BlueHost Review 2022 Best Web Hosting for WordPress BlueHost Video Review


BlueHost Review 2022 Best Web Hosting for WordPress

Tutorial Hosting
Bluehost review the pros the cons my personal experience with this web host and everything else that you need to know it’s all going to be in this video guys alright so stay tuned for that i’m guessing if you’re watching this video you are trying to start your first

Website maybe or maybe you’re just looking for an alternative web post maybe you’re not happy with your current one but guys are going to help you make an informed decision on whether or not you should make the switch or start up with bluehost in this video so don’t

Mess around let’s just jump straight into it alright guys so here we are on the bluehost website i’ll have a link for this in the description down below so you can get this discounted price okay instead of 7.99 per month you’re gonna get a cost starting at only 395 per

Month so the first thing you’ll notice right here is that just says you get free domain name registration free ssl certificate included a one click wordpress install and 24 7 support so guys my personal experience with all of this it is completely true alright the 24 7 support is insane okay it’s really

Really good no matter what problems i’ve had of whatever time it has been okay i’m in thailand so i’m on very very different time zones to where bluehost are right so but i’ve had no problems whatsoever in contact and when whenever i need help okay they get back to me

Very very fast and they’re always very very helpful and the free domain yes they do actually give you a free domain you’ll see that later on in this video okay so if you want to follow along with me guys like i said just click this link in the description down below get taken

To this website and you can see this price and you can follow along with me and have a look at the website yourself if you want so let’s click get start and i’ll show you the different plans that they have with bluehost one thing that i

Forgot to mention as well guys is they do have a 30-day money-back guarantee okay you can read more about that right here okay so it says if you cancel within 30 days you receive a full refund on your hosting service only the money back guarantee does not apply to most

Add-on products domains given the unique nature of their costs okay so if you do sign up to bluehost and you decide you don’t like it they can give you the money back on the uh on the actual hosting service itself so if you are not happy with it if you

Decide bluehost isn’t for you you will have 30 days to cancel but i’m sure you will be happy with this guys if you sign up this i’ve never had any problems with bluehost to be honest so i’m sure you won’t even need that but it’s available to you if you feel so

So let’s just take a look at the plans quickly that they offer so just click this button right here get started we will see all the different plans that bluehost can offer us so they’ve got the basic plan plus plan choice plus plan and if you scroll down here they’ve got

A pro plan as well okay so the prices as you can see they are very competitive with every single other web hosting platform out there so the basic package starts at 3.95 per month and it goes all the way up to 13.95 per month so don’t forget guys

Click the link in the description down below if you want to get these discounted prices okay you can see the normal prices is 7.99 per month for this one and 23.99 per month so if you click the link in the description down below you can get the best current discount

Available so i’m not going to go over too much detail about these guys but you just need to know that obviously the basic plan is for newbies who are just starting out creating a website so if you are just trying this out okay just want to see if website a website is for

You then maybe you can go with this one okay you’ll only get one website with this but if you think you’re gonna stick with this and you’re gonna build more than one website then i would highly recommend going with one of the other options because you will get unlimited

With these so you can come to the website guys check out which one was gonna suit your needs okay you can read through all of these if you don’t understand what anything is just have a little google guys search up what it is if you don’t understand anything at all

All of these different terms right here just have a google or you can leave a comment in the description and comment down below underneath this video guys and i will get back to you as soon as i can to give you some help okay but yeah choose whatever package you think was

Gonna suit you best so once you’ve decided on your plan guys okay whichever one you choose just click on it and click select and this is where you’re gonna be able to choose your domain okay this is very very easy to do it takes no time at all so for this example

I’m just going to put so you can put any domain that you want if it’s available of course and then you can choose if you whatever you want just choose it there i would always recommend dot com that’s the most popular one so just click next if you

Already have a domain you can put it in here as well if you if you quote a domain somewhere else you know so this is where you’re going to be doing going to your checkout i just want to show you quickly all of the extras that they have

Down here as well okay so down here look domain privacy protection that is free with this plan you get that for free site block security that is going to be an extra 1.99 per month okay you can choose if you want this or not okay just

Take it on or off if you want that code guard basic that is free with this plan bluehost seo tool start if you want that again you’re gonna have to tick this it’s gonna be an extra 1.99 per month so the only one gripe this is probably the

Only thing that i don’t like about bluehost and it’s the one thing that turns a lot of people off that is you can’t pay every single month okay you have to pay a year in advance all right so like i said guys if you want to pay

For 12 months at a time it’s gonna be 7.95 24 months is 7.45 it gets cheaper the more you pay okay but i would always recommend going with this one like the 36 month plan okay but just because you get that cheaper price it’s gonna be the cheapest price available to you and

Honestly guys it keeps you motivated okay if you’ve got this domain if you’ve got this web hosting for three years that’s gonna keep you motivated to keep using it and not waste your money that was how i feel about it anyway guys so it’s entirely up to you but yeah i like

It i go with the 36 month plan usually like i said just gets to give you that cheapest price possible plus uh it keeps you motivated to stick with your website and keep building it okay so there we go guys that is how you choose your plan and all the added

Extras as well let’s quickly go over the speeds because that is one of the most important things when it comes to web hosting is the speed how fast will it make your website well bluehost has no problems with this whatsoever okay i’ve just used a website

One of the websites that i made for a tutorial video a while back okay so i’ve just used this one for this example and look at the speeds guys this this website it checks the speeds of your website and it gives us a 94 rating for our speed and if you hover

Over this arrow right here the average page speed score is 72 percent so as you can see guys this is 22 percent faster than the average web host okay so bluehost very very fast speeds again this is 95 and compared to the average of 70 it’s 25 faster

The fully loaded time was 1.9 seconds okay it took only 1.9 seconds to load the website entirely compared to the average of 6.9 seconds that’s a huge difference waiting of waiting for extra seconds basically guys five extra seconds sorry to for your website to load it it does feel

Like quite long okay it’s noticeable difference right there so as you can see bluehost has no speeds whatsoever and this the server is in vancouver as well and i’m in thailand so it’s very very far away so as you can see there’s no problems with speeds wherever you are

One major advantage that i think that you need to know guys is that it is actually the number one recommendation for wordpress as well that you use bluehost okay you can come here this is on the actual website and as you can see their first recommendation is bluehost it is a

One-click install once you go through okay once you go on to bluehost choose your domain create your account and everything like that it is literally one click and your wordpress website will be installed okay wordpress will be installed that easy it is super super

Simple to do it is so quick you get the free domain with it as well and if you know anything about wordpress guys it is one of the best website building platforms available today i’ve actually got videos on my channel showing you how to create a website through wordpress in

Under 10 minutes okay that is using bluehost it can all be done your website will actually be built and ready to go in less than 10 minutes i’ll have that video linked in the description down below for you actually if you are interested in that but yeah that is one

Great advantage to using bluehost is that it works fully and is fully compatible with wordpress which is yeah one of what i recommend you build your websites on anyway alright so overall guys with bluehost i have had no problems with them whatsoever okay their uptime has been insane okay i’ve never

Had a problem with ups up time at all okay i think they guarantee like 99 uptime but for me personally i’ve never had a problem it’s been 100 since i’ve been with him and that has been a long time and i’ve got a lot of websites built through bluehost as well

Okay and like i said at the start of this video the 24 7 support is really really good as well they get back to you as fast as they possibly can and that is fast guys okay they do not mess around they get back to you very very quickly like i

Said i’m in thailand okay which is you know out of their time zone but they still get back to me very quickly because it is 24 7. they won press word one click wordpress install is super super simple it’s easy to use okay it’s literally one click and wordpress will be installed

And you can have your website up and running in less than 10 minutes it is that easy guys so that is my bluehost review i would highly recommend it to anyone looking to start a website uh to create their first website or even to switch over from another web host that

You’re not happy with bluehost is highly recommended from me so if you’re interested guys like i said link will be in the description down below for this all right guys so there we go that is my bluehost review i am very very happy with this web hosting i’ve had no

Problems whatsoever with them they are very fast it’s very easy to use with a one-click wordpress install the free domain that you give you i can’t see much wrong with bluehost or whatsoever okay so if you are interested in signing up guys don’t forget to check the link

At the top of the description okay that’s gonna get you the best deal that’s available right now okay the best discount will be available by using that link in the description down below so click that if you want to sign up so thanks for watching this video guys i

Hope you found it informative i hope it helped you if it did please give it a thumbs up don’t forget to subscribe and i will see you in the next video you
Bluehost Review 2021 Pros and Cons of Bluehost Web Hosting This review will help you decide! Bluehost the best web hosting for WordPress in 2020? The right web host for you and your website? Sign up for BlueHost here (60% OFF) ➡️ This Bluehost review explains: If you are looking for the best web hosting for a WordPress website, then Bluehost could be just the thing be for you. I explain why and give you the pros and cons of Bluehost web hosting in this honest review video. With one-click WordPress installation, Bluehost is the best web hosting for beginners! After checking out the Bluehost review and you have any questions or need help with anything, leave a comment below and I will do my best to help you. Sign up for BlueHost here (60% OFF) ➡️ Disclosure: We earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase through the referral link in this review, at no additional cost to you . This helps support the channel and allows me to continue creating videos like this. Thanks for your support. Tags: Bluehost WordPress, Bluehost reviews, Bluehost review, with Bluehost, Bluehost tutorial, how to buy domain name and web hosting from Bluehost, Bluehost WordPress tutorials, how to buy domain and web hosting from Bluehost, how to buy domain name and hosting buy from Bluehost, How to start a blog with Bluehost and WordPress, how to buy domain and hosting from Bluehost.
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Hosting Review

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