Bluehost Review – The Pros, Cons, Plans and Features of Bluehost Programs BlueHost Video Review


Bluehost Review – The Pros, Cons, Plans and Features of Bluehost Programs

Tutorial Hosting
Hey how’s it going friends my name is raka Lupita and in this video we’re going to be reviewing boo hosts web hosting services of a close attention because it’s going to be an in-depth overview of the pros and cons of using Bluehost services so stay tuned alright

So in this Bluehost review we’re going to be going over there are several packages and plans that they have I’m also going to go over site speed I’m also going to go over key features within the dashboard and also the bonuses and the pros and cons of getting

Involved in using Bluehost Services so let’s go to my computer really quick I’m going to go over that and a short bit all right friends so here we are a Bluehost website and as you can see right here their basic package is on sale for 395 a month and only $7.99

And for you to get that price the bluest packages are paid annually so you could get a 12 24 or 36 month package and with that in mind when you do get the package you do get a free domain a free site builder and you’re able to actually install WordPress with one-click through

Their cPanel and as you can see here in the very bottom they’re actually the number one recommended hosting website by WordPress itself which is actually a really big deal mainly because of how trustworthy they are also with my opinion you know whenever I have issues with Bluehost I just contact their

Support uses a call center or through their chat lines and I haven’t really had an issue with them and also by joining Bluehost you do get up to $150 in an actual ad credit so you use it in Google Bing and other services as well so now let’s talk

About the plan all you have to do is click here it get started now and let’s go over the shared hosting plan so they have three packages whether shared hosting plans have the basic plus and Prime packages and the key differences between those is that with the basic

Versus the plus and Prime you have one website you could hold us through that package versus unlimited website that you could actually hold to that package with a basic plan you do get capital with 50 gigs but with all three packages to the bandwidth is unmetered so if you

Don’t know what that means that basically means that the amount of traffic that you bring in is not cap when you’re hosted with Bluehost now when you get hosted with other companies you may get capped with a certain number like twenty thousand to a hundred thousand people on the actual bandwidth

And overall in my experience and I haven’t really had an issue with Bluehost bandwidth issues so overall I do use Bluehost services for my own marketing funnels when I bring in traffic and I haven’t really had an issue other than that with the basic package you do get one included domain

You can park up to five domains through host and you can have up to 25 subdomains so if you plan on making other wordpress installs you could have up to 25 sub domain installs as well or you could just install it under the same under the same domain and just have a

Different subdirectory and then well the basic plan you do get five different email accounts and you can get up to 100 megabytes per account and then was the plus and Prime it’s pretty much the same as it goes the only difference is you do get these three things right here which

Is spam expressed domain privacy insight backup Pro at the actual prime package and at the moment I would highly recommend you to get plus or Prime and you see + + primer the same price so you’re pretty much getting cut back a pro domain privacy and spam experts for

Free in your first year so if you don’t know what these are spam experts basically kind of like with WordPress where it’s a keys met so a lot of times there’s a lot of spam bots out there that will actually spam your blog or specifically like comments on your

Blog with spam experts that helps basically deflect any type of spam that comes in to your website and then with domain privacy this is your dns privacy or your who is privacy you also get that for free with a good package I want to see already have a domain sort of like

Namecheap or somewhere else and that’s free from the other servers but if you don’t have a website and you plan on doing it that’s also a good thing to look at and then with site backup pro basically what this is is I believe every day or every week it actually

Backs up your website so if anything happens you just go to this app and then it will actually pull up that backup file of your actual website from the past or through an archive of saves that they’ve had with your website so that’s pretty much the basic plans with Bluehost

All right so now we are here at GT metrics comm and I already analyzed my own websites web speed and as you can see over here this very bottom last page speed score it’s called at 91% and normally the average page speed score for most websites is 71% and then if you

Look at the load time my website loads at 3.4 seconds and then if you look at the average loaded time for most of these websites is 8 seconds so as you can see here the test server region was in Vancouver Canada and I’m based in Texas so this is pretty quick so pretty

Much anywhere that my websites loaded up it’s it’s fairly quick which is why I use blue those services all right so now we are inside Bluehost actual dashboard and as you can see here you do get marketing tools so you could utilize their own SEO programs you could use their own autoresponder called

Contact contact and you could also get up – oh it’s actually $250 worth of bonuses so you can actually get Google AdWords credit bank credit and we staines credit so you can get a free wordpress theme or a free ecommerce theme on your actual website and then

Over here you have your email section so you can actually create your email accounts here through your own custom domain and then for website builders you can use Weebly or other website builders through your website manager or you can install WordPress but if you want to install WordPress in one click if you’re

Not very tech savvy you can go here where it says one-click install and then over here for files depending on what you get so for example one of my clients got backup Pro so they got the prime package on the hosting package so they’re able to get the site backup Pro

So if anything happens to the website and everything’s archived so they can go back a day or a week or a month or whatever is archived from then to actually look up there the backup files and then with site lock this pretty much prevents any type of any type of

Spammers or any type of you know like hackers trying to get into the website so that’s also a definitely a good add-on product with Bluehost and that’s pretty much it so this is what the shared hosting dashboard looks like all right and of course last but not

Least if you don’t know anything about Bluehost you know their about page you could actually see that they were founded in 2003 we are based in Orem Utah and a power upwards to two million websites worldwide and they have a team of around 750 people it’s time a company

Also if you don’t know this they’re actually part of this massive group called endurance international group so company was brought on 2010 and if you actually look at their site endurance international group actually own some of the biggest hosting companies and domain inside building companies out there so they are on Bluehost

They own Hostgator eye page site builder com domain calm and Mojo marketplace and other apps as well and of course with every company and every huge company out there they’re going to have their own pitfalls and he has to be honest with me I’ve haven’t really had any bad

Experiences Bluehost but of course I want to be transparent with the company and I’m going to show a few things where they’ve had some downtime so as you see here in 2013 they had some some actual server issues and you know bullets pretty transparent about it they’re

Actually going to post their content and with this they were also down about a year ago whether we’re down for around 12 hours but in all actuality you know that would blue those they have a ninety nine percent uptime on their website so if you’re just starting out that’s not

Really going to have an issue with you I mean for me personally I have and had issues with them so you know I can’t have complaints and if I did have issues with them I wouldn’t be promoting them so with that in mind those are some things to look at Bluehost

And hopefully you got a lot out of this Bluest review alright my friends I really appreciate you for watching this video if you do believe that Bluehost is the right option for you feel free to click the links below or click at the YouTube cards above or click at the link

At the end of the video and with that in mind if you want more content like this look you can subscribe to my channel and also if you want to learn more about internet marketing and Bill your own brand feel free to go over the links below in the description as well

Because I do have a free course for you where it goes full detail on how do you live internet marketing and how to monetize the Internet so that might appreciate for watching the video and I will see you on the next one
In this short, in-depth Bluehost review, I'll go over the key features of the web hosting packages the company offers, as well as the pros and cons of using Bluehost. Get Bluehost here: For training go here: Schedule: 0: 34 – Introduction 0:52 – Bluehost Website 1:50 – Web Hosting Plans 4:53 – Bluehost Website Speed ​​6:12 – Bluehost Dashboard 7:33 – Company Facts and History Bluehost is a company that has been around since exists for a long time. The website was founded back in 2003 to help and enable individuals to finally have a voice on the internet through their web hosting packages. The company is based in Orem, Utah, where it has an extensive team of over 700 employees who work around the clock to support and care for their customers and maintain their impeccable reputation. You can find out more here: Bluehost offers several packages to start with, and in this Bluehost review I'll go over some key points of their web hosting plans. Currently there are shared hosting, virtual private servers and dedicated hosting. Shared hosting currently costs $3.95 per month, normally $7.99. You get 1 website, over 50GB of web space and unlimited bandwidth. The Plus package offers unlimited websites, unlimited bandwidth and higher performance. Then the Prime package is similar to the Plus package except that you have bonuses like SiteLock and Site Backup Pro, which are helpful apps essential for keeping your sites secure and backing up files automatically. Bluehost is also the most recommended web hosting provider by WordPress, which says a lot about the company's services.
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