Wix Online Store Review – Check out what’s new WIX Video Review


Wix Online Store Review – Check out what’s new

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hi welcome to our review of wix’s
ecommerce platform recently they’ve
launched a new editor and updated their
online store module we’re excited to
test Wix let’s see how well the new
features are integrated in the overall
quality of this popular platform Wix
allows you to create impressive online
it’s well-suited for designers
photographers artists and anyone who
wants to easily create a professional
looking website wix’s online store
integration is a big plus for users if
you want to make use of it you’ll need
to purchase their e-commerce plan the
good news is you can try it out first
for free in the dashboard we click on
Wix stores the window that pops up shows
the product
click on one of the products to edit
details like name price and dads and
photos unfortunately you cannot import
or export your products furthermore you
cannot offer digital goods natively such
as pictures or ebooks
however Wix has an external premium app
that integrates this functionality it’s
called selfie and costs about ten
dollars a month
let’s jump now to the payment options
Wix offers a couple of payment options
such as stripe or wire card for
processing credit card payments
additionally you can add PayPal and even
a simple offline payment system we’re
happy to see that Wix has improved upon
this aspect under shipping and tax you
will find the shipping options it’s
possible to configure your shipping’s
worldwide countrywide or even regionally
this means that you can define special
shipping costs within a country for
example you can set different shipping
options for Alaska and California an
interesting addition is that now you can
add an estimated delivery time however
the shipping system is lacking some more
advanced features such as a live carrier
calculation rate the tax settings work
in a similar way you pick a country and
define its tax rate you can define them
worldwide for each country or regionally
click on coupons if you want to add one
they are straightforward and easy to
let’s have a look now at the orders page
this is where you can see all your
orders details Wix also notifies you of
each order by email unfortunately Wix
hasn’t implemented a way to export your
orders similar tools offer this option
Wix has included new options that have
improved their platform’s functionality
for example now you can show your
store’s terms and conditions on the
checkout page this makes the online
store not only more trustworthy but also
helps it comply with legal requirements
the new editor works in a similar way to
the old one
however Wix has added some nice features
that have improved the overall quality
of the builder setting up an online
store with Wix is like a walk in the
park and the designs are impressive
additionally with this new update
they’ve included more payment options
this was a big pitfall of the old system
we really liked the estimated delivery
time simple but effective
however Wix does not deliver on the more
advanced features for example it’s not
possible to sell digital goods natively
it doesn’t provide import/export
functionality and it doesn’t send
automatic order confirmation emails Wix
is a decent option to build your
ecommerce store but we think there are
better alternatives in the market don’t
forget to check out our e-commerce
reviews to find the right alternative
for you and if you have any questions
just leave a comment please give us a
like if you found this video useful
thanks for watching

Read our full Wix eCommerce review here: http://www.tooltester.com/en/reviews/wix-review/online-store/ Check out the Wix online store here: http:/ /www.tooltester.com/out /wix-store-youtube Contents: 0:00 Introduction 0:47 Add products 1:12 Payments 1:28 Shipping 1:56 Tax settings 2:05 Coupon codes 2:23 Orders 2:40 General settings 2:55 Conclusion
#Wix #Online #Store #Review #Check #whats

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