DreamHost Review 2023 – Is Dreamhost Still the Best Choice for WordPress? DreamHost Video Review

DreamHost Review 2023 – Is Dreamhost Still the Best Choice for WordPress?

Tutorial Hosting
Foreign Host review I’m going to show you everything that you need to know about dreamhost including the speed test ease of use pricing customer support and pros and cons of dream host so make sure to watch the full video till the end also if you’re ready to make a dream host purchase after this

Review then consider purchasing it from the link in the description below this video and get yourself a discount if one’s available dreamhost is a Titan of the hosting industry one of the oldest providers too founded in 1996 in Los Angeles and they’ve e-grown to host over 1.5 million websites

It mainly focuses on WordPress WordPress recommended three webs hosting on their site and dreamhost is one of them which makes them one of the best recommended web hosting for WordPress so first let’s talk about dreamhost pricing so after you visit dreamhost from the description link then here you

Can see dreamhost also provides VPS hosting Cloud hosting and dedicated as well but for this review I choose their shared hosting as it’s the most popular and right choice for beginners so here you can see the two plans shared starter and shared unlimited plan the starting price is only 2.59 per month

And with this plan you can create only one website and you can create a free domain name for one year free SSL you can get unlimited traffic WordPress will be pre-installed and free SSD storage but with this plan you’re not getting a free email account if you want to create

Unlimited websites and email accounts then you can choose their shared unlimited plan which is only for 3.95 per month talking about the payment method then you can pay with a card or PayPal as well overall their pricing is best and cheap now let’s talk about dreamhost’s

Ease of use right away from their home page you can see it looks very easy to navigate with the custom interface compared to the cpanel that a lot of other hosting providers use the design is also very clean and simple looking so installing WordPress installing a free SSL certificate

Creating a free email account and doing all other kinds of stuff is really easy for everyone including beginners from the dashboard so dreamhost dashboard was really clean and easy to use and we love the fact that dreamhost didn’t try to upsell Us in any step of that process like some

Other hosting providers do now let’s talk about dreamhost Speed and Performance so after I installed the basic WordPress site then I added some Design Elements to it to increase the page size we’re also going to install some free plugins to speed up the website WP fastest cache which is for

Speed optimization and short pixel which is for image optimization and lastly we will install the free cloudflare app which will also increase the website performance with their CDN then I went ahead and tested out the speed of my website using GT metrics and the result is 2.3 seconds the speed is really great

For this cheap web hosting and they also pass the Google recommended site load speed of 3 seconds I have also been monitoring the stability performance of dreamhost with uptime robot and can report that they’re up time for the last 30 days is a perfect 100 percent this means that they reach their lofty

Standards as they promised their user a 100 uptime guarantee they have not had any downtime for almost two months straight which is very impressive overall their speed is good enough and uptime performance is really great now let’s talk about dreamhost customer support dreamhost provides 24 7 customer

Support through email and live chat we contacted him at three different times of the day to make sure we get an overall average and not just a bias fast response time during their off-peak hours the average of those three times turns out to be around eight minutes wait

Which is a little bit high for us we think the max wait time for any company should be kept under five minutes their support was average it was not great but it wasn’t the worst either they had a decent response time but the quality of support was lacking in terms

Of the support team’s level of knowledge and know-how they also did not have 24 7 live chat support for new customers looking to sign up with dreamhost now let’s talk about of pros and cons of dream host so the first pro is their dashboard they have such a clean and

Easy to use dashboard next their prices are very cheap and best for beginners they also have a good page load speed of 2.3 seconds their uptime performance was great 100 next they also provide free automated daily backups and the best thing is free domain privacy and last they offer 97

Days money back guarantee talking about the cons so the only con is their customer support they have no live chat support for new customers and they took time to solve my problem now let’s talk about who should purchase dreamhost dreamhost is a really solid hosting provider they have cheap hosting plans

And the user interface is clean and easy to navigate and their Speed and uptime Performance are also great their customer support was the only downside of dream host which is not good enough for beginners so this is my recommendation for you if you’re looking for the cheapest web

Hosting with average page load speed great uptime performance and an easy to use interface then dreamhost is the right choice for you also if you’re ready to make a dream host purchase then consider purchasing it from the link in the description below this video and get yourself a discount if one’s available

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DreamHost Review 2023 – Is Dreamhost Still the Best Choice for WordPress? Check out the full review of Dreamhost. Get Dreamhost here – http://click.dreamhost.com/SH2i #dreamhost #dreamhostreview Timestamp: 0:00 Introduction 0:09 About DreamHost 0:56 Dreamhost Pricing and Features 1:55 Dreamhost Ease of Use 2:29 Speed and Performance of Dreamhost 3:35 DreamHost Customer Support 4:18 Pros and Cons of DreamHost 4:44 Recommendation Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links on this channel are affiliate links. It just means that, at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through our links and purchase.
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DreamHost Review

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