An Honest Bluehost Review in 2023? I know…shocking. BlueHost Video Review


An Honest Bluehost Review in 2023? I know…shocking.

Tutorial Hosting
All right let’s cut right to the chase is bluehost  web hosting the best hosting out there in 2022 the   answer no it’s not to be perfectly honest with you  but it might be the best hosting for you depending  

On what your goals are and where you’re at in  today’s video i’m going to talk about bluehost   why i recommend it why i think it is good for a  lot of people but also a horrible fit for others   so if you’re thinking about bluehost if you  want an honest bluehost review keep watching  

Okay before we go any further i want to get one  quick thing out of the way if you have watched   any hosting review whether it’s a blog post  whether it’s a youtube video literally every   single person that is doing reviews of these  products is getting paid to recommend them  

Uh it’s called an affiliate program you click  their link you buy hosting through their link they   get paid you get the service um here’s the deal i  can go to any hosting company out there and pretty  

Much make the same commissions so it doesn’t  matter which one i recommend um i can still get   paid the same amount of money so i might as well  just recommend the services that i think are best  

For my viewers for my members for my readers  whatever platform you’re watching us on so yes if   you click the link below you buy bluehost i will  get a commission on that but keep watching the  

Video i think you’re gonna like what i have to say  so real quick my name is sean ogle i’m the founder   of location rebel where i’ve been blogging since  2009 all about how to build lifestyle businesses  

Writing businesses blogs things of that sort so in  the 12 plus years that i’ve been doing this i’ve   become intimately familiar with a lot of different  hosting platforms i’ve hosted my websites on half   a dozen different hosting sites and so they all  have pros and cons but as this is a bluehost video  

Let’s talk about bluehost let’s start out  with the cons so if you’re just starting   out with bluehost you’re probably going  to pay 295 a month for like base level   services you can click the link below we have  a special so that should give you that pricing  

If you decide this is something you want to do no  pressure um that’s going to include a free domain   so if you don’t have a url yet that’s something  you can get when you sign up for your hosting um   but cons of bluehost first off  it’s what’s called shared hosting  

So your website is going to be on the same server  as hundreds if not thousands of other websites   so what that does is it has the potential of  making it a little bit less secure if one of  

Those websites gets a huge boost of traffic  it can slow down all of the other websites um   essentially it’s just kind of it’s like the lowest  level of hosting but if you are just getting   started building your online business you don’t  necessarily need a ton of speed and traffic and  

Fancy features with your hosting service and we’ll  jump into that a little bit more in just a second   but just know if you’re just getting going  bluehost is going to be just fine so the other  

Major con i found with bluehost is it’s honestly  just not the fastest web hosting it might take an   extra second for your site to load uh also if  you choose a wordpress theme that’s very very  

Heavy it’s got lots of like dragon block builders  if it’s one of those themes that you can make look   like a thousand different types of websites with  all of the stuff they have built in then bluehost  

On a basic like shared platform is probably going  to be kind of slow running it and in some cases   they might not even be able to run it so if you  have a theme in mind and you know it’s kind of a  

Heavy theme you might check with bluehost customer  support make sure that it’s going to run well   on their platform so right now you might  be thinking like sean like bluehost sounds   not that great it you know you’re sharing your  site with tons of other websites it’s kind of slow  

It might be a little clunky at times so why would  you want to join a bluehost so most of the people   that follow this channel most the people that are  in our membership community locational academy   they’re starting freelance writing businesses i  personally think freelance writing is the best  

Bridge business you can start online so might  not be the thing you want to do forever but   that’s the thing you can start right now make  some money build some skills some confidence   and then apply that to the thing you want to  be doing longer term down the road so if you  

Are starting a freelance writing business then  you don’t need a fancy website you don’t need to   have thousands of visitors come to your site and  you don’t need the infrastructure that’s going to   allow that to happen so your writing portfolio  that’s generally not going to be seen by tons  

And tons of people unless you’re a whiz in seo and  you’ve attached a blog and you’ve written dozens   of articles for your writing website like not that  many people are going to see it to be honest with  

You so if you’re doing outreach if you’re talking  to potential clients you’re going to share the   link to that portfolio and they’re gonna go check  out that website and here’s the deal those people   don’t care if it’s gonna take an extra second  for your website to load or if it’s not the  

Fastest website on earth it doesn’t really matter  that much if someone on your server takes off and   slows down everybody else because you’re just not  gonna have that many visitors to your site but   what bluehost does great is they make it very easy  to get started and they have fantastic customer  

Support so if you’re a beginner and you’re  just setting up your first wordpress website   you want it to be as simple as possible so  when you put in your url and you get your   domain and you sign up for your hosting account  they’re gonna have a button that’s gonna say  

Install wordpress one click install that’s all  you have to do and you’re gonna have wordpress   content management system which is going to make  it very very easy for you to create your website   good to go there you go if you have problems  you literally go to their customer support and  

They will help walk you through everything that  you need this is one of the biggest reasons why   i’m such a proponent of bluehost because they’ve  been so good as far as support goes with so many   of our readers and our viewers that are just  getting started building their first website so  

Is bluehost the perfect fit for everybody well no  so if you are looking to build a high traffic blog   and you know what you’re doing and you plan  to systematically grow your blog very quickly   then you might find bluehost services to be a  little bit lacking that speed could come back  

To be an issue getting a ton of people out to your  website may come back to be a bit of an issue down   the line and if that’s the case if that’s you i  would recommend wp engine so wp engine is what i  

Host all of my websites on currently because most  the websites i have are high traffic blogs but if   you’re just needing a freelance website where  you can have your samples and you can have your   portfolio and you can build some rapport with  potential clients bluehost is going to be great  

I think right now i’m paying 250 bucks a month  for my wp engine bill you can pay three dollars a   month with bluehost and to be clear if you’re just  starting out i think wp engine is 29 a month but  

That’s still like 10 times how much bluehost costs  so if you’re trying to build a high traffic blog   you might want to go with something like wp engine  if you’re just dipping your toes in the blogging  

Water if you want to see if it’s for you and  you want to do that without having to make a   huge financial investment then i think bluehost is  the best of all of those lower-priced lower-tiered   shared hosting platforms so to sum it all up is  bluehost perfect no is bluehost for everybody  

No is bluehost for you well maybe honestly every  time one of my friends says hey i want to start a   blog or hey i need to build a freelance portfolio  what should i do i tell them go to bluehost pick  

A domain install wordpress away you go in a day  you’re going to be all set up for very very little   money so if you’re interested in bluehost check  it out we’ve also got our full written review that  

You can check out below and if you do decide this  is what you want to do then my affiliate link is   also below uh make sure to send me an email tell  me your site and i will send an email back and say  

Thank you and ask how i can help if you’re  looking to build a business with your words on   the internet whether that’s through freelancing  blogging affiliate marketing you name it that’s   what we do here at location rebel we’ve helped  thousands of people build successful businesses  

Quit their jobs i’ve been doing it for over  12 years so make sure to do the old thumbs   up if you got some value out of this make  sure to hit subscribe if that’s something   you’re into and if you want help building your  own online business go to  

Hi and get started with our free six day course  where we walk you through everything you need to   do and with that go watch this video right now i  think you’re gonna get some value out of this one  

Specifically right here and uh with that have  an excellent day we’ll see you soon peace
Do you want solid hosting and a free domain for your new online portfolio website? Get started for less than $3 per month: 🤔 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 👇 In this honest Bluehost review, I'll tell you the truth: Bluehost is not the best hosting on the internet. But, you know what? It might be the best for you. In this review, we'll look at what Bluehost blog hosting does really well and where it might let you down. We'll also help you figure out whether these compromises are a dealbreaker depending on your needs. 😁OUR FREE 6 DAY FREELANCE WRITING COURSE 👇 📖TABLE OF CONTENTS 👇 00:00. Is Bluehost the best? 00:26. A quick disclaimer 01:14. The Reality of Hosting Reviews 01:43 Bluehost Basics 02:03. Why You Might Not Want to Use Bluehost #1 02:43. Why you might not want to use Bluehost #2 03:20. Sounds like it kind of sucks… Is it? 03:32. Ok…Maybe not! 04:44. Here's what's great about it. 05:32. Are you planning a high volume website? Go here instead. 06:13. Relative costs? 06:47. So… Who is it actually for? 07:20. Close 😁VIEW THE BLOG POST 👇 🔔 SUBSCRIBE TO LOCATION REBEL ON YOUTUBE 👇 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🙋🏻‍♂️ TALK TO ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA 👇 Instagram ► Facebook ► http://www. Twitter ► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💻 MY PRODUCTS & COURSES 👇 ► REBEL ACADEMY LOCATION: https : // ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🏝 Recommended Resources 👇 BlueHost Web Hosting: http: // /recommended/bluehost WPENGINE WEB HOSTING: WPENGINE REVIEW: IS IT BETTER THAN BLUEHOST? HOW TO START FREELANCE WRITING: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🤔 ABOUT LOCATION REBEL 👇 For the last 12 years at, I've been teaching people like you how to build a lifestyle business and be a digital nomad becomes. There are many ways to do this depending on your goals, skills, and interests, but some of the most common businesses are based around freelance writing, niche sites, affiliate marketing, and blogging. Our main goal is to help you get to the point where you're making $3,000 to $5,000 per month as quickly as possible, because after that? You have options. My name is Sean Ogle and I am the founder of Location Rebel. I'm a location-independent entrepreneur from Portland, Oregon who travels three to four months a year and takes my business with me wherever I go. On this channel you will learn exactly how to build a similar business and also do it from some pretty destinations. Website ► #bluehost #webhosting #freelancewriting
#Honest #Bluehost #Review #know…shocking

Hosting Review

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