Bluehost Review: Is Bluehost Really the Best Web Host for Beginners? BlueHost Video Review


Bluehost Review: Is Bluehost Really the Best Web Host for Beginners?

Tutorial Hosting
What’s up rebels today we’re talking about Bluehost I’m doing a little review I’m talking about why I think it is the best hosting service out there for new entrepreneurs and people are just getting started building a website but I don’t want this to be like every other

Bluehost or hosting review you see if someone that just goes straight to a screen share of their computer where they talk about all the best features on the sales page they give you an affiliate link and they try and make a sale no we’re also gonna talk about why

The hosting industry in general is such a nightmare and why it’s almost impossible to get an unbiased opinion from any review online and hopefully you’re doing this you’re gonna get a little bit more clarity about how to choose the best hosting service for you why I do think Bluehost

Is the best one for people that are just starting out and dispel some of the myths that you know are prevalent within the whole internet hosting industry because I’m not gonna lie it’s it’s a nightmare like trying to deal with these hosting things and trying to decipher

What’s BS versus what JIT Amit you know what stuff you can trust when it comes to these reviews I mean it’s next to impossible so with that I don’t want to waste your time let’s uh let’s jump right into it shall we [Applause] okay so why do people hate bluehost so much and it’s not just Bluehost it’s literally any hosting company out there for every five people that you see say it’s great there’ll be five more that say it sucks so why is that it’s because of the affiliate nature around this

Industry so notoriously the hosting industry pays some of the best affiliate commissions of just about any company out there so if you’ve read someone’s review if you click their link if you go get a hosting account because someone recommended it almost 99% chance that they’re getting paid for that and it

Could be 50 bucks it’ll be 100 bucks sixty two hundred dollars per hosting account that signs up via their link so there’s a ton of money to be and there’s people that are making tens of thousands of dollars a month just off hosting affiliate stuff so because of that it is

Literally like idea is impossible to get a fully unbiased review of these hosting solutions so yes are there people out there that have had negative experiences with just about any hosting program absolutely are there people out there that are profiting and are willing to say whatever they can in order to

Actually get paid a hundred percent and that’s the reason this industry sucks so much because most people do it kind of shady way but bottom line most of these companies are very similar for the hosting companies that cost you know a hundred bucks a year ten bucks a month

Something like that most of them are all gonna do pretty much the same thing and any review you read about any product assume someone has an affiliate link and they’re going to profit off it somehow yes if you go by Blue Hose from the link below I will get a commission and

Actually you’ll get a discount because your location rebel reader which is kind of cool but I can go to any other hosting affiliate program and I can get the same Commission so really it doesn’t matter which one I promote because I can profit off all of them and that’s the

Same for just about any other affiliate that’s got any kind of brand or any kind of audience so with all of that said why do I like Bluehost so much well there’s a lot of reasons let’s start with the absolute biggest reason and that’s 24/7 support so let me tell you a little

Story back when I lived in Bangkok this was in 2010 I just started blogging it been like less than a year since I’d started my blog and I was trying to do I think I was trying to add another website to my same hosting account and at some point I

Accidentally deleted my current web site location rebel could put all of it gone completely disappeared I actually had there’s a blog post it’s called the most expensive workout of my life and that’s link below where you can you know hear about this whole story I was terrified I thought I had literally completely

Annihilated my whole business well I ended up on the phone with support with my hosting company for like six hours and finally they fixed it I think it cost me in the end I think it cost me like a hundred bucks or something for them to like go into the depths of

Whatever it got deleted into and pull it back out and make it live again but that is why support is so critical because when you’re first getting started building a website you’re gonna screw things up something’s gonna break you’re gonna screw something up you’re probably gonna delete something you shouldn’t

Have or did something you shouldn’t have it’s just the nature of learning this whole process so when something breaks on one of the sites I’ve got under Bluehost I know it’s gonna get fixed quickly and that is a very very powerful thing okay so the next thing I like

About Bluehost so much is they have one click WordPress install it used to be a nightmare to install WordPress way back 10 years ago when I started my blog trying to install WordPress was like you had to go into the SFTP and add this folder and customize this file and it

Took me like two hours to do it the first time now you literally you sign up for Bluehost you click install WordPress away you go WordPress is installed on your website so it makes it super super easy to get going with minimal hassles so you can

Focus on your content you grow in your business rather than dealing with a hassle and the technical BS of certain website next it’s got a free SSL certificate included so that makes your site secure I’m not sure if you’ve noticed this but over the last six to

Nine months Google up in your if you use Google Chrome up in the URL bar it’ll say not secure if a site is not HTTPS people are increasingly concerned about cyber security and their privacy and things like that knowing that you’re visiting a secure website is

Going to be beneficial as far as Google is concerned it’s also going to rank it higher if it is a secure website so it used to be you had to pay for this certificate to have secure site well with Bluehost it’s included for free so you’re gonna better search rankings the

Fights gonna be more secure it’s gonna allow you to build trust easier and it’s free which is a great thing and so that’s one of the things that I really like about Bluehost as well finally another feature I really like and I don’t think does this with the lowest

Plan but like the second-lowest where you can get for like five or six bucks a month you get unlimited websites so you pay for one hosting account and you can have ten websites on that hosting account so that’s great if you’re on a little bit of a budget and you want to

Start say a freelance writing business but you also want to start a blog around a hobby as well so then you all you got to pay for is the extra domain for like ten bucks a month and then you’ve got a hosting account where you can host as

Many websites as you want and that’s that’s pretty cool thing so there’s been times I’ve had like five six seven websites on a single Bluehost account especially when I’m just starting an idea I’m just testing it out to see if it works and then if it does work and it

Starts to gain traction then I might move it over to a different host but once you get to the point where I would say like thirty to fifty thousand page views a month then I might consider moving off Bluehost to either a VPS which is kind of a your own little

Partitioned server so you don’t have to worry about other sites that are on your server as well taking up resources that you would like to be devoted to your website so instead you get your own little piece of a server that’s dedicated just to you or you could use

What’s called managed WordPress hosting so this is hosting that is specifically optimized for WordPress to make it as fast as possible to make it as flexible as possible and that’s actually what I run location rebel on right now I use a managed WordPress solution called WP engine but if you’re just getting going

And you want something that’s gonna be solid it’s gonna work well it’s gonna make everything easy on you and has fantastic support then 100% I think Bluehost is the way to go like I said I get affiliate Commission’s from any other hosting company and make the same recommendation but personally I’ve

Had a great experience with Bluehost and so I definitely recommend okay let’s just take a quick pause here this is helpful for you what questions you have about WordPress about hosting Bluehost about Squarespace maybe that’s something that’s come you know an option within all of this stuff leave a comment

Below and I’ll do my best to help you figure out what the best solution is for you because it could be just free blog it could be a self hosted account it could be Squarespace it could be a lot of different things so I want to help

Make sure that you’re finding the right thing for you and your goals okay so what are the next steps from here what should you go and do well first thing click the link below go to Bluehost your discount like I said because your location rebel reader you’re gonna get a

Free domain as you’re getting started as well so you can literally get going for like three four five bucks a month which is a bad as good of a deals you’re gonna find on a really solid hosting solution from there I recommend you check out a blog post on location rebel comm called

How to set up your first block where we walk you through everything step by step how to get start with Bluehost how to find a theme how to install a theme how to install your plugins how to make your site look good as you’re getting going

It’s a super in-depth post so get a hosting account follow our tutorial and then from there in a lot less time than you’re probably thinking you’re gonna have a website rocking and rolling you’re gonna be able to start building your personal brand building that lifestyle business becoming a digital

Nomad quitting your job taking over the world and doing all sorts of amazing things that’s what we do here location rubble we help you build small businesses allow you to spend more time doing the stuff that you love to do so if you haven’t subscribed yet make sure

To do that hit that notification bell up there so you’ll know every time we’ve got a new video and if you are a regular you know what I’m about to say you know I love those thumbs up give this video a thumbs up right now go away I’m still

Here thumbs up now you want to alright perfect thank you I appreciate you with that like cetra head to Boston in New York for a couple weeks here I leave in just a few days so we’re gonna have some videos from the East Coast which is to

Be kind of fun and yeah rather than continue rambling I think you should go check out this video right over here it’s all about how to build an online asset it’s all about how to set up your first so it’s a natural segue into everything we’ve been talking about before

So go check out that video here I’ll see you next time on the blog and like I said make sure to subscribe see you soon that was a weird way ah sorry I don’t look now I’ll see you later
Get over 60% discount on Bluehost! In this Bluehost review, we'll look at why I believe Bluehost is the best web host for beginners. We will also look at this industry as a whole and explain why it is impossible to actually get an unbiased review or opinion on Bluehost or ANY other web host. ► Subscribe to my channel here – Check out my full Bluehost review: // Resources mentioned: https://www .locationrebel. com/web-host-service/ 10 Questions You Need to Answer Before Choosing a Web Host: The Differences Between Different Types of Web Hosting: Step by Step: Setup a blog: WPEngine: // Table of Contents: 1:22 – Why Do The People hate Bluehost so much? 2:52 – The only reason I can think of to prove that I’m simply not a Bluehost partner. 3:19 – Why I think Bluehost is the best hosting service. 7:59 – What questions do you have? 8:26 – What to do next? // About Location Rebel: For the last 10 years at, I've been teaching people like you how to build a lifestyle business and become a digital nomad. There are many ways to do this depending on your goals, skills, and interests, but some of the most common businesses are based around freelance writing, niche sites, affiliate marketing, and blogging. Our main goal is to help you get to the point where you're making $3,000 to $5,000 per month as quickly as possible, because after that? You have options. My name is Sean Ogle and I am the founder of Location Rebel. I'm a location-independent entrepreneur from Portland, Oregon who travels three to four months a year and takes my business with me wherever I go. On this channel you will learn exactly how to build a similar business and also do it from some pretty destinations. #bluehost #bluehostreview #webhosting This page contains affiliate links. This means if you click a link and purchase one of the products on this page, I may receive a commission (at no additional cost to you!). This has no influence on our opinions or ratings. We do everything we can to help you as a reader, which is why all of our reviews are as honest and unbiased as possible.
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Hosting Review

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