How to Add Google Reviews to Wix Website for Free (Wix Website Tutorial) WIX Video Review


How to Add Google Reviews to Wix Website for Free (Wix Website Tutorial)

Video Review Hosting

Welcome to Tech Tricks Tutorial

Hi, welcome to Tech Tricks Tutorial today we’re going to show you how to add Google reviews to our Wix website for free. It’s a step-by-step beginner guide for everyone to follow easily, and if you find this tutorial helpful, please don’t forget to hit the like and subscribe button now. Let’s get right into it.

Adding Google Reviews to Wix Website

To add Google reviews to our Wix website, we are going to open up our Wix site. Start by clicking on the "Site" option at the upper left corner of our interface, and then look for "Widgets." In the widgets section, click on the "Google Reviews" option and proceed to the "Create Widget" tab.

Choosing a Template

At this point, you will be presented with several templates to choose from. You can select any of the available templates, such as "Carousel," "Clothing," and so on. Just choose the template that you like and click on the "Continue with this template" button.

Customizing Your Template

Once you have selected your template, you can start customizing it. You can change the layout, review style, and appearance to fit your preferences. You can also choose the color-pick any color you desire and once you’re done, click on the "Add to Website" button.

Selecting an Account

You will now be asked to choose an account to continue with. Simply register for a new account, and you will have a variety of plans to choose from. In our case, we will be choosing the "Light Plan" and clicking on the "Select" button.

Pasting the Code

We will now copy the code and go back to our Wix website. At the upper left corner of the interface, click on the "Add Elements" button, and then scroll down to click on the "Embed Code" option. Click on "Embed HTML" and select the option to "Add a code." Paste the code in the provided field and click on the "Apply" button.

That’s it!

That’s how easy you can add Google reviews for free in your Wix website. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to write them down below and I will get back to you. Thank you for watching, and I will see you guys next time bye.

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