Godaddy Reviews | See real user review | Go Daddy Hosting Review GoDaddy Video Review


Godaddy Reviews | See real user review | Go Daddy Hosting Review

Tutorial Hosting
hey guys what’s up Justin here from web
hosting helpers youtube channel and
today we’re taking a look at Go Daddy Go
Daddy is probably one of my least
favorite host of all the big host that
you can choose from but still it is a
host that we use here at the our
internet marketing company and as a host
that we’ve had to deal with however
there are some upsides to using them but
there are a lot more downside so I just
want to preface that this video with
that but let’s get straight into it
there’s a few reasons that I do like
GoDaddy they’re not the worst host in
the world I just think that there are a
lot better host that you could choose if
you’re contemplating finding a new host
or not or if you’re jumping into web
hosting for the first time a lot of
first-time users go and get godaddy
because that’s just all they know they
don’t know about any other web hosting
companies if they type in web hosting a
google godaddy’s number one or something
you know so they’re getting a lot of
newer people however uh you know they
just they just don’t quite do it for me
but this page is about why i like them
so i’m not going to drag that out that’s
for later okay so while i like them if
you choose them it’s not going to be the
end of the world but you’re gonna have a
much better time on some other host but
there’s a lot of butts i know you’re
gonna get some decent stuff if you do
end up choosing them for example they
have the good up time they have the good
site speed those are two things that you
should really worry about because if you
don’t have good uptime customers can’t
get to your website you can’t get to
your website or whoever you’re directing
to the website you can’t get there if
there’s no up time all right the second
one is you’re going to get good site
speed it’s not like using some like
really crappy host for the guys in his
mom basement running the company or
something like that you’re gonna your
sites are going to load fast you’re
going to be happy with the load times
okay the third one is you get a
one-click install application so what I
mean by this is there’s a bunch of
platforms out there that you can use to
make your website so for example
WordPress is very popular that is what
all of our clients are on that or how I
make all of my websites by far the
easiest way so to be able to go in there
and just click one button and have
WordPress installed is very helpful
the last one is believe it or not they
actually have some competitive pricing
so you’re going to find that all out of
all the big hosts like GoDaddy bluehost
dreamhost Hostgator all those guys
they’re going to have pretty similar
prices so it’s not like GoDaddy stealing
from you and as far as how much you’re
paying for monthly hosting there are
cheaper options out there though there
are a few reasons why I absolutely hate
godaddy okay first of all they have a
very confusing back end so when you log
into the web hosting they basically like
customize their own their own back end
of the web hosting portion instead of
just using the simple cpanel like
everyone else uses okay so they have
something like like proprietary to them
as far as the back end goes and it’s
really confusing even me someone who
logs in all the time and manages the web
hosting on our godaddy account it’s it’s
still confusing to me get out of my way
freakin like flies just flew in front of
my face all right fuzzy or something all
right anyways the second one is a lot of
times the emails are just some how slow
I I just don’t get it I’ve had multiple
clients that we’ve had to switch from
godaddy because their emails weren’t
coming through and when people were
submitting you know contact forms on
their website or even if they were just
communicating with clients it was just
absolutely ridiculous so you know
obviously you need those emails need to
be emailing if you’re a business or even
if you’re you know a personal website
you use that email as your is your go to
email it needs to freaking work okay so
we just pulled them off and put them on
Hostgator and then everything ended up
being okay all right the next point the
support is not that great okay um I
always found that they always like to
just redirect you to a video they’ll be
like hey we made this video here go here
and go do it and it just it’s just kind
of annoying that they try and like pawn
you off on the videos like and there’s
like no I want some freaking help from
real person and all the other posts seem
to do not all the other hosts but the
main ones were comparing like hostgator
and bluehost those guys seem to do a
really good job and far superior in my
eyes then go daddy support so those
other hosts they will literally like
hold your hand through everything you
know if you need to transfer a domain if
you need to
you know point your nameservers if you
just have any little question they’re
gonna like really really make sure that
you know how to do it they will teach
you how to do it godaddy on the other
hand like I said the like hey here’s the
training video we made go check it out
it’s like okay cool thanks man all right
the last one is that they’re just like
always seems to be a problem like I I
remember one time it’s like we were able
to log in and with my friend I was
working with a friend helping a friend
who had go daddy and I wanted to do
sighs knock him in the Schmucker because
I was like dude why didn’t you ask me
before you went jumped into this so it’s
like we’re just like trying to navigate
the back end can’t figure out where
WordPress is finally figure out where it
is to install and then it’s like the
install doesn’t work so we got to go do
a support ticket
you know cuz live chat wasn’t any help I
mean it was just it was just dumb and
then the whole email fiasco I mean
probably about four or five clients
ended up switching from godaddy just
because of the email fiasco so just
they’re just always seems to be
something cooking up that man is just
annoying okay so the last one is the
domains there that you buy are a
complete ripoff you can get domains they
charge about like 14 15 bucks for a
domain you can get a domain for like 8
99 on a lot of websites okay but people
don’t know this and it’s new people
using godaddy so they’re just like oh
yeah we’re gonna give you charging
fifteen dollars for a domain
so I do you can get a free dome not a
free domain you soon you get one for
almost ten dollars less and a lot of
other websites alright so that in a
nutshell is why I really don’t like
GoDaddy and I prefer hostgator
now i have a link below to my like
full-on review and hostgator but i’m not
just gonna be like GoDaddy ducks don’t
use them I want to leave you guys with
something you know where it’s like okay
well if I end up you know using them
it’s all right if I end up using
Hostgator though that’s probably my
better option okay you can use godaddy
by all means go for it there’s actually
a coupon below in the description but
the thing is is you’re going to have a
much easier time on Hostgator um it’s
just it’s much easier okay it’s much
cheaper and you’re going to get the same
reliable speed and uptime as you would
get with godaddy you’ll probably even
get better because for some reason that
whole email fiasco that I just described
that’s never gonna happen on Hostgator
you know I run my personal emails my
business emails through Coast Gator
those four five clients sorry I can’t
remember the exact number four or five
clients that ended up switching over to
host gator they’ve had zero issues since
then all right the other thing I like
about it is it’s not complicated at all
like the back end for godaddy is very
complicated okay like me who even does
internet marketing goes in and does all
that crap all the time for the web post
I even I have a hard time navigating it
ok so I have a hard time navigating it
imagine you know someone who’s new
trying to navigate it’s very very
overwhelming ok now the last thing is
what I like the most about Hostgator is
that you can do a month to month plan ok
so you don’t have to like commit a
hundred and thirty dollars you know or
hundred dollars right today you just all
you have to actually commit is one cent
and you can have web hosting today for
one cent I’ve left a coupon below and
the link to Hostgator to be able to get
one cent hosting and this is like
there’s no like special terms or
anything the deal is you get the one
cent hosting for the first month you can
cancel after that month if you want to
but if you don’t it costs 8 95 per month
after so you’re still getting web
hosting for the year for under hundred
dollars on a good website that allows
you to add as many domains as you want
to be hosted there it’s a good deal ok
and if you want to
please go read the review below so that
you can get a better idea about
Hostgator and what to expect I don’t
want you guys jumping in you’re you know
unsure up ok ok go watch my hostgator
review this is where i talk about
everything about hostgator and give you
a lot more reasons to why i absolutely
love them i just gave you the quick
rundown on last slide but i want you
guys to be comfortable with them ok
before you go and pick a host right I
don’t want to be married to a host and
get stuck into some long relationship or
you’re gonna have to use them for the
year and be unhappy but I promise you
that would not be the case with
Hostgator ok over half of my clients run
on Hostgator i use all my personal stuff
for Hostgator there they’re the best hey
now if you guys have any comments but I
messed that up if you guys have any
questions please be sure to leave them
below in the comments and I will do my
best to answer them all right link is
below for a hostgator coupon as well as
my review for Hostgator all right have a
good one guys

Click: 79% OFF Coupon Link ► GoDaddy is a publicly traded Internet domain registrar and web hosting company.[4] As of January 2016, GoDaddy reportedly managed more than 61 million domain names, making it the world's largest ICANN-accredited registrar. The company serves more than 13 million customers and employs more than 4,000 people.[5] The company is known for its celebrity speakers, Super Bowl advertising and as an online provider for small businesses. In addition to a postseason college football bowl game, the company has previously sponsored NASCAR. It has been embroiled in several controversies related to security and privacy. In addition to domain registration and hosting, GoDaddy also sells e-business related software and services. Story[edit]
GoDaddy was founded by Bob Parsons. Before GoDaddy, Parsons sold his financial software services company Parsons Technology, Inc. to Intuition. The sale brought him several million dollars in the mid-1990s. As a result, Parsons decided to retire. Parsons came out of retirement in 1997 to found Jomax Technologies, which later became GoDaddy Group Inc. GoDaddy received a strategic investment from leading venture capital funds KKR, Silver Lake and Technology Crossover Ventures.[6]
Company Name[edit]
In 1999, a group of Jomax Technologies employees decided to change the company name. An employee said, “How about Big Daddy?” However, the domain name had already been purchased. Parsons replied, “How about Go Daddy?” The name was available, so he bought it.[7] Parsons said the company stuck with the name because it made people smile and reminded them.[7]
The company changed its brand name from “Go Daddy.”[8] to “GoDaddy” in February 2006.[9]
Business growth[edit]
In 2001, shortly after Network Solutions ceased to be the only place to register a domain, GoDaddy was about the same size as competitors Dotster and eNom.[10]
In April 2005, GoDaddy became the largest ICANN-accredited registrar on the Internet.[11] They also outperformed Network Solutions in domain name registration. Acquisitions[edit]
In July 2012, GoDaddy announced that it would acquire Outright for an undisclosed amount.[12]
In August 2013, GoDaddy announced that it would acquire Locu for $70 million.[13]
In September 2013, GoDaddy acquired the domain marketplace Afternic from NameMedia. GoDaddy also acquires the domain parking service SmartName and the company name generator NameFind.[14]
On October 15, 2013, GoDaddy acquired web hosting service provider Media Temple. In a newsletter sent to its customers, Media Temple said the company “will continue to operate as an independent and autonomous company.”[15]
In July 2014, GoDaddy acquired Canary, a small smart calendar service based in Cambridge.[16]
On August 20, 2014, GoDaddy acquired Mad Mimi, a Brooklyn-based email marketing service.[17]
In April 2015, GoDaddy acquired Elto, “a San Francisco-based startup that offered a marketplace that helped connect business owners and other non-technical individuals with web developers who could help them build and improve their web presence.” [18]
In April 2015 and November 2015, GoDaddy acquired the domain portfolios of Marchex and Worldwide Media, respectively. On May 17, 2016, GoDaddy acquired FreedomVoice for $42 million in cash. FreedomVoice is a provider of cloud-based VoIP phone systems in the United States.[19]
GoDaddy has a 65,000 square foot data center in the United States. This data center is connected to a fiber optic DWDM Ethernet backbone with a speed of 20 gigabits per second.[20] In 2013, GoDaddy managed more than 55 million domain names.[21][22][23] At the time, GoDaddy was considered the largest ICANN-accredited registrar in the world, with a size four times the size of its largest competitor.[24] They also have a 25,000 square foot facility in Phoenix, Arizona.[25]

Godaddy reviews… Uh, they stink! Godaddy reviews… Uh, they stink! Godaddy reviews… Uh, they stink! Godaddy reviews… Uh, they stink!
#Godaddy #Reviews #real #user #review #Daddy #Hosting #Review

Hosting Review

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