GoDaddy Review – Nobody Talks About These Details? GoDaddy Video Review


GoDaddy Review – Nobody Talks About These Details?

Tutorial Hosting
Hey guys what’s going on my name is tom spark and welcome back to another video today we’re checking out godaddy we’re going to be doing a review to decide if it’s a good website to use should you use domains on it should you buy web hosts on it

We’re going to find out i’m gonna be rating it with an objective rating system sourced directly from the web host tier list where i rate every web host in existence here’s the website i made this website on squarespace so if you like to look at this one you can check out squarespace

In the description down below but today we’re finding out if you should buy godaddy specifically we’re going to be rating it on materialist and using my rating system as you can see right here lots of details so without further ado let’s get into the review so guys

Godaddy is one of the biggest uh web host websites i think a good amount of internet traffic is actually hosted on this one one of the original ones i do believe and they’ve had their fair share of controversies too godaddy itself is based in uh arizona i

Think i actually drove by the offices one time or saw it on the freeway anyway but they’ve had several controversies um suspension of various websites stopping registering domains in china then later registering domains in china they also had some weird super bowl ads some rivalry would name cheap and a

Backing of sopa which kind of gave them a bad press there not only that but they also gave fake bonuses to employees during the covet 19 pandemic and they d platformed ar-15 following the us capital attack uh i guess they were uh encouraging violence honestly not too upset about that one but in

Combination with all these other things it’s kind of got a controversial reputation so take that into account i’m not going to give them the best reputation because some other web hosts have cleaner reputations than godaddy certainly they’ve been along for around time and it’s no surprise they’ve accumulated their fair share of

Reputational hits so that’s something to think about when deciding to choose them however if we’re talking about some of the details though is godaddy good in terms of price and stuff like that well actually godaddy is not too bad in some of those things if you’re looking at the

Website and hosting and stuff like that you can get a pretty good website builder honestly it’s pretty cool what you can do with godaddy’s website builder i checked it out myself and it’s not too bad especially included within which is nice you don’t have to pay extra

You also get free ssl encryption free who’s privacy protection which is nice since i don’t believe they used to provide that so it’s nice to see that you also get a free domain with web hosting 2. not only that but they’re one of the few web hosting

Companies out there on a2 hosting which does give you free malware removal so already pretty good there one thing they’re missing out on those a 97 day refund like we’ve seen with dreamhost so you’re gonna have to settle for a 30d 30 day refund which isn’t too bad

Outside of that though the cost isn’t bad and it’s pretty affordable one of the cheaper web hosts by far well not by far but it’s kind of standard and decently priced for what it is especially getting that website builder included um it’s also very transferable you could transfer things

In and out of godaddy with free domain migration i do believe so overall with this quick review we’ve kind of made a lot of information readily available for you guys already should you buy godaddy well it’s pretty decently priced it’s also got a good web builder i do believe it’s a good product

However the company itself has been sold around and it doesn’t have the best reputation that’s pretty much the biggest complaints i think there is with godaddy so that’s something you need to think about whether deciding if you want to buy it or not as you can see here godaddy is kind of

Owned by kkr silverlake and technology crossover ventures so guys that’s my opinions on godaddy my quick opinions a decently priced product with decent features but maybe a questionable history however it’s not a bad product to choose if you guys do want to choose it go ahead and check out the link in

The description down below click on that link you should be able to get the best current deal going on with godaddy or if you want to check out the web host tier list to check out some higher rated um web hosts go ahead and check that out i

Would recommend dreamhost a little bit higher rated eight out of ten instead of seven out of 10 primarily because it has a little bit longer refund policy although i would say that godaddy probably has a better website builder than dreamhost that said i still think squarespace is one of the best website

Builders but it’s a little bit more expensive than godaddy so there’s lots of options in the description and comment down below stay tuned for the next video very soon
In this honest and unbiased Godaddy review, we cover important details to help you decide whether you should buy it or not! Top 2 Web Hosts I Recommend – Dreamhost (best standard host): Squarespace (best builder): Need a VPN? Check out the VPN tier list: Join my Discord! DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links. This means if you click on one of the product links, I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue creating videos like this. Thank you for your support!!
#GoDaddy #Review #Talks #Details

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