BEST Bluehost Review 2023: Best Web Hosting for WordPress BlueHost Video Review


BEST Bluehost Review 2023: Best Web Hosting for WordPress

Tutorial Hosting
Hey guys, welcome to my channel. This is Christopher Kokoski with writing Today. I want to do a blue coat hosting review for 2021. What’s the best hosting platform for WordPress. That is bluehost. And I’m going to tell you all the details show you behind the scenes of my own

Website, which is hosted on blue hose. And it’s a WordPress website. So I’m going to show you everything you need to know about Bluehost. So stay tuned. Okay guys, in case you don’t know, this is the bluehost website. It is a hosting platform. If you’re going to create a self hosted website,

Which is what you want to do, because that way you can monetize it, put all your content on it, you own it, and you can do whatever you want with it. You can monetize it with ads links on there. You can of course create your own content,

Direct traffic from Google and Yahoo all to your website, sell your products, promote your books, sell your services. Blue host or hosting is what you want to do. Self hosting. And I think bluehost is an excellent, excellent platform. I use it a lots and lots of other website owners and bloggers and

Writers and entrepreneurs use it because it has awesome customer service. I have yet to wait more than a few minutes on the phone for a customer service representative, or I check every time I do it, they answer all of my questions. They stay on the line for sometimes 30 minutes an hour,

However long it takes for me to solve my problems, to get my website up and running or to solve some sort of technical issue behind the scenes. I’ve called them for things that I didn’t really even think they had anything to do with it. I have to hire a website expert to

Come and fix my website, the internal functioning of my website, but I called blue first because I knew they would answer. And because they have always fixed my problems in one call or one chat. So, and this is 24 hours a day. It says it right here,

24 seven support they are not lying. This is amazing. And look, they’re also super cheap. That’s why I went with them because I started a new website. It’s still fairly new, but the stats are going really, really high. If I can,

I’ll show you some of those stats before we’re through. But look, you can start. The regular price is under $10. It’s seven 99 per month. That’s regular price. That’s super, super cheap. You’re going to have to work really hard to find another platform that gives you

This kind of customer service. I don’t think you’re gonna find it at this price. So the regular price is seven 99. The discounted price is under $3. It’s almost ridiculously priced. It’s so good. And look with a very cheap plan on blue. I’ll show you in just a moment, a really cheap plan.

You can build unlimited WordPress websites on one plan for under $3 or $5 or under $10. I’ll show you the plan. So, you know, but look right now, you can even get a free domain. That’s the name of your website for the first year? It’s free a free security certificate, which,

Which is good to have. So the website visitors come through your site they’ll know it’s secure, especially if you’re selling anything, which you probably are. They people that come to your website want to know if it’s secure or not. So that’s what that certificate is about. One click WordPress install.

I’m going to show you what that is on the inside. And just a moment, it’s literally one, click click a button and you have a word press website. So this here is actually my website writing This is my website that I have posted on, on WordPress and through blue host.

And I will have to say that I have ads on it. You can see. So it’s very easy to monetize. I think it’s a very nice looking website really well set up. And of course I’m using a theme, which is the appearance. There’s lots of different themes.

I’m using Bluehost and WordPress for this website. It was super easy to set up. It literally took me a couple of minutes to set it up. And then I spent time putting content and making it the exact way that I wanted.

But I just wanted to show you a couple of different features of my website, just so you could see the end product. All right, let’s go back into Bluehost and show you how easy it is to get started. And by the way, look at them.

I have a special intro offer and a 30 day money back guarantee. So it’s super cheap. It’s amazing customer service, and there’s a money back guarantee. There’s really nothing to lose by the way, they have an affiliate option. And actually in the month of November,

Which is when I’m making this video November, 2020, and right now they actually have where you can make a hundred dollars for every referral to blue hose. So if you ever thought about being an affiliate for a blog hosting platform, or just affiliate in general, check out the affiliate,

Particularly if you are in November, 2020, but even if you’re after that, it’s still an awesome affiliate program to be a part of. I’m a part of it either way on that note, there’s a link in the description underneath this video to sign up for Bluehost

Hosting. So you can start your WordPress website. So once you want to start your Bluehost membership, you just hit click, click started. All right. And you’re going to come to this page that gives you the different claimant payment plans. So you can see the basic one is normally seven 99.

It’s two 95 per month. Again, it’s ridiculously cheap and it is that’s for one website that you can put on there. You got some storage you’ve got your free certificate. You’re a woman included the main and you have lots of options with that now. Well, that would actually recommend you do.

If you’re going to be making more than one website is for you to choose this five 45 month plan. It’s normally 10 99 still super cheap. But this one will allow you unlimited websites. That means with one blue host hosting plan, you can create a hundred WordPress sites. If you wanted to,

And you get unlimited storage, bandwidth, free certificates, you get your unlimited domains and lots of other also awesome content. So when you, and if you want more than that, you can go up in price. If you want to. I use the plus plan. I think it’s awesome. It can unlimited websites.

That’s what sold me on it. I think it is more than worth it. If you ever think you’re ever going to create more than one website ever, it makes sense to get less planned. So check that one out. That is the one that I would recommend.

So we’re just going to select that right now, just to show you a few steps in the process. So here’s where you would create your own, your new bill name. Or if you already have a website with a domain, you can check that use this option,

But here’s where you would just put in different things, different names to see if, if it’s available for you to get pro Panda Academy doubt anyway, as that one. All right. So if you put in a domain name that is

Available, then you’ll go to this next page. But if you, if you do a, you put in a domain that somebody else already owns, it’ll ask you to choose another one. So I’m going to go now into this page. You can put in your account information there, no big deal.

And look, you can pay, make sure you check this section out. Instead of just going down to go to the submit button at the bottom, you want to look through, after you get your address information in there, your contact information,

Make sure you check this out because you may not want to go 36 months. That’s at one 92. Now you’re going to save, but you may want to do a 12 month plan or a 24 month plan or the 36 month plan, just so you know,

To check that out and you can click check or uncheck these. And you can decide whether you want to have this or not totally up to you, but those are some options. And then of course, putting your payment information, go down here, read their terms and conditions, click that and do submit,

But they already have a blue host plan that gives me unlimited access to creating unlimited WordPress websites. I’m not going to do that now, but what I’m going to do is I’m going to jump over into my blue Host C panel. That’s behind the scenes and blue hosts,

Just so you can see what that looks like before you purchase your own plan. And now I’m in my blue host C panel, and this is part of what it looks like, it’s that you own. And I think I actually have a couple on here, but only one that I actually run.

Writingbeginner.Com is really the only one that’s live right now, but I do have several domains. And if you have several domains, check, check out all of those on this page. Okay? So also there is a marketplace and that’s of course,

As you might suspect where you can buy some other things and there’s all kinds of different things here, you can look through those. All right? So then we have email and office on this email and office page. You can actually set up some email and productivity tools. If you want to,

It’s not mandatory. You can see that I don’t have that right now. I use a different email provider than this one. And there’s marketing tools. You can also check out And options. And there’s an advanced section. If you’re a techie kind of a person,

You might want to check out this cpanel behind the scenes. And there’s lots of things that you could do with your Bluehost website. But if you, if you’re not good at technology, if that’s not your thing, if you’re not a coder or an it specialist,

I would stay away from any of this information. And I would get help with that. You can call Bluehost and they’ll probably either walk you through it or do it for you. Just go back to home. This is where I hang out as my, my sites and home. All right,

Let me show you how easy it is to create a new WordPress website with blue host. You simply go down here to add a new site. You’re going to give it a site name. So we’ll call this one online money, honey, and you can do a tagline if you want.

There’s some advanced options. We’re just going to go to next. I would look at these plugins. Actually, I would uncheck these plugins cause you don’t need them. You can always add them later if you want, but you don’t need them right now. So I would just click next. Now, before.

You start your WordPress website, you might want to come down here and customize your design, add some pages, add some content and work for us. And blue hosts are going to walk you through that whole process. And then you would just hit launch your site.

There’s several different ways to go about creating your WordPress website, but it is one click easy. Okay. When you’re looking to get something like hosting and particularly if you don’t know much about it, like I didn’t when I started researching different hosting companies and I looked at like godaddy, hostgator, wix, and wordpress

.com. But a lot of those sites are not self hosted, which means you can’t really monetize them as well as you can. As cell phones is website by through Bluehost plus Bluehost to me is the best price and the best customer service. So,

But I don’t want you to just take my opinion for it. I want you to look at other real reviews. So let’s go onto Reddit user generated content. And this is a Reddit about blue host reviews. Let’s just scroll through here and see what people say.

This Redditor is actually getting lots of good information. There’s a question about storage and dislike. This Redditor says most people don’t need that much storage starting out when your website grows and you’re getting lots and lots of traffic from Google, or you have lots and lots of content on there,

And you can actually just move your website through another hosting platform and a platform like SiteGround or another one. There’s lots of them out there that are in particular for websites with lots of traffic and lots of content or lots of features.

So if you just have a new website and you’re just starting out and you just want the basics Bluehost I think is the best thing that you need has plenty of storage for you. You know, server maintenance for me with WordPress has been great site backup service.

Yeah, sometimes if you pay for that, it can be overpriced. So what I, what I do is I just manually back up my website once a week, once a month, make sure that I have it on an external hard drive.

So that is something happened to my website or to Bluehost that I wouldn’t lose all my content and all my data data. So shared hosting is what Bluehost is a, he’s saying it’s the simplest solution for smaller websites. I agree. Now, one thing I would say is beware of reviews from

Websites or from people. Youtube is you actually don’t have a website or they don’t use blue. Those now somebody might have these blue boats in the past and outgrown it. That’s fine. But I actually use for my current website and I’ve planned to start a

Few new websites in the new year in 2021. So, and I’m going to be using blue hosts and WordPress. They seem to be a killer duo. Let’s check out this one is blue host, a good option for WordPress and says that they’ve used blue host and WordPress together five years.

A a group of small engineering firms needed a nice looking WordPress website. Simple set up simple pages for portfolio. They said they’ve never had a problem. Downtime has been virtually. Non-Existent nothing super crazy going on sites though. Let’s jump back over to the blue host website.

That’s it for my Bluehost review for 2021. The best hosting platforms for WordPress. I really think you ought to check out blue votes. Again, the link is in the description or in this video, if you have any questions about blue host or WordPress,

Ask them away in the comments and I will answer them as best I can. If I’m below the answer, I’ll either find it or direct you to a source that I think we’ll be able to help you. But I have been more than happy with blue host and WordPress.

I think you will too. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you’re new to my channel, please consider subscribing like this video. I really, really appreciate you. I’ll see you at the next video.
BEST Bluehost Review 2021: Best Web Hosting for WordPress| If you are wondering whether Bluehost is a good hosting platform and which hosting you should use for your WordPress website, look no further. I have you! ☑️ Get Bluehost In this video you will learn everything you need to know about Bluehost. My review includes pricing, a behind-the-scenes look at my Bluehost cPanel, and Reddit Bluehost reviews from real people (like you and me). I use Bluehost and WordPress on my website and I love it! #BluehostReview #Hosting #WordPress Share this video on social media: Subscribe to my channel for more exclusive writing tips on how to write better and publish faster: /2mfm3rm 0:00 Introduction 0:34 Bluehost website 3:57 My website on Bluehost and WordPress 5:56 Setting up Bluehost 9:35 Bluehost dashboard 11:22 Creating a WordPress website in Bluehost 12:28 Reddit Bluehost reviews _______________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: I only recommend products and services that I find incredibly useful. This site may contain affiliate links to products and services you may like. This means if you click on a product link, I may receive a small commission. These funds help support the channel and allow me to continue bringing you epic content like this. Thank you for your support! Music credit: Imaginary Love by INOSSI Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported – CC BY 3.0 Free download / stream: Music supported by Audio Library https:/ /
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Hosting Review

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