GoDaddy Hosting Review (2019): Why You Shouldn't Touch Them With a 10-Foot Survey GoDaddy Video Review


GoDaddy Hosting Review (2019): Why You Shouldn't Touch Them With a 10-Foot Survey

Tutorial Hosting
does GoDaddy really that bad their
prices are so cheap it’s irresistible
but if you joined the WordPress hosting
Facebook group you’ll see that no one
that recommends GoDaddy and you never
should use them at all
so it’s very simple why people don’t
recommend them they have slow servers
their support is bad
they have malware issues and you will
have a slow website and server response
time so if you care about your website
and it’s a business website never use
GoDaddy you’re gonna see a lot of people
migrating to other hosts and saying how
their websites much faster but you’re
never gonna see people say oh I migrated
from XYZ to GoDaddy my sites so much
faster you’re not gonna see that if you
look at Twitter and if you search
Twitter for slow GoDaddy
you’re gonna see a lot of people are
complaining about their response times
and how slow they are you can do the
same thing with their support but I will
at least want to provide you with an
honest review based on what other people
are saying a set of my own opinion so
the reason why GoDaddy is so slows
because they over crowd their servers
and that’s the simplest way to put it so
yes they offer cheap hosting but they
put way too many people on their servers
and they were also rated one of the top
malware Huskie networks in the world and
this has been posted by you know PC Mag
and ordinary people on Twitter talked
about how they got hat on GoDaddy and
they’d have terrible security this is
one of the reasons why I themed straight
up doesn’t recommend GoDaddy and they
wrote a long article all not too long on
why they don’t recommend them takes a
lot for a company to just straight-up
say oh we don’t recommend GoDaddy not to
mention their CEO killed elephant ins
and Bob way and there was the whole
thing about that if you want to watch
the video on youtube you can but it’s
basically a bunch of villagers and
GoDaddy hats passing out elephant me
Forbes straight-up said it why you
should leave GoDaddy Wikipedia move all
their domains away from good Eddie when
they supported SOPA the internet privacy
also on GoDaddy they blacklist
a bunch of plugins so you can’t use w3
total cache or WP fastest cache you’re
forced to use their own built-in caching
system and the problem with that as most
cache plugins do a lot of other things
besides caching like minute WP rocket
takes care of minification heartbeat
control lazy loading remove all of query
strings hosting Google Analytics locally
so if you can’t use a cache plug-in
you’re missing out a lot of other
optimizations another reason not to use
them is because they’re scammers they
made customers pay to upgrade to PHP 7
and that is criminal so what happened
was I’ll zoom in for you people asked if
I’m using a plan that’s not cpanel how
do i upgrade this PHP 7 they straight up
said you will need to purchase a new
cpanel plan as a new account
that is criminal nope no hosting company
should make you pay to upgrade the PHP 7
and this was talked a lot about on
Twitter and how their scammers and
unethical but they’re gonna do that to
you they’re gonna make you pay it for
like malware issues if they have bad
security but then they’re gonna say oh
you know we found malware on your
website you need to remove it and then
you’re gonna have to pay GoDaddy for
something that should never happen in
the first place and that’s kind of
GoDaddy in a nutshell their support is
really bad – you might be waiting like
an hour and a half
something is hit or miss on their
support I have seen some good things
about it but generally not so do some
research and some of the Facebook pulls
as well and there’s a lot better
alternatives than GoDaddy SiteGround is
much better cloud ways is also very good
gangsta are a little expensive but
they’re good two out of the two I would
probably recommend King step but sycron
and cloud ways are your two best spots
even a Vika the admin from the WordPress
meetup group recommends cyclone and
cloud ways not GoDaddy Thank You I Becca
I moved from GoDaddy to psych round
today at night and difference how fast
it loads and you can see people who
migrated and posted there are new load
times on Twitter you’re not gonna see
this with GoDaddy like I said no one’s
gonna say oh I moved from site Brown to
GoDaddy and look at my new awesome load
times just not gonna see that it’s
always the other way around
so sycron has much faster speed
technology and I had 100% tt metrics
reports with them of course there are
other things that affect your scores
besides hosting but it is the number one
factor of your load time and I did
recently move to cloud weighs about two
weeks ago and you can see how fast my
website loads I just outgrew sycron
shared hosting and needed something more
powerful so site ground is shared
hosting and cloud ways as managed cloud
hosting which is much faster but if
you’re still looking for a shared
hosting and psych round is a little
cheaper done I would go with them at
Yoast uses them and they’re generally
the best shared hosting that provider
not Bluehost though it’s an e IG thing
you wouldn’t understand
look up AIG if you haven’t already you
shouldn’t use Bluehost or Hostgator
either I finally ditched GoDaddy in my
grade two psych brown-butter support and
people who post about GoDaddy and that
being slow they don’t say any
recommendations except switch away from
GoDaddy so psycho melt will migrate you
for free the only thing I don’t like
about them are the renewal prices so you
can get three years of this promotional
price but then it jumps up to
this which is pretty high for shared
hosting and that’s why I like cloud
weighs a little butter it’s managed
cloud hosting and it starts at $10 a
month so these two are much better
alternative than GoDaddy and I have
links to them in the video description
if you wouldn’t mind using them but at
least wanted to provide you with an
honest review so this is also what
happened when I migrated from site
ground to cloud waves this is what’s I
crowned and then after I migrated you
can see my response times drop and about
half so I was already getting really
good response times with site ground but
cloud weighs is faster they’re the only
con with cloud weighs as their support
isn’t as good as I thought they were
rated number one a lot of Facebook polls
GoDaddy has horrible reviews everything
about their speed their support scammers
stay away stay away stay away these guys
suck don’t use GoDaddy o if you don’t
want to use sigh crowned or cloud ways
that’s fine but just don’t use GoDaddy
like I said cloud ways the only
complaint about them really is that
their support is not as good as
something like site ground as much
better support in the cloud ways but
they are faster since their managed
cloud hosting and I use their
digitalocean plant so here are people
who migrate edit to cloud ways and also
posted better response times so bottom
line is that stay away from GoDaddy and
look into someone like psych round or
cloud ways or Kingston and WP engine are
a little expensive but for that price
point if you’re still looking into
shared hosting I would probably go psych
round if you’re looking to upgrade even
more and get a much faster website
looking into cloud ways they’re worlds
better than GoDaddy so I hope this video
is helpful again if you wouldn’t mind
using those links in the video
description the sycron cloud ways I
appreciate it otherwise just stay the
hell away from GoDaddy

An overview of GoDaddy hosting and why you should avoid it. GoDaddy is one of the worst all-around hosts in terms of speed, security, support, and price. They used to be good, but over time things went completely downhill. Join some Facebook groups and check out polls, tweets and Trustpilot reviews. Their servers are overcrowded, they offer no protection against malware, and GoDaddy charges customers to fix problems they cause. When it comes to choosing a host, you can do much better than GoDaddy. Alternatives I recommend SiteGround: Cloudways DigitalOcean: =61dde566 Kinsta: *Thanks for using my aff link in advance. Every year I donate $3,000 to GoFundMe campaigns and your support helps: Why You Shouldn't Use GoDaddy – Crowded Servers (Notorious for Slow Server Response Times) – Malware Issues: As one of the Top rated malware hosting networks in the world – Many customers have to pay to use PHP 7.2 and remove malware caused by GoDaddy – Support is usually better than Bluehost/EIG, but that doesn't say much – History of controversial topics: CEO chases elephants and supports SOPA My guide to speed optimization for WordPress: If you have any questions about choosing hosting, drop me a comment. The WordPress Hosting Facebook group is also a great place to get unbiased opinions from non-affiliates and people who actually know what they're talking about. I hope this GoDaddy review was helpful. Cheers, Tom
#GoDaddy #Hosting #Review #Shouldn39t #Touch #10Foot #Survey

Hosting Review

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