Don't waste your time with Hostinger, here are my experiences with them Hostinger Video Review


Don't waste your time with Hostinger, here are my experiences with them

Video Review Hosting

Review: My Experience with Hostinger

Hey everyone, welcome back to my channel! Today, I’m going to share my honest review of Hostinger, a popular web hosting provider. I’ve been using their services for almost two years now, and I have to say, it’s been a wild ride. What to Expect

Before I dive into my experience, let me give you a brief overview. Hostinger is known for its affordability, speed, and great customer support. Many people swear by their services, leaving glowing reviews after their initial experience. But, as with anything, the real test lies in the long run. My Experience

I signed up for Hostinger’s WordPress plan, which was 2.99 a month for 100 websites. I was thrilled to save money by migrating my existing websites from Nexus, which was costing me around 120-150 a month for 20 websites. The performance and speed were great initially, but things took a turn for the worse. Peak Usage Performance

Hostinger has this thing called Peak Usage Performance, which they always warn you about. It’s a sneaky way to get you to upgrade your plan every time your website’s traffic increases. I had 15 websites on my plan, and I started experiencing issues with CPU usage. No matter how many times I migrated my websites or downgraded my plan, the problem persisted. Inconvenient Downgrade Process

The process of downgrading my plan was incredibly frustrating. They would constantly tell me I needed to reach below 700, and I’d have to remove more and more websites until I reached that threshold. It was like they were playing a game of cat and mouse, where I’d constantly have to remove websites and try to downgrade. 403 Errors

The real kicker was the 403 Forbidden errors. I’d get constant errors, even after migrating my websites to a cloud-based setup. I’d try to access my site, only to be met with a 403 error. I thought it was just my ISP provider, but it wasn’t. It was Hostinger. A Solution

I decided to switch to Cloudways, a cloud-based hosting provider. I paid 13-15 a month, depending on my usage, and I was blown away by the difference. My site was running smoothly, and I had no more 403 errors. My Recommendation

In conclusion, my experience with Hostinger was a rollercoaster. They may offer great initial speed and customer support, but the reality is that their long-term performance is subpar. I highly recommend avoiding Hostinger and opting for a more reliable hosting provider like Cloudways or even Nexus. What I’ve Learned

In the end, I learned a valuable lesson: never fall for the trap of a low-cost hosting plan that promises the world but delivers little. Always choose a plan that offers scalability and reliability, even if it costs a bit more. Stay Tuned

Thanks for watching, everyone! Stay tuned for more reviews and updates on Cloudways. If you have any questions or need recommendations, feel free to ask in the comments below.

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