid and
if you want it to be you know place a
higher bid you could click inside that
the increase your bid text input and
increase that necessary you know the the
bid necessary there so for instance if
we just said bid now then it will go out
it would bid I’m not going to do that
only because I’m in airplane mode right
now at the time of this recording but
you can also see your bid history and
you can see you know the number of bids
where you bid is in conjunction to the
other bidders you can also get domain
details how old the domain is number of
pageviews that’s made a monthly revenue
category meaning whether it’s expired or
whether it’s just a public auction and
then auction listing views in addition
this has the appraisal so this gives you
an estimated value for a given domain
based on GoDaddy’s domain appraisal tool
it doesn’t seem to appear to have made
it into the estimated value doesn’t seem
to have made it into this version I mean
it’s obviously it has a section of work
there but the value itself for any given
domain I don’t know if it if it’s
actually live I tried looking through a
number of these domains that I know have
actual values based on looking at the
desktop version but I don’t see that any
other value has been associated via the
app so not only that in the upper right
hand corner if you click sort by you can
sort by in time price high to low as
well as low to high also by name whether
that be in ascending order or descending
order and then option type which is
obviously believe expired and then
public option so I’m just going to click
cancel for now and outside of that
obviously you could go to the one and it
will show you the same same sort of
information or same sort of layout but
it would be for the domains that you
want if you’re outbid in any of the
domains it’ll show you which ones you’re
outbid on one and associated all the
ones that you’re bidding on and then if
you click outbid it’ll show you only the
ones that you’ve been outbid on and then
if you wanted to see which ones you are
actually the highest bidder on then you
can actually see that as well so that
being said let’s see here let’s go back
I really like where good idea is taking
this tool like I said once again I could
see a number of things coming to play if
they had a tile there that was
specifically for your domain portfolio
so you could see you know how many
domains you actually own if you could
take simple actions on domains it’d be
great to get some reporting tools in in
as well in terms
of you know what is the TLD breakdown of
your domain portfolio or how many
domains are expiring over an ex you know
30-day 90-day interval in addition I’d
love to see some checkout options added
to this because obviously you can see
which domains you won but then it’d be
great if from the app you could actually
just check out I almost have a one
button confirmation type of situation of
where you could go in already have your
payment whatever payment methods are
associated to your GoDaddy account have
those methods up here here with the knee
cap and then basically be one button one
button payment from the app I know I
certainly would use the app probably
more than more so than I would use the
desktop another some other thoughts
about this is being able to search
actual domain auctions because right now
you have to go into the desktop select
or star the ones that you want to watch
for them to appear in the app and it’d
be great if you could actually search
from the app and then add it to your
your watch list as well as your you you
know your bid list another option also
is being able to so obviously we said
search for aftermarket auctions but also
just being able to search for domain
names period and purchase those if
they’re available or if they’re register
being able to make some sort of bid or
offer on that domain and so you know
these are just a few thoughts around
where I think good addy could actually
take this you know take this tool so
that being said I’m not gonna go to the
settings area only because it will
reveal certain things about the account
that are sensitive and so if you go into
the settings area though it’ll give you
the opportunity to be notified about
different I guess different attributes
of an option so you know if you receive
some sort of offer and you know
notify me via the Apple or notify me if
I’m outbid so you can go in and enable
those or disable those as you see fit
all in all like I said I think it is a
great start
forgotten in terms of rewriting this
entire application and will look to see
where you know where things had in the
future so thanks for your time I hope
you found this video to be informative
in this version of Go Daddy’s domain
investor application and so please leave
me comments or questions if something
doesn’t make sense or if you have
additional insight on Go Daddy’s domain
investor app also please feel free to
subscribe to the kickstart commerce
YouTube channel I drop a video each week
sometimes talking about the
GoDaddy recently released a complete code rewrite of its domain investor app for a growing and thriving domain investor community. Check out this short review where I highlight the new features, interface, and make suggestions for the next version of the Domain Investor app. Oh yes, in the video I explain that the Estimated Value section is not working. This is an inaccurate statement because at the time of recording I forgot that my phone was in airplane mode – to prevent accidental text notifications while recording the video – and that I did not have internet access. If you have any questions or comments about GoDaddy's Domain Investor app, please leave me a comment or question below. I will do my best to find the appropriate answer. Lastly, please visit for further insights into digital strategies and disciplines to grow your business.
#Review #Latest #version #Domain #Investor #app #GoDaddy