Cloudways broke all the rules of web hosting – and WON ScalaHosting Video Review


Cloudways broke all the rules of web hosting – and WON

Video Review Hosting

The Review of Cloudways Web Hosting Services

Cloudways was originally a web hosting company that did not have its own web hosting servers. However, they were recently purchased by an actual web hosting company. They now offer web hosting services from five different companies. It may seem confusing at first, but let’s break it all down.

Cloudways: The Middleman

Cloudways acts as a middleman between you and the servers that can be purchased from DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, Amazon, or Google. The way it works is simple – you tell Cloudways what kind of server you want and from which provider, and they take care of the rest. They buy the server, set it up, attach their control panel to it, and send you the bill each month.

You might be wondering, “Why not just go directly to Amazon or DigitalOcean for cheaper prices?” The answer lies in the complexity of choosing the right plan. Terms like Kubernetes, droplets, EC2 instances, and Lambda can be overwhelming for beginners. Cloudways simplifies this process, making it easier for users to understand and manage their servers.

Pricing and Convenience

The two main differences between using Cloudways and buying directly from a provider are price and convenience. While you may end up paying more through Cloudways, the convenience factor can make it worth the cost.

For example, if you were to purchase a server from Vultr directly, it may cost $12 a month. The same server through Cloudways could cost $28. However, Cloudways offers additional services such as server setup, WordPress installation, and hybrid stack configurations that you wouldn’t get if you bought directly.

Features and Benefits

One of the main appeals of Cloudways is the ease of server setup and management. They offer a variety of server configurations with popular platforms like WordPress, WooCommerce, PHP, Laravel, and Magento pre-installed. Additionally, Cloudways provides a staging environment for testing, automatic and manual backups, and team management features for collaborative projects.

Drawbacks and Limitations

While Cloudways offers many conveniences, there are some drawbacks to consider. For example, they do not provide domain names or free email accounts. Domain names must be purchased separately and connected to Cloudways. Additionally, first-time users may find the control panel and support system to be less user-friendly than other hosting providers.

In terms of support, Cloudways may not be the best option for beginners who require assistance with website building or troubleshooting. Their support team is limited in what they can assist with, as they do not have direct access to the servers being used.

Performance and Reliability

In terms of performance, Cloudways offers excellent speed and reliability. With even the basic configuration, websites can load quickly and respond efficiently. Monitoring tools have shown that Cloudways websites have a high uptime percentage and perform well in Google rankings.

However, the cost of using Cloudways can add up, especially as you scale your resources. While the service is reliable and efficient, it may not be the most cost-effective option for all users.


Overall, Cloudways is a niche hosting provider with specific advantages and limitations. It is best suited for users who already have a website and are looking to improve performance without the technical barriers. While there are cheaper alternatives available, Cloudways offers unique features and conveniences that may be worth the extra cost for some users.

If you are considering using Cloudways, be sure to weigh the pros and cons carefully and consider your specific needs and budget. Ultimately, Cloudways can be a valuable tool for managing professional-grade servers and websites with minimal effort.

Good luck with your website building endeavors, and remember to explore other web hosting tutorials for more information. Thank you for reading and I wish you success in your online ventures.

ScalaHosting Review

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