DreamHost Review (2023) ❇️ Speed ​​test, live demo and my honest web hosting recommendation DreamHost Video Review


DreamHost Review (2023) ❇️ Speed ​​test, live demo and my honest web hosting recommendation

Tutorial Hosting
Are you looking for a fast hosting provider  at an affordable price? Well in this DreamHost   review I’m going to show you everything that you  need to know about DreamHost so you can decide   if you should get started with this web hosting  provider. I’m not going to waste your time with  

Fluff content but instead i will provide you value  by showing you the most important results from my   live test like the page load speed up time and  customer support quality i also show you a live   demo so you essentially get to test out dreamhost  without having to purchase it for yourself  

And lastly i’ll provide you with my honest  recommendations on if or who should purchase   dreamhost i will have a special bonus offer  for you if you decide to pick up dreamhost   through my special discounted link in the  description below i also have a free checklist on  

Starting a successful blog for everyone so make  sure to stay with me to the end and i’ll show   you how to get access to this bonus but for now  let’s get straight into the review after purchase  

Setup and ease of use right away from their home  page you can see it looks very easy to navigate   with the custom interface compared to the  cpanel that a lot of other hosting providers use   the design is also very clean and simple looking  now let’s go try and install and create our  

WordPress website and see how easy dreamhost  is to use so click on add and manage hosting   click on add hosting to domain type in my website  and click on fully host this domain and that’s it   my website has been added now the next step  is to actually install wordpress so i’m going  

To go to domains click on website you can see my  site is here now so i’m going to click on manage   and install and i’m going to just install the  normal one let it load and that’s it you can see  

It’s very simple to create your wordpress site now  let’s do a couple more things let’s see how easy   it is to install the ssl certificate and create an  email account so i’ll go to ssl and click on add  

Select this certificate the free one and that’s it  okay and now we’ll do the email so you go to mail   click on manage email click create new email  address bring your name mailbox name password   and click create address and that’s it once again  so all these three things just look very simple  

But now let’s confirm and see if everything worked  properly so i just opened my website and you can   see here my bare bones website is working and  the ssl certificate has been applied successfully  

So that was really clean and easy to do and i love  the fact that dreamhost didn’t try to upsell me in   any step of that process like some other hosting  providers do so overall i would score dreamhost  

A 10 out of 10 for setup and ease of use i really  can’t fault them on anything in this area i think   all users especially beginners would love how  clean their new interface is and just how easy  

It is to navigate and do things to your site i’m  very impressed speed and uptime performance tests   so after i have installed the basic wordpress site  i went ahead and tested out the speed of the bare  

Bones website using gt metrics the result is 1.3  seconds this is a great start even though this   is not the fastest hosting provider in my test i  must say they are very close so now i will take  

It a step further and add some design elements  to it to increase the page size and don’t worry   if you are overwhelmed looking at this my course  that i will provide you for supporting the channel   will guide you through this step by step  i’m also going to install some free plugins  

To speed up the website wp fastest cache which is  for speed optimization and short pixel which is   for image optimization and lastly i will install  the free cloudflare app which will also increase   the website performance with their cdn this will  make it more comparable to what you would do in  

Real life the speed is now 2.6 seconds which is  once again not the fastest compared to the top   performing hosting providers in my test but it is  still more than acceptable speed and they pass the   google recommended site load speed of 3 seconds  also now i have also been monitoring the stability  

Performance of dream host with uptime robot and  can report that their uptime for the last 30 days   is a perfect 100 this means that they reach their  lofty standards as they promise their user a 100   uptime guarantee in fact they have not had any  downtime for almost two months straight which is  

Very impressive overall i would rate dream host  speed and uptime performance an 8 out of 10. i   took two marks away for their speed as it was a  fair bit slower than the fastest hosting providers   but their uptime reliability however is  second to none so well done to dreamhost  

On that here’s a quick question for you  do you think dreamhost is page load speed   of 1.9 seconds is faster or slower than what you  expect let me know in the comments section below   support dreamhost provides 24 7 customer support  through email and live chat i would test them out  

By asking them these three different questions on  live chat firstly i would tell them that i have   been infected via virus on my website and asked  for their help secondly i asked them a quick   question about their domain name renewal costs and  lastly i asked them if they could do me a favor  

And install an ssl certificate and cloudflare for  me as i am a complete newbie and have no idea how   to do this here are the results for the first  question they were willing to help but they had  

To forward me from the live chat support to their  specialist by email he did tell me it was going to   cost money to fix the issue but if it wasn’t a big  one they were willing to do me a favor and help me  

Fix it for free one time so overall i was happy  with the result but it did take a bit too long   from the live chat and passing on over to the  email support to get everything sorted for the  

Second question i was a little bit disappointed  because i asked them as a new customer and if   you’re not an existing customer they don’t have  live chat for you so what i had to do was email  

Them the question but on the positive they only  took 15 minutes to answer my question and they   gave me the full answer with the links to more  information if i needed so the answer was very   satisfactory but not having live chat was a bit  disappointing and for my third question they did  

Help me out but they were not willing to install  it for me hands-free they were only happy to   guide me step by step but i still had to do it so  overall this was okay as they still helped guide  

Me and was very friendly but they just didn’t do  it all for me when i asked with regards to their   response time i contacted them at three different  times of the day to make sure i get an overall  

Average and not just a bias fast response time  during their off-peak hours so the three times   were 15 minutes 7 minutes and 2 seconds and 2  minutes and 10 seconds the average of those three  

Times turns out to be around 8 minutes wait which  is definitely a little bit high for me i think the   max wait time for any company should be kept under  five minutes overall i would have to score dream  

Host support six out of ten i would say their  support was average it was not great but it wasn’t   the worst either they had a decent response time  but the quality of support was lacking in terms of  

The support team’s level of knowledge and know-how  and they also lost more points for me because they   did not have 24 7 live chat support for new  customers looking to sign up with dreamhost   so i wasn’t really happy with that part do you  like the level of detail i’m providing in my  

Review so far if yes make sure to let me know by  liking my video and don’t forget to subscribe to   my channel so you don’t miss out on more quality  content that i’ll be releasing for you every week   pricing options click on the link in the  description or type this into your browser  

It will take you to my special dream host  discount page where you will get the best   discount dream host is currently offering i will  be comparing their shared hosting plan although   dreamhost does offer other types of postings  like vps manage dedicated and cloud hostings so  

They can support you when your business grows and  you’re ready for an upgrade in this review i will   be comparing their wordpress shared hosting plan  dreamhost has two hosting plans with the starter   tier you are limited to just one website however  on the higher plan you can have unlimited websites  

Another notable difference is the ssd storage  for the starter plan is 50 gigabytes but it is   unlimited on the higher plan a worthy feature  which dreamhost provides on all their plans   are the free automated daily backups and free  domain privacy many companies don’t provide these  

Two features for free they try to upsell you on  this but dreamhost is very good and giving it away   upfront for free so overall the decision is very  simple to make really with dream hosts if you only  

Need one website go for the starter plan but if  you need multiple websites then the unlimited   plan is the way to go so now i will choose that  unlimited plan for this tutorial to test them out   you know from all my videos i’m very strong  on not purchasing your domain names from any  

Hosting providers as they can cost up to two or  three times more than buying it on namecheap.com   which i do myself however dreamhost is the  cheapest domain name provider for a hosting   company that i’ve seen you can get your domain  name for as low as 6.95 for the first year  

This is actually cheaper than getting it  from namecheap.com which i do however the   second year then is 1599 which is a little bit  more so in the end it works out roughly about   the same so if you think you’re gonna go with  dreamhost and stick with them for the long term  

Then by all means buy the domain name with them  and you also get the free domain name privacy   just like you do with namecheap.com so there’s  nothing wrong with getting your domain name with   dreamhost at all i highly recommend you do so if  you want the easiest option for me personally i’d  

Still go with namecheap so i’m going to select  i already have a domain now dreamhost has three   different payment plans the monthly the yearly and  the three year plan so this is another refreshing   thing in the domain industry where they always  want to make you buy three years as it’s normally  

Cheaper but dreamhost is charging the same price  for the yearly and the three year plan they must   be confident with their products i guess so for  this tutorial i’m just going to choose the yearly   now we can come down to the additional options i  do not suggest you do the dream shield protection  

As there are free plugins that you can use  to replace this option and for three dollars   per month is fairly expensive so untick that  once you’re happy with everything just click   on submit order the overall pricing score  i would give dreamhost is a nine out of ten  

They are a really cheap hosting provider starting  at just 2.59 per month and they provide you with   all the features you need to get started they even  give you the automatic backup feature for free   on their cheapest plan this is one  of the more important features to me  

And many other hosting providers don’t give  this to you on the cheapest plan they try   to upsell you instead so well done on dreamhost  here i did take one mark off them as they don’t   offer a custom caching plug-in similar to other  hosting providers like a2hosting or siteground  

This feature would further increase the speed  performance of your website but is missing with   dreamhost this is a quick note regarding my bonus  offer to you if you decide to pick up dreamhost   through my link then just send me your receipt  to bonus dot com dollar dot com and i’ll send  

You back access to my bonus course right away  and if you want my free checklist on starting   a successful blog then just go to this link in  the description and you can get access to that  

Recommendation overall i have given dream hosts  an average score of 8 out of 10. they are a really   solid hosting provider they have cheap hosting  plans and the user interface is clean and easy   to navigate and their speed and uptime performance  is also great so this is my recommendation for you  

Whether you’re a beginner or advanced user  looking for a well-rounded hosting provider   who is above average in all areas then  i believe dreamhost is worth considering   however if you care about a particular aspect more  than others like speed performance or support and  

You want the best of that criteria then i don’t  think dream host is the right option for you   now i think picking the right hosting provider is  such a crucial step in your business so doing it   right and picking the right hosting provider is  very important so if after watching this review  

You think dreamhost is not the right hosting  provider for you then i recommend you check   out this hosting alternative which i know will do  the job for you but if you’re happy with dreamhost   and you’re ready to go to the next step then  go to this video and i’ll see you over there
Are you looking for a fast hosting provider at an affordable price? Well, in this DreamHost review I will go through everything you need to know about DreamHost to decide if they are the right hosting provider for you. 🔴Get Special Discount on DreamHost ➡️ https://go.dotcomdollar.com/dreamhost ———- RELATED RESOURCES ———- 📕 FREE CHECKLIST 📕 Download this Ultimate Successful 6 – Download Figure Blog Checklist! ► https://go.dotcomdollar.com/blog-checklist 🎥 Best DreamHost ALTERNATIVE ► https://youtu.be/eXEdqSm9tPg 🎥 How to Install WordPress on DreamHost [Tutorial] ► https://youtu.be/QKDbIa7LuDs 📺 Best Web Hosting ► https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNP6XMkJWzYRy8ePM3WVGzL7WvWxndcIK 📺 Best Web Hosting for Beginners ► https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNP6XMkJWzYTnJLoUuBxsr1XFL szEOU9w 📺 Best web hosting for WordPress ► https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNP6XMkJWzYQqPfLbXOWErH4SJQWeOAUv 📺 Best managed WordPress hosting ► https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNP6XMkJWzYQzORDiN-qFO-MQm3PPTXvD 📺 Best cheap web hosting ► https:/ /youtube .com/playlist?list=PLNP6XMkJWzYRCbuW2NPfDabtqgyw77ia1 📺 Best web hosting for small businesses ► https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNP6XMkJWzYSL5LfMPVk4BpwTaizMKDLU 📺 Best web hosting for affiliate marketing ► https://youtube.com/playlist?list =PLNP6XMkJW zYS9IRtS53MKZqdpaBmqINwd 📺 Best Web Hosting for E-Commerce ► https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNP6XMkJWzYR1thNHxxiQy3uOBNErMC3- 📺 Best Web Hosting for Bloggers ► https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNP6XMkJWzYQfj-vtuQvTm xQqfFhn7DHY I'm not messing around with your time to waste contentless content. Instead, I'll present you the key results of my live test, such as page loading speed, availability and quality of customer support. I'll also provide you with a live demo so you can virtually test DreamHost without having to purchase it yourself. And finally, I'll give you my honest recommendation as to whether and who should buy DreamHost. ⏱️TIMESTAMPS⏱️ 00:00 – Overview and Bonuses 00:59 – Post-Purchase Setup and Ease of Use for DreamHost 03:00 – DreamHost Speed ​​and Uptime Performance Tests 05:03 – Customer Support Review 07:48 – Pricing Options for DreamHost Shared Hosting Plans 11 :54 – Honest recommendation from DreamHost ———- RELATED VIDEOS ———- 🎥 DreamHost Review [2022] 🔥 Best web hosting provider? (Live demo, speed test and recommendation) ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-kRsS5Em_s 🎥 DreamHost Review: Are they still as good in 2022? ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RISwL7z03pQ 🎥 Dreamhost Review: Are the cheap plans worth it? ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNkx7ZUj_ds 🎥 DreamHost Review (2022) ❇️ Speed ​​test, live demo and my honest web hosting recommendation ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj8rpsMkO1Q ———- CONNECT WITH ME! ———- 🔔 SUBSCRIBE for more actionable marketing tutorials ► https://www.youtube.com/dotcomdollar?sub_confirmation=1 💬 Join my Affiliate Marketing and Passive Income Facebook Group ► https://www. facebook.com/groups/278087196940938/ 📝 Blog ► https://www.dotcomdollar.com/ 🐦 Twitter ► https://twitter.com/allan_borch #dreamhostreview #dreamhosttutorial #dreamhost DISCLAIMER: This video and description may contain affiliate links contain. This means that if you click on one of the product links, I will receive a commission. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue creating videos like this. I will never support or promote a product I don't believe in. Thank you for your support!
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DreamHost Review

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