Free Whoisguard Review 2023: What is Whoisguard Namecheap? Why I Stopped Buying Godaddy Domains! Namecheap Video Review


Free Whoisguard Review 2023: What is Whoisguard Namecheap? Why I Stopped Buying Godaddy Domains!

Tutorial Hosting
hey guys how are we doing today I wanted
to make a quick video to answer a
question that a lot of people have and
that some about who is God most of you
are probably looking for a place where
you can get it for free and not have to
pay for you know when you purchase your
domains if you don’t know what who is
God is it’s just another word for domain
privacy basically when you purchase a
domain you know online through a domain
registrar be it you know GoDaddy there’s
register register com is name com
any of the major web hosting companies
out there will allow you to register a
domain and in the process registering a
domain you’re gonna have to decide or
determine if you’re going to purchase
what’s called domain privacy or not now
for the purpose of this video I wanted
to tell you guys of one place in
particular where you can get it for free
and before I really get into that I’m
gonna explain to you why it is that you
know this particular question you know
comes up you know obviously if you’re
looking for who is God for free you
don’t want to pay for it I mean there
are a lot of different you know web
hosting companies out there that do you
know provided GoDaddy for example I did
a review on them some time ago on my
youtube channel where you can check it
out if you like or just very well going
to my website at learner Netcom and just
typing in domain privacy you can type in
and specifically GoDaddy domain privacy
and you can read more about that but
with them they have like a personal
domain privacy and a business domain
privacy and the personal domain privacy
for GoDaddy it’s $7.99 and the business
is like fourteen dollars but I recently
I discovered that there’s only one
hosting company that I’ve come across
saw recently that I just started buying
my domains from that actually gives it
for free forever which is amazing and
that company is a name
cheap you may or may not know much about
Namecheap Namecheap is really known for
providing cheap domain name so that’s
what they really specialize in if you
want to create a website like a new
website and put it online I definitely
recommend going with namecheap when it
comes to purchasing domain names itself
and so with that once you get your
account set up you know with them it’s
totally free to do it
you’re gonna purchase your domain
whatever it is I mean you can type in a
domain like I know one domain up I’m
gonna build on for customer its
investments what’s their domain name it
already purchased it already by
investments for beginners calm so that’s
a domain that I already own I purchased
it I’m gonna create a website on it for
somebody else but just to give you an
idea of how this works I mean once you
purchase a domain and again I already
own this domain if you interested in
buying it you can you know but again I’m
going to create a website on this very
soon but when you purchase a domain
let’s say you wanted to purchase my
investments for business for beginners
net like the dotnet or any of these
other extensions here what you would do
is just simply add to cart and once you
add it to your cart and you check out
basically what you’re gonna do is you
have to have an account with namecheap
to purchase any domain and once you do
that they’re gonna add automatically to
your account or to your domain I just
say what’s called who is gar
now the benefit of having the Whois
guard is you can see it right here it’s
a free forever right you don’t pay
anything for it
it’s free when you purchase your domain
you know at Namecheap and so the benefit
really to having it guys is that you
know it eliminates your
personal information from being
publicized on the web you know for
example with icons or registry they’re
required they required two main roads
rather to provide them with your name
your email address your your phone
number just basic information that you
know that’s yours
as you can see on the side over here but
the main thing is is when you purchase
domain privacy or if you get who is
guard itself it privatizes your
information from the from the internet
the sort of cool thing about getting it
through Namecheap is that you know once
you purchase a domain any domain from
them you’ll get that for free forever
you know a GoDaddy as I cited before you
know with them you purchase a domain you
pay whatever the domain is and then on
top of that you have to buy the domain
privacy itself which for you know
GoDaddy it starts at $7.99 per domain
per year so any every year when you when
it comes up for renewal that domain
comes up for renewal you get an email
you know if you don’t have it like
automatically renewed you know as
recommended you know by all registrar’s
they’ll send you an email that you’ll
have to renew this domain and you also
have to renew your domain privacy but
with namecheap you don’t have to do that
you simply just buy the domain you’ll
renew the domain but you don’t have to
renew the Whois guard because it’s free
forever with your domain soon aging so
that’s one of the benefits that you get
when you register domains with namecheap
over GoDaddy
I wanted to keep this a video simple
quick and just straight to the point
just to see to help you to see rather
the importance of getting who is guard
for free Namecheap is the only web
hosting provider to date that I’ve found
online that gives it to you for free so
what I invite you to do guys if you
haven’t done
so already on my website if you’re
watching this video on my website or
feeling youtube just click the link
that’s right below and it’s gonna bring
you right over to Namecheap periodically
the Namecheap does run different deals
so specials with domain names itself so
if you want to create like a website
with them I definitely recommend them
and really good web hosting for shared
hosting as well as WordPress if you’re
into that but more importantly get your
domains from Namecheap you won’t regret
doing it again you don’t have to renew
it the Whois guard it’s automatic and
you’ll have a forever on the life of
your domain and so so I hope that this
video answered this question for you
guys you know sometimes I have an idea
that comes to me or somebody might leave
me a comment on youtube or on my blog
and so wherever I’m at whether I’m in my
room I’m in my car office whatever just
throw up a video and just help you guys
to to get the answers that you need so
anyway follow the link that’s right
below that way you can get started with
buy a domain today get who is God for

Get Free Whoisguard from Namecheap here – How to Earn a Six Figure Side Income Online – Free Training https://bit. ly/make6figureseasy In this video I talk about what Whoisguard protection is and where to get free Whoisguard for those who are looking for it. If you're starting your first website, you're probably wondering if domain privacy is worth it? Definitely worth it guys, get it! There are many places where you can purchase domain names for your websites. Domain registrars like Godaddy, Bluehost,, and more. But there is only one domain registrar that I know of that offers you free Whoisguard for all domains purchased from Namecheap! Namecheap is known for selling not only cheap domain names and web hosting, but also free domain privacy with great web hosting for beginners. Buy your new domain and get FREE domain privacy at Namecheap here: This is the new place I will buy my domains from in the future. Does your current website now get 1,000 visitors per day? If yes, then you can migrate your website today with this recommended web hosting provider: *Kinsta here: Other video reviews mentioned: Godaddy Domain Privacy Protection is $7.99/year each – https: // Bluehost domain privacy fees are $0.99/month – How to Earn a 6-Figure Side Income Online – Free Training /make6figureseasy #freewhoisguard #whatiswhoisguard #namecheapwhoisguard
#Free #Whoisguard #Review #Whoisguard #Namecheap #Stopped #Buying #Godaddy #Domains

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