Bluehost Review – A walkthrough from a real Bluehost user BlueHost Video Review


Bluehost Review – A walkthrough from a real Bluehost user

Tutorial Hosting
Okay welcome to this review of Bluehost before I begin I’m just gonna tell you about myself name’s Nathan based in Ireland I’m a full-time marketing manager and I’ve used lots of different hosting companies the last 20 years and built a lot of websites so now I’m gonna

Take a look at Bluehost please watch the entirety of this video because I’m gonna show you how to choose the right package for the website you want to host and also show you how to set up the website very very quickly inside of Bluehost first what package should you choose

Bluehost has four different options basic which limit you to one website there’s the plus option choice plus and pro well currently I’m based in Ireland these prices are in Euros but if you’re in the US or whatever country you’re in the equivalent will be in your currency

– I recommend Plus which is the one I’m currently out and it’s fantastic price when you compare with other companies like Hostgator it’s only five dollars 40 for a month that’s though not inclusive a VAT which would add a little to that that’s if you sign up for a three-year

Term that gives you unlimited websites it gives you free SSL certificate unlimited the major part on me and some to me it’s all this stuff the main thing is that you have unlimited websites you can put lots of websites with this hosting right now choice plus a little

Bit more expensive than Plus so it’s not really worth paying that little bit extra because all you get with choice Plus on top of plus it’s domain privacy which for me isn’t that big a deal it just means and you know people won’t be able to search your email and address as

The creator of the website people don’t tend to do that anyway and it’s not really a big deal if they find that so unless you create websites for something really controversial in which case they might you know criticize you or whatever it might be but it’s not worth investing

That bit extra for choice if you want to go big and if you’re intending building lots of websites that are gonna get lots of traffic then go with pro which is $12 74 a month which is an amazing price for something that offers this down here dedicated IP what

Is dedicated IP it means you’re not sharing the hosting with others you’re not on the same server as others you have your own server which is great if you’re getting a whole no would’ve traffic onto your site it means we’ll be better able to to Co put that traffic

Better for security that kind of thing so if you are gonna launch a fantastic website that’s gonna get thousands of people to it you may you may think about you may consider going with pro but from my own needs Plus is the one I chose and I think it’s a fantastic price and

That’s why I bought it it’s a lot cheaper than all of the other hosting companies have gone with in the past but what are the additional benefits of Bluehost so this is under the hood this is my own account yeah and this is the first website I the first domain name I

Purchased – under it’s a website I wanted to set up but having two kids under the age of four kind of parenting website so and I’ve already purchased that domain and it’s it’s here on Bluehost but look let’s say you you haven’t got your domain yet and by the

Way you got a free domain when you sign up with Bluehost if I want to and that’s already sorry that 200 for that comes already installed on WordPress but I’m gonna show you how to do that the beauty of blo Bluehost it’s just very simple to navigate around a lot of

These hosting companies they’re very messy complicated looking difficult to navigate – poor areas Bluehost fantastic easy to use so let’s say I want to add a new site that’s so okay I’m just gonna call this site name my news so I just for the purposes of this demo sparge as

You can see my fingers now because I’m I’ve one of these webcams that are actually in the keyboard area and this is tagline okay so just bear in mind it is just protest purposes this how simple it is to create a new wordpress site and how how creating WordPress site inside a

Bluehost is so simple and intuitive by the way if you are creating a site well the easiest and probably most effective way to create a site is using WordPress so I’m just gonna click Next and then I’m gonna choose a domain so you can purchase a domain name so there’s two

Elements sorry now if you’re familiar with this already there’s two elements to creating a website one is getting hosting so where the website will actually say little sit on a server now most people out there don’t have their own servers so they rent space to a server that’s why they go to

The likes of Bluehost and you pay a few dollars a month have permission to use their servers but you also need a domain name right and I’ve purchased some of these these are usually five ten dollars but just say I want to use this one word release com right

I merely don’t already there’s a few plugins that they will install inside WordPress if you want these I’m just gonna on take them for now I’m gonna click Next that’s it now I can access WordPress and I’ll be of the acts backend of WordPress and create content

From my word release site okay there my login details it’s already so I just have my username have my password and now I can go through the backend of WordPress start writing my blogs and you know tidying up my site that kind of thing by the way if you want information

On how to use WordPress does loads of shoe tourism on YouTube out there it’s also very easy to use so works very well with them with Bluehost there it is you see I can also manage it from within Bluehost that’s another thing about Bluehost that I really like it’s that I

Can do everything from within one dashboard area right when I’ve used Hostgator now there are hosting platforms in the past I’ve had to log in to see I’ve had to log into my own website I’ve had to log into the Hostgator area or the GoDaddy area where I want to buy

Domain names and I’m getting lost and you know I I’m logging in an hour of these different platforms all their Bluehost was great and that everything is integrated so I can go in here and log into my wordpress site from inside of Bluehost right it also has this

Marketplace area so if you want to purchase various themes which is the look of your WordPress site or add-ons or things like that lots of products in here you can get them from inside of Bluehost okay there’s email at office here where Bluehost allow you to purchase access to

Microsoft 365 orgy suite if you want to use these really professional and well-known email services no you don’t have to do that you see with my 204 now come I have a basic email service so you get that for free okay but if you want

To use them one of the more kind of high-powered ones you can purchase them here and you can of course buy your domains from within Bluehost as well so everything is available from within Bluehost I just go down here to register and then I would enter what domain name I want let’s just

Call it the name for my site and click check and then very quickly you see its name from my site calm there it is ten dollars 19 year olds ninety-five and I would just click and add it to my cart and purchase and then it would be up

Here in my home area and I could create my wordpress site as i showed you earlier so terms of affordability the price is good ease of Yuke’s is great integration that everything is integrated in here you can buy additional themes and plug-ins for your site you can install on WordPress

Very easy you can log into WordPress from within blow up Bluehost you can buy domains from Bluehost and for the more techie people this advanced area is what used to be called see panel so this is more for people who have the technology and have experience

With using seat panels which is just the kind of em that an old-school way of managing websites from your hosting platform and the beauty of Bluehost is you won’t need to use this very much they’ve hidden it away in this Advanced section because it’s so easy to to get

Whatever you need done from the from the the you know the other menu options there within blue but if you have specific requirements they’re probably in there in advance then you can just access the cPanel area and do what you need to do okay and then when your site is ready word

Release okay see it there it’s been added now I can simply again so I’ve installed the domain name on WordPress WordPress is ready to go but it even gives me this kind of checklist area where I can do all these things customize my design or a contact page I

Content your site ID map I can take all these things and you know there’s guides they’re not a fantastic area that I like about blue support I’ve you know when I initially signed up for blue house I bought bought that starter package that only allowed me have one site and then

As I added more sites they upgraded me instantly and they offered you know they offered me a good deal to upgrade and if I’ve had any issues and I haven’t had any because it’s very reliable and then they’re always there and available which is great to know right so I have zero

Complaints I’ve been with them there for a couple of months as I said great price ease of use really convenient there’s I have some information here and I’ve hand-picked the key pages here about Bluehost okay this for two million websites worldwide they they’ve been one of WordPress WordPress is top

Recommended for 2005 to have this good money back guarantee right and when I was talking about upgrading they did they did you know they were upfront about that they said oh sorry um you know if you’re adding more sites and you know this want this one website plan anymore we can refund I

Said no no I’m delighted with services I want to upgrade I don’t want a refund so they were asking me if I wanted to refund you can cancel at any time but a penalty so that’s great I passed with other hosting platforms it was difficult

To cancel I had to get 30 days no isn’t this kind of thing it’s great it’s powerful I had no issues without in my size bandwidth his on metered they say you get your free domain name you get the marketplace which I showed you the support is gray 24/7 that control panel

The cPanel is in there on there the Advanced section breakthrough technology you know it’s we are known for reliability instability look at all the reviews check out that you know I did my research before signing up for these guys and I was really happy with the

Price with the how easy it is whew so the real time saver not to have to look around and look for everything when you’re building a website and how easy it is I can literally do it at 30 seconds set up a wordpress site they’ve excellent support so I’m happy to

Recommend this to you if you see my site am i sorry my youtube channel I’m I can be quite critical I’m knock a lot of internet marketing products I use this myself it’s good it’s affordable it’s useful it’s it’s great if you want to set a website on

WordPress I think you should get this and I’m also gonna offer you a bonus if you sign up to Bluehost hosting in the link under this video you should see a link that allows you to sign up and also gives you a little bonus for that with

Some WordPress tools that can help you along free ones that you get from me if you sign up through my link and honestly guys you know I use it I think it’s great and you know you should try it so best of luck with it and

I wish you all the best in your web career and you’re not gonna go wrong with Bluehost that’s great
#bluehostreview Ok, so you've checked out the Bluehost review. Feel free to take a look at the current Bluehost special offer here: Of course without obligation, but I strongly recommend that you take a look if you compare the hosting prices with those of yours compare current hosts. or if you want to create a website quickly and at the lowest price. In this Bluehost review, I'll show you which packages you should use and also take you under the hood of my own Bluehost hosting account to show you how you can build your website in under 30 seconds. Bluehost's features and benefits are all revealed by a real user (me!) who has 20+ years of experience with various hosting platforms. This Bluehost review is for anyone looking to set up a new website or move their existing website(s) to a new hosting platform. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us. And please note that most product reviews on my channel are not very flattering as I pride myself on being honest and transparent. I have used every product I reviewed and my main goal is to make sure people don't get scammed and have access to quality products.
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Hosting Review

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