HONEST Dreamhost Review 2020 | Everything You Need to Know (Dreamhost Web Hosting) DreamHost Video Review

HONEST Dreamhost Review 2020 | Everything You Need to Know (Dreamhost Web Hosting)

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DreamHost review videos so what is going on guys welcome to my dream house video today I’m going to be doing a honest review or DreamHost telling you like everything need to know about the web hosting provider give me your the information need to know and I’m yeah let’s get started with

Today’s dream host video I write this you can see on screen right here we are on the dream house on website right here so if you guys just want to click popping down below in the video description you can check out the pricing on the information running DreamHost

And you can get us yourself a bit of a discount as well just clifftop link down below to video description and you’ll come to this page right here on that I’m on right here and basically yeah this is the official website a dream post so

What we want to do first of all we just click on get started right here because you know dream house themselves in fact let me before we actually begin that actually I want to show you something really really cool he’s the fun fact guy’s dream host themselves is actually

A recommended web hosting solution by WordPress not all themselves right here so as you can see right here there’s blue hose this eye crayon this dream host and as you can see dream price right here is actually recommend them by WordPress the log themselves so dreamers has been committed to WordPress in his

Community for over 10 years there you go guys dream posters literally you know on the list for WordPress is dogs you know recommend the web patient solutions and guys this isn’t a biased review so if you want actually you know check out my upper review videos for Bluehost or for

Psych round to see if those are gonna be more ideal for you instead of you know dream post I’ll leave a couple links down below to those videos to both my Bluehost review video in my soccer review video what would that being said you know dream post is on the list as

Well they’re very very good and very very well known in the community as well um I do like them a lot now if we go over here to you know pricing we can click on get started around here so you can see what type of plants they

Actually offer I’m fast right here so as you can see right here you know they have the shared plan right here um so you can choose a leader like yearly plans right here or to like monthly plans so as you can see you know with the shared hosting plan right here you

Get one website right here for the plan you get a free domain included unfortunately if you go with a monthly plan you don’t get a free domain at all which is annoying but um you know it is what it is so if you go with like the

Yearly plans you get like you know a free domain with that as well I know with like Bluehost for example they offer a free domain as well so I’m they’re similar in that regard to DreamHost as well on the list and I was sorry and they don’t actually offer free

Domain name at all so I know these two companies are unique in the fact that actually both are five free domain name obviously we dream post you can’t get it my free time a name we’ve are a monthly plan but with their yearly plans right here it’s literally sit in plain sight

Free domain name included which is pretty cool and obviously a sexy right here WordPress is pre-installed which is pretty awesome we also stole WordPress so you don’t have to do it so that’s even better actually it’s amazing so we also get you know the WP website builder as well dreamhost also offer a

Bunch of different plans as well so they offer the dream press plan right here Keith there’s obviously different variations of that some of them can be a bit expensive so it’s up to you you wanna go ahead and get those plans with this plan right here you get one

WordPress website hundred came off your visitors 40 gigs of storage free domain name included band witnessed a new feature right here as well and obviously with the VPS fan right here you can obviously get the new VPS for business for professional for enterprise it can

Be a bit expensive as well so this is gonna be up to you if you want a VPS or if you want dream press phone right here alright as you can see on screen right here you know we’ve covered like the pricing plans for Dreamhouse right here

Well this is basically like some war pricing plans that actually forgot to go over with you right now because a lot of you guys will probably want to get a start off with like the shared startup on right here especially if you’re just building like a hobby website or your

Very first web site you know you probably don’t you know spend too much money on you know a plan right here so obviously you know this is their cheaper plan right here but if you want to build like multiple websites or if you wanna have our limited websites for your web

Hosting then you know um dream pants right here actually happy shared our limited plan right here so you can actually get unlimited websites you get a free domain included as well you get all them into traffic as you can see right here on WordPress pre-installed their new feature out here which is

Gonna be the WP website builder and all that type of stuff probably don’t want to go over the full list because I don’t wanna you know this video been way too long for you guys so a cool thing about Dreamhouse if we scroll down below at

The very bottom running up so as you can see you know fast solid-state storage don’t make your visitors wait around for lengthy load times okay so they explain that right here they can go over the optimized servers a resource protection and their Huntress and uptime guarantee

So basically at 60 right here you know DreamHost themselves like claiming that they you know offer a hundred percent uptime guarantee which is pretty insane so so yeah I want to share this with you guys as well some of the you know arm features and things that are making a

DreamHost unique to everyone else and if we scroll down below you know they go over here and you can obviously see some reviews from customers so again you can just click the top link down below to come to the official web site where you can see more you know

Views and obviously they have a money-back guarantee and if you scroll down below at the very end of this page you can see you know some of the common questions you know if for example the court is how you’ve seen how many websites gonna host I’ll share hosting

Include email or stiffest between a domain name and web hosting can I upgrade to a more powerful hosting plan later and always different questions that you know a lot of people have regarding Dreamhouse so if we score above right here if we go to the very top yeah right here you can basically

See some of their features that dream post offer themselves so you can basically see a full list right here unlimited bandwidth and storage free domain free it’s a self security automated backups free email addresses advanced and easy to use panel powerful one-click installer free privacy protection and instant WordPress setup okay

Now I’m in regards to life dreamhost being the best option for your web hosting needs you know um what I recommend you know dreamhost you know I see a lot of review videos being overly biased trying to get you know people to like by dream posts through their

Affiliate links and that’s okay you know it’s just a normal part of like you know how the world runs I guess on before my personal opinion you know I’m a dream post are pretty good but if you want my honest opinion dream hosts aren’t the best web hosting provider out there on

The internet I mean they’re pretty good they’re very good and they’re very well known and established again I don’t want to be overly biased because I’m I review videos I strongly encourage you to do your due diligence do your research see you know which web hosting provider is

Gonna be more ideal for you so what I’ll strongly recommend you do actually you know if you’re feeling uneasy is actually you know come to my channel right here and watch my review videos for Blue Hose for Hostgator for psych round because maybe one of these you

Know web hosting companies might be more ideal for you you know maybe you know they have certain features or maybe you know they have certain pricing plans with something that might be more better for you in comparison to DreamHost or you know if I’m making like for example

A review on Hostgator maybe you know you might find dream post or psych round or Bluehost more better so I always encourage you to do your due diligence because the end of the day guys these are view videos I here to actually guide you so you can actually you know make

The right decision for your web hosting needs so that’s pretty much what I would say in regards to like recommending dream post would I recommend dream host yeah they’re pretty good again like you know you might prefer blue house or psych ground or something like that in fact I’ll probably recommend a

Company called blue house out of all the companies in regards to web hosting that’s just my personal opinion so I’ll leave link down below to a Bluehost review video as well and to a link to blue house you can learn more information regarding Bluehost and what they offer as well and compare that

Information with the dream house right here as well if you want um but yeah be sure to watch these videos right here I’ll leave links down below to these RV videos and I’ll put some n-screen cards so you can watch you know these review videos after watching

This one and yeah yeah guys that’s pretty much it for my DreamHost review video so yeah I’m hope you enjoyed today’s video I’ll leave some links down below to some other review videos for some other work facing companies as well and messed up only I’m gonna be leaving

A link down below you to dream house in the video description as well for your convenience you can just click the link down below get some more information regarding dreamers but I’m yeah that’s pretty much it for today’s dream host review video
dream host | Dreamhost Review 2020 (Dreamhost Web Hosting) 💰💰For a great Dreamhost discount click here! http://bit.ly/DreamhostCheap 💥 💥 I LOVE Bluehost for its blazing fast speeds and easy 1-click WordPress installation. Try them here (discount): http://bit.ly/Bluehost_win 💥 💥 6 reasons why I recommend Bluehost: ✔️ Trusted by the owners of 2,000,000 domains ✔️Free SSL and FREE domain name ✔️Officially recommended by WordPress ✔️ Lightning-fast speeds ✔️ 1-click WordPress installation ► Bluehost review video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsyF_46SCFw ► Siteground review video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F9l8iWTUFU Welcome to my Dreamhost review video. In today's Dreamhost review, we'll cover everything you need to know about the Dreamhost web hosting platform. This way we can help you make an informed decision about whether Dreamhost is right for you or not. So if you're wondering whether Dreamhost is the best web hosting platform for 2020, wonder no more? These Dreamhost reviews will help you come to your own unique conclusion! Disclaimer: Some of the links in the description are affiliate links. This means that, at no additional cost to you, I will receive a commission if you click through and make a purchase. This helps support the channel and keeps our content free. We only recommend tools and products that we use regularly and that we believe will be of benefit. Thank you for watching our Dreamhost review video! Be sure to leave a like and comment below. #Dreamhost #DreamhostReview #DreamhostReviews
#HONEST #Dreamhost #Review #Dreamhost #Web #Hosting

DreamHost Review

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