Bluehost Review 2019 BlueHost Video Review


Bluehost Review 2019

Tutorial Hosting
What’s up guys is way here when another wave review and today we’re discussing Bluehost now if you guys are new to my channel and welcome and if you guys want to see authentic reviews from different random items just make sure you hit that sub button and hit that like button if

You guys enjoy this video but let’s get right into Bluehost now we’re gonna talk about the pros the cons and his Blue Hose working so let’s get right into it now first starting off with the pros they give you a free domain name for one

Year as you guys can see right here they give you a free domain name for one year most web posting sites will not give you a free domain name for one year you will have to pay that $9.99 or a dad of $11.99 just depending on what it is and

As you can see right here this basically will be what you’ll be paying after that year is up then 1199 then $8.99 and $12.99 and the cetera these will be what you will pay that second year after being with them everybody likes things free so it is definitely a pro about

Bluehost and most web hosting sites will not offer to you guys now another thing that I like about Bluehost is they have a one-click wordpress install and that they have a WordPress period they actually are on as one of the best providers for WordPress and

That is very good because for a lot of beginners and a lot of people who just don’t know how to build a website you don’t have to worry about paying anybody to build you a website or struggling or having a headache you don’t have to worry about it that is what a WordPress

Is for it’s gonna help you build your website exactly how you want to build your website and it’s very easy I promise you anybody can do it literally anybody can do it another thing that I like about Bluehost is they give 24/7 support so you can be busy all day

It doesn’t matter what you’re doing when do you log in it doesn’t matter if you need help with something they are there 24/7 and I have been with Bluehost for a year now I had a couple problems just start now if I need to look up what certain things and they

Were very good they have good customer support as well dey’s another Pro because there’s a lot of good companies that don’t really have good customer support they just don’t I don’t I don’t know I don’t understand it I know you guys don’t understand it but there’s a lot of

Good companies that just don’t they really don’t play with Bluehost they do they were very helpful very patient and I love that about them that is one thing I do love about them I’m not going to lie to you guys so going into SEO if you guys are worried about driving traffic

Oh man how am I going to drive traffic guys they have tools for you guys to help you bill or to help you bring traffic to your website if you’re new or if you’re migrating from another website and also if you guys are migrated from another website they do do migration and

It is a fee that is a con that I do not like you do have to pay a fee because we’re mostly posting sites as far as migration you don’t have to worry about paying a fee is usually free within 24 hours but for Bluehost you do have to pay a fee

But going into another project I like if you guys don’t like Bluehost for some reason which I doubt guys I’m gonna be honest with you they are very good is that you can get your money back guarantee 30 days after signing up if you feel like that you don’t like it

Guys you can’t get your money back so that is another Pro now another Pro that I like will do host guys is they are very fast they are very fast I’m not gonna lie to you guys they are very fast I’ve been using them for a year now and

They are very fast they’re not slowing down and slowly down can be very annoying because you can be working on something important and you can’t even get done with the assignment because you know the servers are very slow Lumos has some of the fastest servers out of all of these will posting sites

That’s what I like about Bluehost is will and another thing that I like about Bluehost is the pricing the pricing guys you can’t beat these prices i’ma just be honest with you and if you’re a beginner I suggest that you go to the basic plan like I said if you’re

Watching this video right now guys this is for entrepreneurs and bloggers who need a website guys and if you’re new please go to the basic try it out see how you like it do the basic first now if you guys are just migrating from another side of you might need unlimited

Websites and you might need other things to fit your needs and go with the Plus plan the twist plan or the pro plan just depending on what your needs are guys I will be honest with your Bluehost is by far one of the best we’ll post insights and they’ve been

Around for a long time guys so that tells you they are good and you can’t beat it because you get great prices you get affordable prices and you got to think about it usually when you get good prices the value is not so good above those you get good prices in the value

It’s great guys the value is great like I said I’ve been with blue house for a year now and I like them so far guys they have done me well any problems that I have had guys everything has been good now like I said if you guys are just

Beginners you’re just getting started with your website is very recommended that you guys go to the basic site try that out first it is very safe you figure it out if you feel like that you need more hey go to the + or go to the choice plus or go to the pro

Whenever you may be guys but with this choice + plan I’m not gonna lie to you as far as the site backups the note then don’t mind privacy you might need that the protection you might need that I’m gonna be honest wishes starting off the back you might not really be thinking

About that too much because doesn’t anybody really don’t know too much about you or your website anyway but as you guys start getting a lot of more value our relationship that you go to this plan but if you want to avoid all that it’s only five dollars why not why not

Go and get their domain privacy and protection to spam alerts all of that good so why not go and get it now there’s only five books and this is a very good site now with the colors guys the WordPress is various pencil I’m not gonna lie to you the WordPress is very

Expensive but other than that I don’t think I can really just talk about any more cons in my opinion I don’t really think I can talk about any more front cuz sorry about there any more colors but if you guys enjoyed this video just make sure

You smash that like button and make sure you hit this sub but if you guys want to see a lot of different authentic reviews as always is another way review and I appreciate you guys for watching
Today I am discussing my review of Blue Host. The pros and cons and whether Blue Host is worth it. Yes, I'm an affiliate and I only promote things I really like.
#Bluehost #Review

Hosting Review

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