Honest SiteGround Review SiteGround Video Review


Honest SiteGround Review

Tutorial Hosting
sup you do welcome to the very first
video on my channel my name is NAS and I
am a web developer I’m a web designer as
well so it is super crucial and
important to choose a very good hosting
ok to host your mini website my clients
website in my case so I’ve used
companies like Hostgator and GoDaddy
beyond hosting and many more when I
developed website in past few years I
experienced tons of issues and problems
like for example migrating websites some
time load downtime issues and and many
more basically so let me just share a
few a bit of a review about cyclone and
why I am happy to stick to this company
till now so I’m taking reference from
this camp this site called web hosting
waiting calm I mean there’s quite a list
of pros and cons so basically as you can
see they gave psych ground 5 star rating
so basically there are I mean it is good
so let me just browse through what are
the pros and cons as you can see on the
right side panel the pros is free
migrating service so I just migrated one
of my site to one of my clients and they
took only 15 minutes guys 15 minutes to
have the site migrated
that’s how efficient the company is and
their customer support is so big up to
that and they offer automatic backups
and restore and the IT endorsed by
WordPress I develop my clients website
using WordPress unless they want
customized application then it is I mean
it works for that as well so it is a
wordpress hosting managed WordPress
would thing on all all the plans and
it’ll be split acknowledges they use
solid-state drive and you know other
technologies as well and they give free
as an SSL certificate for those who
don’t know sss difficut is
is those website with HTTPS all right so
these are the mainly are the cons sorry
the pros and the cons are basically
limited data storage they offer not
quite a big amount of size but for small
businesses and you know normal blogs and
forum website they don’t need so much of
a space so I think that’s not much an
issue and yeah the policy is a bit
strict then again it’s not a big issue
for those assemblies or even companies
which you know just suck it up okay so
the price started at 395 oh man and I
think it’s quite fairly okay for
starters beginners to you know get their
feet wet in the indolent feel ok so
again rush through quickly what this
website is sharing basically there are
four parts so I’m gonna scroll quickly
them individual speed yeah straight up
there are one of the fastest web hosting
I’ve used so far so yeah you can read
more details on web hosting we think um
I will link their details below in the
video notes ok so yep as you can see
these are the graph showing how fuss
cyclone is security mainly is super
important because you don’t want your
website to be hacked so yeah
cyclone big up support like I mentioned
they have the number-one support the
live chat is exceptional man guys I I
used to have a problem I chatted with
one of these customer service and they
gave it to me in seconds man I feel that
you know the ideas behind my computer
waiting for me to type something and it
is reply instantly so you can read more
and next one okay they leave it to the
pros and cons of cycle so yeah this is
just detailed explanation of
Prue’s the up time loading time server
response time and multiple data centers
so this is very important wherever you
are wherever you are located I think
it’s important to have your server knew
you so in my case I stay in Singapore so
that’s one data center here in Asia
which is in Singapore so for those
signatory ins designers and developers
do you know consider signing up for
spectrum because we are at the advantage
maybe you know the data scientist is in
Singapore so the loading and the speed
is way much more faster compared to the
rest of the world I mean at least in
Asia so they do daily backups so you do
not have to worry if you lose any data
and they are transparent with the
pricing so do take know guys of the 60%
of regular price because this is
actually for promotional period okay
right now if let’s say you signup monkey
it is 395 per month so why not write so
make sure to read the terms and
condition before you even click okay and
watches because you know all these are
black and white so you need to take note
hey guys there’s just a brief
introduction and review about my hosting
company that I use and I’ve shed I’ve
actually written down how you can sign
up for psych round so you can go to
wordpress.com slash site ground sign up
you can actually see the link below and
I will share with you the step by step
in choosing your hosting plans and then
you can choose a domain if you have
already a domain you just enter it here
and then yeah you review your purchase
make sure it’s the correct period and
then complete the purchase and that’s it
and then you can actually click here to
go to the website
alright so that’s about it if you have
any questions do remember to comment
below as this is my first ever video it
is need to have honest feedback and it
really helps for me to continue making
tutorial videos
the future so thank you have a great day

You can't have a website without web hosting, but how do you find the best web hosting or the best WordPress hosting? I did it the hard way and tried different web hosting companies like Hostgator, GoDaddy, BeyondHosting and many others. My latest search for the best hosting is over when I stumble upon SiteGround. In this video I share with you my honest review of SiteGround. Why and what factors made me choose Siteground and stick with it? SiteGround Step-by-Step Signup: https://roquepress.com/siteground-sign-up/ Need a website? Visit https://roquepress.com. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roquepress/. Email: hello@roquepress.com. Reference/Source: websitehostingrating.com
#Honest #SiteGround #Review

Hosting Review

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