Bluehost Review – The REAL Reason Why People Hate Bluehost! BlueHost Video Review


Bluehost Review – The REAL Reason Why People Hate Bluehost!

Tutorial Hosting
What’s up learn how nation in this video I’m going to give you my Bluehost hosting review and talk about the real reason people hate Bluehost I’m Andy you’re watching learn how we create video lessons and tutorials to help people learn how to use technology to improve their lifestyle also with my new

Website learn how blogging calm I’m teaching all sorts of tips and strategies to help you start blogging make more money blogging improve your SEO and all sorts of strategies like that so in this video I’m giving you my personal Bluehost review now please understand that I am a Bluehost

Affiliate and I’ve got links in a lot of my posts in this video that will take you to Bluehost where you can get a discount price for your hosting but I’m gonna give you my unbiased honest review of the platform regardless of whether or not I was an affiliate so to be honest

With you I started all of my first websites on Bluehost because whenever I search the internet for best hosting provider or starting a website watch hosting to use a majority of the websites recommend Bluehost now I do understand you’re gonna hear a lot of people out there

Rebuttal a lot of the Bluehost haters out there their rebuttal is that people recommend Bluehost because they pay their affiliates such a high commission sometimes that can get up to a hundred dollars per referral depending on how many of referrals you make during the month but to be totally honest with you

Many of the other affiliate hosting providers like site ground and in-motion lots of other hosting options out there they also have an affiliate program and they also pay a lot of money to their affiliates and if you’re doing you know 10 or 12 recommendations per month you

Can make up to $100 with a lot of those other competitors so for me personally I’ve used Bluehost for all of the websites that I’ve started well I guess I had to make a little correction I did just recently start a website with SiteGround but all my first websites I

Started with Bluehost and I’ll be a hundred percent honest with you I have never had an shoe if you search into Facebook groups on Pinterest online you’ll probably at some point run into someone saying how much they hate Bluehost I’m in a lot of Facebook groups about

Blogging and lots of newcomers into the groups you know will say which hosting do you recommend and you’ll you know you’ll get the one or two people just in and say totally go a site ground or go with this or go with big scoots or this or that and they’ll share their

Affiliate link and then they’ll totally bash and say how much they hate Bluehost well they might have had a bad experience with Bluehost whereas millions of other people haven’t I like to compare it to you like fast-food restaurants someone who loves like something like Wendy’s or Burger King

But hates McDonald’s is going to bash on McDonald’s and say McDonald’s is gross McDonald’s is this McDonald’s that you know and then you say Oh Wendy’s is way better Burger King’s way better but then on the other side of the field there’s those same people who love McDonald’s

And hate Burger King everyone’s gonna have a different type of experience at some point you know I could walk into a Burger King and have a terrible experience one time and they could just totally ruin my perception and from that point for it I would just tell everyone

Burger King sucks my fries were soggy this or that whereas other people maybe going to Burger King their whole life and they’ve never had a bad experience so for me personally my personal Bluehost review is that I’ve never had a bad experience which is why I recommend

It to people just starting a website there’s a lot of great things that come with Bluehost you can get a free domain name it’s really cheap and for a lot of you who are just starting out starting a website starting a blog you don’t need fancy hosting the funny thing is a lot

Of these people who are complaining about oh my site was down for 10 minutes like honestly that probably didn’t hurt your traffic that much especially if you’re a brand new blog now if you’ve been blogging for 10 years and you’re getting hundreds of thousands of visitors you’re probably not using a

Shared hosting plan that’s three dollars a month anyway you’re probably on your own server so the people that complain about you know their site going down or customer service or whatever honestly people you get what you pay for and when you’re just starting out three dollars a month I’m not really complaining that

Much about it you know if I have a little something to hiccup here there which I really haven’t I’m not gonna be that upset about it because I’m paying three bucks a month if I was paying $300 a month yeah I would be pretty upset about that so a

Lot of the times I think that people’s perception of Bluehost is a little bit skewed because I think their expectations are a lot higher than what they should be when they’re paying three dollars a month for shared hosting whereas you know obviously you’re getting some server who knows where it

Could be India you know a lot of people talk about AIG and how it’s an eID which is endurance International Group an EIG owned hosting service like Hostgator and they own like I don’t know fifty other hosting companies now but they use you know servers in India and

All over the world and you know people like to use that as an excuse and that’s great yeah but it goes back to the thing you get what you pay for it I know very well that that’s what I’m using but I don’t really care because I don’t really need

It right now at some point if I do need better hosting then I’ll upgrade to better hosting with a different provider or somewhere else but for right now it’s doing great I’m not overpaying for my hosting and I’m getting the kind of results that I need to so that’s

Something that I like to tell people to remember if you’re just starting out with a blog you don’t need some fancy hosting you can get a solid cheap hosting from Bluehost or SiteGround which are the two that I recommend and two that WordPress recommends and I’ve

Never had any issues you might have an issue and another thing that I want to point out I guess is that a lot of times the issues aren’t really with the hosting company and people you know who are new to blogging and web sites they don’t really understand how a website

Runs and they don’t know you know the tech side behind it so whenever something’s broken they just automatically assume oh it’s my hosting provider they ruined my website when in reality it could be a totally different issue it could be an issue with your theme an issue with a plug-in it could

Be something that you did to your website that messed it up so I think it’s a little unfair to blame problems all problems on the hosting company when a lot of times it could be your problem so yeah that’s kind of I guess the real reason people hate Bluehost is because their

Expectations don’t match what they’re paying for and they might have just had a hiccup or some crazy bad experience at some point and so that I think that’s how it is for everyone when in reality there’s millions of users so obviously some people are going to have hiccups

Here and there and you know I’m sorry if you get on customer service and they don’t respond in five minutes but if you think about it if two million people in the world are using a hosting company and there’s constantly thousands of people jumping in the chat trying to get

Some help with something yeah I’m gonna give them some slack I realize it might take them a little bit to respond to my message I’ll tell you honestly every time that I’ve messaged on the chat to get help with Bluehost I’ve always got responses I’ve always got help and my problems have always

Been fixed and I’ve never paid anything extra I guess I mean I’d like to think I know a little bit more about websites than the average consumer which has probably helped me realize when a problem is a hosting problem and when it’s my problem so kind of I guess

Relieves a little bit of the frustration my Bluehost review is this that I do totally recommend it for anyone who is just getting started because it’s a very low cost it’s like three bucks you get the free domain you can literally get started with your website for like 60

Bucks for an entire year or less than that if you if you you know commit to a longer longer term – like a two or three year plan but check it out I’ve got links in the description below this video check out learn how blogging calm

For a full how to get started with your blog or with your website you can learn how to make money blogging affiliate marketing how to make money online all sorts of stuff like that so make sure you guys check that out you like this video guys hate that thumbs up button

Hit that subscribe button and we’ll see you in the next video
My 2 recommended hosting providers: 🖥Bluehost: 🖥Siteground: 🔥Get discount prices on these 2 recommended WordPress hosting providers! At Learn How, our goal is to help other people learn how to use technology to improve their lifestyle. We focus on providing the best instructions, tips and tricks in short, concise videos that are easy to follow and understand. We work to provide tutorials for iPhone, computers, iPads, Facebook, social media and other technology devices as well as videos for online business and lifestyle. If you have any recommendations or suggestions, please leave us a comment or visit our Facebook page and send us a message! We'd love to hear from you! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to this channel and like our Facebook page to access all of our videos, tips and tricks! We are also on Instagram! SHARE this video with your friends and family now and give us a THUMBS UP if you enjoyed the video! Thank you for watching! Facebook: Instagram: Website: 💥RECOMMENDED TOOLS & PRODUCTS💥 • Best Laptop: • Best video editing software: • Tripod (low budget): • Tripod (better quality): • Bendable tripod: http :// 💥CAMERAS (4K video recording)💥 • Cannon EOS 5D Mark IV (Bundle!): • Cannon EOS 1DX Mark II: http://amzn .to /2xarKvl • Sony Alpha a7S: • Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II 4K: 💥MUST HAVE iPhone ACCESSORIES💥 • Pop Sockets: http :// • Charging Station: • Car Mount: • Portable Battery Charger: • Screen Protector: http :// • Replacement Lightning Cable: • Multiport Charger: • Training Bracelet: 2xT5V27 *These links are affiliate links! Thank you for supporting us! 🎁 Enter the drawing for a $200 Amazon gift card:
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