BlueHost Review 2021 | My honest thoughts and opinions BlueHost Video Review


BlueHost Review 2021 | My honest thoughts and opinions

Tutorial Hosting
Before i get started i just want to remind you all that my web hosting course launches in just 26 days it launches january 1st and in this course i teach people how to start a web hosting company how to build a business how to start earning passive income that

Just starts rolling in month after month after month without you really having to do much as soon as that course launches it’s going to jump up in price so make sure that you get it at the pre-order price today there’s a link down in my description below whenever you think of

Starting a website or looking for web hosting for cheap there’s one company that always comes to mind well i there’s a couple companies that come to mind but there’s one in particular that comes to my mind and that company is bluehost it seems like everybody and their dog uses bluehost because

They’re cheap and you can get started like i think it’s three dollars a month or maybe it’s even less than that now now rather than forcing you to watch this entire video go through the entire thing and then wait for my verdict at the very end

I’ll i’ll just jump to the conclusion i won’t waste your time and i will tell you that plain and simple bluehost is by far the worst web hosting company i have ever used period they are terrible they are so terrible and later in this video i’m going to actually back up

You know support my reasoning for that and tell you why i don’t use bluehost so now you may be thinking to yourself okay bryce if that’s the case then what what company do you use and that’s easy i use a2 hosting for all of my web hosting i’ve used them for years

They’re super fast great customer support they’re cheap they’re affordable i mean on par with bluehost i mean you name it i’ve been with these guys for years i love them i can’t recommend them enough so if that’s what you came for great you can click away now

But i’m gonna back up my my reasoning with some actual hard evidence and support as to why i personally don’t choose to use bluehost first and foremost they’re owned by the parent company eig eig is kind of this parent conglomerate company that goes around and they buy up all these little um

Or maybe not little but smaller web hosting companies and it’s just all under the same parent organization now eig owns a lot of different web hosting companies but you may be familiar with companies such as hostgator hostgator and bluehost even though you’d think they’d be competitors

Or not they’re owned by the exact same company i think it was back in 2016 when bluehost was bought out by this company eig and and quite frankly they’ve just gone downhill since that point plain and simple i refuse flat out refused to use any web hosting company owned by eig before then

Bluehost was great they had millions of customers but you can actually see a trend over the years since they’ve been acquired by eig they’ve gone downhill pretty pretty consistently so to take a look at this this is eig stock and if we look over the last five years

You can see that overall they’re down and they just have this like general trending downward line there’s been this little pop recently i’m not quite sure what’s happened but i just i don’t want to trust my business my clients my company with a company that doesn’t have a great track record number

Two upsells upsells it’s a very standard business practice and that’s that’s not what i’m upset with i mean when you’ve got a client and a customer they’re already purchasing something it makes sense to say hey let’s tack on this and this and this if you find it beneficial the thing is

That i feel like bluehost is just a little bit too aggressive and they force you to buy things that you just really don’t need so i actually started going through the process of filling out a brand new bluehost account signing up everything like that when you get to the very end of the

Checkout process these by default are all checked so again you might be thinking okay whatever just uncheck them but it’s not that easy because when you when you’re a company like bluehost you’re targeting a specific demographic you’re targeting a specific subset of users who most of

The time have never had a website before they don’t know what they’re doing and they need something super quick cheap and easy to get their business up and running now when you’re dealing with a group of people like that they don’t really know what they’re doing and so when you throw all these

Different things at them code guard bluehost seo site lock security essentials as a new user you would think oh all those things are important i need those not so much and then you change your two dollars and ninety five dollars or two dollars and ninety five cents

Hosting plan per month and you add on all these things and now becomes 191 dollars for the first month which is 16 a month for hosting and that my friend is insane you should not have to pay 16 per month again i want a company that

Helps me and i don’t feel like bluehost does that i want someone who if i need it they’re there to hold my hand and walk me through a bunch of the processes without trying to upsell me on all these different services that i really don’t need

Again i’m an advanced user so maybe this is just kind of a move point and isn’t really that important but i want a company that caters to me that tries to help me rather than trying to trap me into something that i don’t really need point number three and probably

The most important point out of all these like all the other points that i’m listing like yeah they’re kind of annoying to me but point number three is the biggest and bluehost is slow they are so so slow logging into my bluehost dashboard so incredibly painfully slow logging into my wordpress dashboard

Slow everything about bluehost is slow and that’s exact opposite of what you need when it comes to a website the last thing you want is to have your website be slow and they are synonymous with slow bluehost is the worst when it comes to speed okay now just to illustrate this point again

I’m using facts here i had a client came come to me the other day and they said well they they were on bluehost previously they they came to me and they said bryce my website is so slow what is going on so i went and ran a google page speed test and

On bluehost just without anything else i mean granted their website did need to be optimized but just on running on bluehost they scored a 5 out of 100. horrible terrible now what i did was i took that website i just made a copy of it i

Moved it over to my own hosting with a2 hosting and just right off the bat from not doing anything else but copying it to a different web host their score jumped to a 40 out of 100. now again 40 out of 100 that’s not that great of a score anyway but

Going from a five to a 40 simply by changing web hosting companies is huge granted the website did need a bunch of other optimizations and tweaks and tunings to get it up to a 70 or 80 year you know whatever to have an actual good score but that guys that’s not the point

Going from a 5 to a 40 literally doing nothing but changing the web hosting company why point number four is that just plain and simple i don’t believe in their company maybe this isn’t as important to you as it is me but i only want to do business with companies that have

A good company uh culture a good reputation and bluehost just flat out doesn’t have any of those things check this out if you if you go to google just just type why is bluehost and nothing else these are the google suggestions why is bluehost so slow why is bluehost

Not working why is bluehost so expensive bad cheap why is my bluehost site down there is one suggestion here that why bluehost is the best i just again i don’t want to associate myself with a business that doesn’t have a great company culture and on top of that

Check this out if you go to um glassdoor which if you’re not familiar as a company where a website where you can look at company reviews anonymous reviews posted by actual employees that worked there when i search for bluehost you can see one star avoid working with utah divisions not a great place

All employees are replaceable great with a catch so notice this one though under the cons things did change when they were acquired by endurance international which is that eig company i talked about earlier last but not least point number five is they simply don’t scale i can’t tell

You how many times i’ve had clients come to me come to my hosting and say bryce i i can’t believe how terrible this is i was with bluehost or hostgator my website’s not that big i run a dog grooming business and i have like 150 or 200

Website visits per month and they have told me they sent me an email saying that my website is using too many resources like can you can you help me with this and i just have a hard time believing that i go and i look at their cpanel i

Look at all the different things they’re not getting any traffic their website’s not running any scripts it’s just not really doing anything and yet those resources are still way too high for their servers and they say hey we’re actually going to shut you down i just can’t believe that like when you

Choose a web hosting company what you want is you want that company to help you as you scale yeah when you first start your company your website is going to be tiny you’re probably not going to have a lot of customers and clients but obviously the goal is to grow to

Earn more money to get more websites business and things like that the the company that you choose as a web host needs to be the background like the backbone for your core business and bluehost doesn’t allow you to do that as you get more website clients and visitors and things like

That they should allow you to scale which bluehost flat out does not allow you to do on the flip side i haven’t had any of those issues with the company that i use so you might be asking then if bluehost is so terrible why do they have so many customers like bluehost is

Is honestly like the first thing that comes to mind i think a bluehost is cheap i mean you can get started for 2.95 per month but you know the thing that i don’t understand is that’s really comparable to a lot of other web hosting companies

Check this out so if i come to a2 hosting which again is the company i use their startup plan is a dollar ninety nine per month that’s even cheaper than the 295 bluehost startup plan like that’s what i don’t understand is yes they’re cheap but they’re not like that much cheaper than

All the other web hosting companies out there okay but the second reason b that everybody uses bluehost is the affiliate commissions everyone gets paid for promoting bluehost as their company i think right now it’s 65 dollars per client that you refer so if you’ve ever seen one of those blog

Posts that teaches you how to start a blog it gives you a long step-by-step instruction on go to bluehost sign up for this do this check this don’t check this entering all your information every time that you sign up or get a customer to sign up you make 65 dollars per client

And that’s why everybody recommends them now i don’t want you to confuse that and think that’s bad affiliate commissions that’s a very common business model affiliate marketing is something that everybody does and i’m so i’m not saying that’s bad the thing that i don’t appreciate is when you refer

A client when you don’t really have any authority to do so and what i mean by that is when you haven’t tried all of the different web hosting companies i have tried bluehost i’ve tried uh hostgator i have tried a2 hosting i’ve tried hosting or i’ve tried wp engine i’ve tried i’ve tried

A ton of different web hosting companies and when you just blindly refer clients to this company that will pay you money i think that’s wrong that is not correct i think you should compare all of the different companies out there pick the one that works best for you

And then genuinely refer clients to that company because they work the best for you not because they’re paying you do i earn commissions for promoting a2 hosting yes absolutely and i don’t think it’s wrong to do that because like i said i have the authority to do so i am genuinely

Working in the web space i deal with a lot of different companies i have tried a lot of different companies and i know that a2 hosting is the best because i have tried so many i could earn money promoting a terrible web hosting company or i could earn money promoting a great

Web hosting company so why wouldn’t i do the latter and give you guys a general good recommendation that will work well for your business right now i have over 80 different web clients i manage their websites i host all of them myself through a2 hosting

And i flat out could not do this through bluehost i just wouldn’t trust my my business and my customers businesses to run on bluehost there you have it my honest bluehost review or maybe it’s not really review and maybe it’s just me venting about all the different bad experiences i’ve had with them

I don’t know but flat out i just cannot recommend bluehost they’re not a great company okay last reminder if you want to learn how to host other people’s businesses host their websites and earn passive income for yourself again check out my web hosting course link is in the

Description below the price is going to shoot up after january 1st so make sure that you grab it on pre-order now thanks so much for watching appreciate you guys being here i’ll catch you in the next video you
⭐ Web hosting course: ⭐ The only hosting company I trust: Where I buy my domains: https://brycejmatheson .com/ domains How to Start a Web Hosting Business (For Easy Passive Income): Download the FREE 44-Point SEO Checklist: https: // -checklist Download the FREE Website Launch Checklist: Say hello! Instagram: Chat with me one-on-one: Don't forget to subscribe! DISCLAIMER: The links contained in this description may be affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product or service through the links provided, I may receive a small commission. There are no additional costs for you. Thank you for supporting me and this channel so I can continue to provide you with free content every week!
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Hosting Review

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