Mystery Solved: My GoDaddy Website Builder Review (2021) GoDaddy Video Review


Mystery Solved: My GoDaddy Website Builder Review (2021)

Video Review Hosting

The Reality of Building a Website in Just an Hour

Ever wondered if it’s possible to build a website in just an hour? Well, that sounds too good to be true, but in this video we’ll discuss whether it’s possible or it’s just a myth. Hello there guys, Side Guide here with a GoDaddy Website Builder review. Today I’m going to review a well-known website hosting company, which does not only offer hosting services, but have their own website building platform, which does make a pretty decent impression from the first look. However, we know that sometimes first looks can be deceiving, so I want to save your time and do all the hard work for you. So in this GoDaddy Website Builder review, I am going to analyze the platform itself; see all the benefits and drawbacks of it; I will mention how good, if it’s any good and easy to use and in the end I will conclude everything by providing information about the pricing and if you want to find more written information about this and other website builders, you can find it on our website Let’s get into it.

Pros and Cons of GoDaddy Website Builder

So GoDaddy has a pretty decent score on Trustpilot, off over four, which is not bad. Although they have some negative reviews as well. I guess that’s normal for all the website builders, but most of the good reviews say that their website building platform is very functional and easy to navigate. However, the negative ones say that they have encountered, the users have encountered some issues with emails or that they had some problems with the customer service. Well, I’m not saying that it’s not possible, but for a big company like GoDaddy, well, I can imagine how hard it is to handle all the situations without causing any frustration or negative feedback from their customers. Nonetheless, let’s check out their platform and see if it’s any good.

So immediately after we log into it, they will ask you to provide the information about what you are going to use the platform for: whether you are a business; a personal brand or you have a different purpose for the website, but you are just two clicks away from the building process itself. Basically, the whole setup is very simple, as for most website builders nowadays. So now once you’re on your website you’re already provided with a basic template, but you can edit it and change the layout of it. Usually all website builders offer a very simple process for that, so it would be awkward if GoDaddy wouldn’t do that. So you can edit the colors by having a full spectrum of them, which is quite nice, you are not limited to five, seven, eight, nine colors and you can choose whichever you want. Sometimes website builders offer up to say 10 default colors and that’s it. Change the fonts for the whole template, buttons and then the rest of the information in the settings tab, such as the basic information, Favicon, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel and more, so I would say it’s pretty neat, especially for entry-level users and it provides options to do simple edits to make your website look more attractive. Navigation bar allows you to add extra pages without any hassle, which I found to be a very useful feature. You can add a new page, which will appear at the header of your website, add a link to an external page and you can add a drop down menu. However, there’s one feature that I kind of miss and that’s the option to add another drop down menu in the one that you apply. So now a few words about domain registration, it’s actually really fast if you don’t have a domain GoDaddy will offer you to get one for free, but they will start charging 15 bucks or more after the first year, which is not the most affordable service out there. I mean there are other domain registrars that can register your domain for a price that’s lower than this, but if you already own one you can connect it to your website easily, which is again pretty useful.

The Capabilities of GoDaddy Website Builder

Hey guys, if you already find this information useful, please click that like button that would be just great, thanks in advance. So okay, now continuing this GoDaddy website builder review, let’s talk about what kind of edits you can make to your template and the website in general. Everything feels pretty simple as the edit boxes that appear are super simplistic and you should be able to do all the possible edits yourself easily, but what I found out is that the edit options are quite limiting, they might be really easy to use, but they’re limited. For example, you cannot edit the size of the text independently, which means that you can adjust the font, but it will make it smaller or bigger for all the text on your website. You can only edit the layout of your section, adjust the color accent of it, align the text and more or less that is it. So I found it pretty limiting and there would be some features that I would find beneficial, such as the ability to edit the fonts, change the size of the text independently from others and I do not understand why they didn’t give the freedom to their users, I mean I personally find it quite limiting. By the way you can read our written review about this and other website builders on our website, we have reviews, different comparisons and we happen to put discount codes there as well, so if you’re looking for a way to save a buck, I will make sure to put the information down below. And by the way we have a discount code for GoDaddy as well, so watch till the end and you’ll find more information about that.

Now let’s continue this GoDaddy website builder review by talking about the most important and interesting features that they provide. And actually, one of those features is the SEO section, where GoDaddy allows you to work on your keywords. It’s always interesting to see how different website builders handle such features because I believe that such implementation is mandatory in order to provide a decent web building experience for anyone starting from being a newbie in website building or being an absolute god. However, the SEO service they provide is again, as the whole GoDaddy’s website building platform, very simplistic. All you do is go to the marketing drop down menu, choose SEO, choose your two most important keywords that describe your business best and then it gives you an option to choose whichever title you want. Then they will ask you to update your site’s description and add at least a single keyword there and they’ll suggest editing the headline of your website. Lastly, they will suggest adding descriptions for your products with specific keywords, but you can skip this part and do it later if you want, but don’t forget that this is a really important step to do in order for your website to rank higher. So all in all, I would say that GoDaddy offers easy and understandable implementation of SEO to our website and that’s a very handy feature.

The Pricing Strategy of GoDaddy Website Builder

And you can do more by adding discount coupon options, play with the blogging stuff, which just basically means that you can edit blog posts easily and implement e-commerce options to your website. It’s pretty okay, but I wouldn’t count on the freedom they offer if your business relies only on the sales you’re making through your eshop. I would say that you should possibly go with Shopify and I have also made a review about this website builder, so check it out now. I’ll make sure to put a link somewhere visible or the description down below. So is it actually possible to build a website in just one hour as GoDaddy advertises? Well, it really depends on what you actually want. Although GoDaddy seems like a functional, intuitive and easy to understand website building platform, I still believe that if you’re looking for a builder, where you’ll have more of the editing features, you might be a little disappointed. But if you’re looking for a builder, where you don’t rely on a variety of options and other tools, this might be just the builder for you. And I cannot say that GoDaddy isn’t a well-made platform and again user GoDaddy website builder reviews show that most of the users are satisfied and find their service to be good, but compared to others, I would still say that drag and drop feature is something I would be looking forward to. However, we still need to talk about the pros and cons and the pricing.

Now then, the biggest benefit of GoDaddy website builder service is that it is very intuitive and easy to understand. Anyone without any knowledge should be fine using their platform. Then I like the fact that your website will look pretty decent and classy after you fully edit it, as the templates are again pretty well-made, but keep note that it will not offer you a lot of editing options. And I really want to highlight that their SEO and other marketing tools seem to offer what a user would want. Mostly I’m talking about those who have pretty basic knowledge of website building. On the other hand, if you’re someone who’s looking for a website builder with tons of features, this is not going to fit the mold. GoDaddy is pretty limited, including the fact that you cannot adjust the size of the fonts and you’re pretty much stuck with the same template. Although there are other templates, but they seem to be pretty similar, so that’s something which I would definitely try to improve. Finally, finishing this GoDaddy website builder review, let’s talk about the pricing. And by the way, pay a lot of attention to this section because I have a special discount for Side Guide’s viewers.

So their basic plan, which is called “basic”, comes at 9.99 dollars per month, but I would like to notify you that this plan does not offer Search Engine Optimization features and you should get the standard plan, which comes at 14.99 per month. So their plans mostly differ by the price and then by the number of emails, social posts that you’re allowed to send per month. And then the rest of the prices are visible on the screen right now. But that is not all. I have a special link that leads you to a special deal that will help you to save up to 30 percent and in the end it’s going to be a bargain price and pretty similar to all the other ones that are on the market. Most of the time it’s even going to be cheaper after the discount, so check out the link right now and see the price for yourself, as we might have an even better custom deal made for you. We update our links and provide you with better discounts. Links are down below in the description.

So that is going to be it for our GoDaddy website builder review. Thanks for watching and I hope that it will help you decide whether you want to try GoDaddy or not. I work really hard to make videos like that, so your support means a lot to me. Hit a like and subscribe to the channel and I will make sure to make more videos like that and if you’re interested to read more written reviews about GoDaddy or maybe other website builders, feel free to visit our website I will see you next time.

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