DreamHost Review 2019 Pros and Cons (HONEST REVIEW) DreamHost Video Review


DreamHost Review 2019 Pros and Cons (HONEST REVIEW)

Tutorial Hosting
Montara here today I’m going to do a video of a DreamHost review for 2019 today I’m gonna give you the pros and cons as well as my honest review of this web hosting provider if you like this video you’re looking for a good web hosting provider your going through

Other review videos and you found this wanted to be the most helpful please make sure to give it a thumbs up also do not forget to hit the subscribe button and we are trying to build this channel up and the more subscribers the absolute better so please make sure to just hit

That subscribe button also hit the bell icon for notifications for future videos so you’re not missing out on any of my methods of making money online I love to help you and everyday I’m doing my research trying to find you new and exciting ways to make money online and

In order to see all of them make sure you hit that Bell icon so that way you get notifications for every single time that I upload a video if you are looking to quit your job and want to be able to work online from home every single day

Not have to get in your car and commute an hour to work in an hour back you want to have more time with your kids more time with your family make sure to check out my number one recommendation for making money online it’s gonna be your first link in the description below so

Definitely check that out so guys getting right into this video it’s gonna be a little bit of a long run so make sure you stay for the all of it I’m gonna give you the pros and cons the things that I like about this nothing’s

That I’m not too much of a fan and throughout the whole video so make sure that you stay for the whole thing to figure out whether or not I recommend this web hosting provider so guys like I said before we are going to be looking at dream house so I went to dreamhost.com

Now a dream house this is a web hosting provider and which has been around for 25 years so this has been around for a very long time it stands the test of time and is a very reliable site to use for your web hosting they actually host 1.5

Million websites and that’s accurate as of October of 2019 so a hundred million websites and are using the web hosting provider Dreamhouse mmm now guys if you are curious how to get to dream house I’m going to leave my affiliate link right down in the description below

Definitely take a look at that obviously it’s an affiliate link which is gonna benefit you as well as myself I’m gonna get a very very small Commission but you are going to be able to get the best most updated prices for your web hosting site so if you click the link you’re

Gonna get definitely the best prices as well as giving me a little bit of a commission so I highly recommend that you check out the the link in the description so what I like about Dreamhouse is they have really got up to ninety-nine point nine six percent uptime which is well

Above average that’s one of the best of times that I’ve been able to find so that’s one of the pros that I can really say about dreamhost as their uptime is phenomenal now their page speed is really really high – its 719 milliseconds which is crazy high and it

Makes it really fast so I highly recommend DreamHost for their good uptime as well as their page speed it’s some of the best that you will ever find another thing that I really really really like about Dreamhouse is they have a 97 day money-back guarantee now this is there’s

No loopholes if you go a new purchase stream post and you use it for 96 days and you decide that you no longer wants use DreamHost you want to find another web hosting provider they will give your money back you do not have to jump over hurdles you don’t have to jump through

Hoops it is a complete cut-and-dried money-back guarantee which is really awesome because I know a lot of places other web hosting providers they make you jump through hoops in order to get your money back and DreamHost is not about that they’re so confident that you are actually going

To love their web hosting provider that they know that most people aren’t going to be asking for our money back especially after they have had it for 97 days what I have noticed with other web hosting providers is that you either get a 30 day or 60 day money back guarantee

As well as having to jump through hoops and hurt to get your money back which is not the case for a dream house it takes a little bit to figure out whether or not you actually like a web hosting provider so that’s one of the beautiful things about

Dream house is they actually give you an extended amount of time of 97 days which is incredible one more thing I wanted to draw your attention to is WordPress recommends dream house it’s one of the three that they do recommend I’ve actually done review videos and Bluehost

SiteGround and now I’m doing a review video and dream house so dream house is been around for well over 10 years it’s about 25 years actually it’s optimized for WordPress and their activity continues to be the WordPress community so this is through WordPress so I highly recommend anybody who uses WordPress it

Can handle everything you need and it gives you a choice of performance ability of the customers and users alike so they recommend this this is the second that they recommend obviously Bluehost comes in first it’s very easy Dream House is their second recommended the one thing that they really like

About Dream House is it’s automatically installed it’s immediately ready to use and it isn’t perfect for beginners if this is your first time using a web hosting provider they they recommend that you try using Dream House because it’s very easy to use and um if you earn

If you’re beginning you don’t need a lot of things out of it this is going to be perfect for you now back over to dreamhost.com I want to draw your attention to the pricing so it starts at two dollars and 59 cents per month which is a really low

Cost so let’s just pop over and see what 2 dollars and 59 cents per month offers you so you get a free domain unlimited traffic a metered bandwidth a WordPress pre-installed like I said guys you don’t have to do the installation process it’s going to be pre-installed for you they

Give you a WP website builder they have BAFF storage and you also get an ssl certificate and you can add an email for really reasonable price for a dollar 67 per month so this is going to be perfect for the beginner who’s just testing the water it’s trying

To figure out if this is going to be the right web hosting provider for them as you can see it moves up a little bit more you can have a hundred thousand monthly visitors so you get more storage you get your free domain you get your a meter bandwidth you get one-click

Staging you get your certificate daily backups and click one click restore 24/7 where WordPress import and jet jet free pre-installed so there’s gonna be more for this one obviously because it’s the most expensive one it’s going to be $16.95 a month and then there’s also one for $13.75 a month if you’re first

Starting out you want to test the waters share the $2 and 59 cents one a month it’s not a lot loss and I think you’re really going to enjoy using DreamHost so let’s pop right back over another thing that I wanted to draw your attention to

That I thought was pretty cool was they are environmentally aware and I will show you you’re gonna pull all the way down to the bottom of the screen and what you’re going to do is you’re going to click right here on green hosting they use advanced lighting control

Systems which occupy sensors they’re LED low mercury high efficiency CFL lighting throughout all of it and they balanced highly optimized HVAC plans so they’re very aware of the environmental needs of our planet so I know this doesn’t really interest everybody I just thought it was

A cool little thing to point out to you guys that they are environmentally aware of what’s going on they have high efficiency cooling infrastructures power efficient processors use whenever possible and partners with a state-level clean wind program they’re powered by grids that obtain electricity from many renewable sources so they’re not out there

Just polluting our planet which is really nice because you want to be the change that you want to see in the world so dream house is trying to put the right foot forward and do that for us which you don’t see with a lot of big companies another thing that I really

Liked about Dream House is when you sign up for a 2.59 sent monthly plan and you prepay for say three years in advance when your 3 year contract is up your deal they’re not going to Jack the prices up for you it is going to say

That 2 dollars and 59 cents after that – what I’ve noticed with a lot of web hosting providers is they check their prices up once you’re done with your first you know your first contract with them and they’ll check it up two times sometimes even three times higher than

When you first started off with them so that’s another Pro that I really like about dream house but like all web hosting providers they’re not perfect there are definitely going to be con sisters with every single web hosting provider and you know we we gotta talk

About them I told her that I was going to give you my honest review and I will so the one thing that I not a huge fan about dream house was with is they say that they have 24-hour support and what I’ve found with a live chat is once you

Write a live chat you end up getting a buck and I will say something like we are out right now and they give you three options to pick from I can’t log into my account and like two other options I can’t find a product and I

Forget what the other one was it takes a while for somebody to get back to you I have noticed once an actual human does get back to you they are extremely helpful but to say that they have 24-hour 24/7 Live Support is incorrect and you know it’s really hard sometimes

When you’re confused you need an answer right then in there you can’t wait for someone to actually get back to you so that’s one of the disadvantages of using Dream House is that they’re live chat support kind of snakes nobody really wants to talk to a bat when you’re

Confused you want to talk to a human being and you want to get answers right then in there so that’s one of my biggest disadvantage some things that I don’t really care for about dream house the second thing is they do not offer si piano and if you’re

A beginner that’s really that’s just gonna be gibberish to you it’s really not going to mean anything if you’re a beginner you don’t even need pay attention owes because it’s not really going to affect you but when they don’t ever see piano you’re gonna have to manually migrate all of your files over

It’s not done for you so if you are an advanced person and dance person you’re looking for a really good web publishing provider I’m not sure if dream host is going to be right for you if unless you want to migrate all of your files another disadvantage of using DreamHost is they

Don’t offer any by our free site migrations for your files it’s gonna be $19.99 per site and if you have lots of sites it’s gonna cost you quite a bit of money on sites for example like wicks and Weebly they are not free site migrations you’re gonna have to pay

$19.99 per site so that’s $40 just with the two sites that I’ve mentioned so I’m not sure you know if you are new and you’re just starting out DreamHost is gonna be perfect for you like I said before they have really good uptime really good page speed they have a 97

Day money-back guarantee no hidden loopholes so you can’t get your money back you’ll just get your money back just write them after the 96 days they they work for me I want my money back and boom they’ll put your money right back into your account they have really

Great pricing starting at 2 dollars and 59 cents per month and like I said that price is not going to increase at all so that’s one thing that I really did like about Dreamhouse they have been around for over 25 years and they have 1.5 million websites WordPress recommends

Them it’s one of the three that they recommend it’s immediately ready and it’s perfect for beginners so do i or do I not recommend Dreamhouse well if you’re a beginner I absolutely recommend rating house I think it’s going to be perfect for you it’s gonna fit all of

Your needs and they have great pricing like I said there’s going to be some cons I’m not a huge fan of their support you end up writing them and get but nobody really likes talking to about when they’re frustrated already I know I pretty much cost at the screen when I

Get about so that’s one of the absolute biggest downfalls about Dream House on this video helpful at all please be sure to give it a thumbs up don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and definitely hit the bell icon for notifications for future videos if you are looking for my

Number one recommendation for making money online you’re sick of going to where if you’re sick of dealing with your boss check out the first link in the description below I really think it’s going to be helpful and really open doors for you create a lot of freedom

And flexibility in your lifestyle and be able to sustain shalay change your living situation so check out my first link in the description below I was coming to Murat recommendation for making money online thanks for watching this video guys hope you liked it no cesium
My #1 Recommendation to Make Money Online – Click Here Now ➡️ http://bit.ly/homeincome_ For the BEST DreamHost Discount Click Here! ➡️ http://bit.ly/DreamHostingHere SUBSCRIBE HERE FOR MORE WAYS TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE ➡️ http://bit.ly/SubcribeToDigitalMentor Hello guys, I have created a DreamHost review video for you to help you, To make an informed decision about whether or not you should choose DreamHost as your web hosting provider. I'm sure you're probably wondering what the best web hosting platform is. Is DreamHost the best web hosting platform for 2019 and 2020? Is this the right web host for you and your website needs? This review video on Dreamhost will help you decide! DreamHost could be perfect for you if you are looking for a web hosting platform with WordPress. In this video I will give an honest review and tell you the pros and cons of DreamHost web hosting. If you want to build a website using WordPress, DreamHost web hosting may be right for you. DreamHost web hosting is great for beginners because it comes pre-installed with WordPress. If you have any questions or need help, leave a comment below and I will do my best to help you. #MakeMoneyOnline #Money #DigitalMentor ★★ Contact me! ★★ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digital_mentor Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/digital2177 Email: DigitalMentor01@gmail.com IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes only. The results are not typical. There is no guarantee that you will make money using the techniques and ideas mentioned in this video. I am not a financial advisor and anything I say on this YouTube channel should not be considered financial advice. Your success in achieving the results claimed in this video requires hard work, experience and knowledge. I am only sharing my biased opinion based on speculation and my personal experience. You should always be aware that investments always involve risks. You should always do your own research before making any investment. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information in this video is accurate, but we cannot guarantee that the websites mentioned in this video are free of errors. AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This description contains affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a small commission at no cost to you.
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DreamHost Review

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