The Best Web Hosting for 2020: Full Bluehost Review BlueHost Video Review


The Best Web Hosting for 2020: Full Bluehost Review

Tutorial Hosting
What is going on everybody Gary here from the freedom financier and today we were talking about the best web hosting for 2020 and my top recommendation is going to be Bluehost so I’ve been using Bluehost for over two years now I’ve never had any issues with it I have

Several sites hosted on Bluehost so we’re gonna go over the pros the cons pricing how it integrates with things like WordPress Bluehost site speed and a whole bunch of other stuff and I’m gonna show you why Bluehost is my top pick for 2020 for your web

Hosting so if this is your first time on the channel the freedom financier is all about entrepreneurship building your businesses online and virtually and just making more money from home so without further ado we are going to jump into Bluehost as the best web host for 2020

Alright so first things first if the Freedom financers mission sounds like it’s for you please go ahead and subscribe to the channel make sure you hit that notification bell so that you get notified as soon as I release in new videos so let’s hop into the best web

Hosting of 2020 and we are on the Bluehost homepage so I’m going to go over some of the basic features real quick here and the thing is if you have a website you need hosting somewhere you have to have somebody that hosts your websites or whether you’re brand new and

This is your first site or you’re just looking for a new hosting option or anything in between no matter how many sites you have I really think Bluehost is gonna be a good option for you so let’s go over some of the basic features so right off the bat you get free domain

Name registration for the first year when you sign up for Bluehost that’s pretty cool because most registrations are anywhere from like eight nine up to like twelve fifteen bucks so you get the free registration for the first year for your domain name you get a free SSL certificate so that’s something good for

Your website it helps with Google rankings if you don’t know what an SSL certificate is it’s basically a security certificate it’s especially important if your site’s going to accept payments or anything like that but it’s basically just the HTTPS that you’ll see in front of your website name rather than just

The HTTP so the HTTPS indicates an SSL certificate like I said it helps with Google rankings it’s just overall good thing to have on any website so you’ll get that free included I have that on all my sites and it truly was free with Bluehost one click WordPress install so all of my

Sites I use WordPress and I’m gonna take you into my Bluehost account in just a second here and I’ll show you how easily WordPress integrates with Bluehost and 24/7 support so especially in the beginning like I said I’ve been using Bluehost for over two years I used the

Support a lot especially in the beginning it truly is 24/7 they’re very helpful they have helped me do all kinds of things like install my SSL certificate add cname records set up custom email all different kinds of stuff so the support in my experience has been phenomenal and then I’m gonna

Show you the full pricing in just a second but the basic plan pricing is three ninety-five a month and we’re gonna pull up the full pricing plan here in just a second and I doubt that you will be but if for any reason you are unhappy with Bluehost they do have a

30-day hosting money back guarantee so any money that you spend on the hosting within the first 30 days you will get back so let’s check out the Bluehost pricing I have the choice plus plan which is $5.99 a month the only I guess what you might consider a con is that

All of these prices you don’t actually pay monthly you do pay yearly so it’s 595 a month times 12 months if you do to the choice plus or whatever plan that you choose it is paid out annually but I kind of like that because I just pay it

Once for the year and then it’s done it enough to worry about it and then they end up giving you a little bit of the discount here because you are paying yearly but you can see the basic plus choice plus per out each plan has different features so if you’re totally

New and just starting out with one site you might start out with basic and then you can upgrade later on like I said I have multiple web sites so I have the choice plus then in all of your packages you’re gonna get the things like the free SSL certificate and then once you

Get into the plus packages you get unlimited websites unlimited domains you can park domains you can have subdomains and then you get things like domain privacy and then you can get the office 365 mailbox and expand control and some other things like that and you can actually set up custom domain email for

Free within Bluehost once you have it so for example my sites the freedom financier and I set up the email Gary at the freedom financial calm for free through Bluehost and then you can just forward it to your Gmail or AOL or Yahoo ever used for email you can just have the custom

Domaine email address forwarded right to that so there’s a lot of features as you move up in packages like I said I have the choice plus just because I have a couple different sites and I like having a bunch of the unlimited stuff and the add-ons but if you’re totally new and

You have one site you just want to check it out and see if it’s for you the three ninety-five a month package is gonna work just fine for you then you can always upgrade later and I will leave a link down in the description below to Bluehost you can check out all the

Pricing and things like that so if you were gonna sign up for a plan just say we’re gonna do the basic plan you would just go right here and get yourself started and then you would go ahead and create or choose your domain if you were going to take advantage of the free

Domain through blue votes so you just check search your available domains you can do it ComNet org whatever you’d like see if your good name is available or if you already have an existing domain you can just put that in here and get your account started it’s very very very easy

So we would go ahead and put our domain in and just for our example purposes here I’m just going to go ahead and put in a fake domain name we’d go ahead and put that in we’re gonna click Next make sure it’s available and our domains

Available so then we could get the free registration for that domain we put all our account information in here your name address email all that kind of stuff to get your account set up you would pick the plan that you would want to use and then you can do a 12 24 36

Month package so the further out you go in advance if you do 36 months it’s cheaper then 12 or 24 and it’s actually the discount is worth it if you plan on keeping your site for a long time we pay for your hosting upfront then you don’t

Have to worry about it for a year 2 or 3 years and like I said the further out that you pay for in advance the more of a discount you get and then you have the choice of adding on some different extras if you want like domain privacy

Like I said because this is just the basic package though some of the if you go into the plus and choice plus and things like that some of these things are included but I’m just kind of trying to show you this is an example site lock security for like malware protection and

All that kind of stuff SEO the 365 office mailbox all that kind of stuff so you can choose any of that stuff and then just put your credit card information in here and then your account will get all set up and you’ll be ready to go and it will register that

Domain that you chose as well if you’re not using one that you already own alright the next thing we’ll talk about is site speed this is an example Bluehost site site speed really plays a pretty important role and things like Google rankings search engine rankings all that kind of stuff plus

Just visitors to your site nobody wants to have like slow load times and all that stuff just so you can see this is an example site hosted on Bluehost and PageSpeed scores and all that stuff is much higher than average average is 72 percent so Bluehost has very fast

Loading times very fast site speed and all that kind of stuff so you won’t have any problems with Bluehost in terms of your site load speeds and just overall speed for search ranking results and stuff like that so another major consideration and something that I think

Is really important is that a lot of people will build out their site with WordPress so Bluehost is just your hosting where your domain and your site’s going to be hosted but then you still have to build out your site with some other platform and most people do

Choose WordPress for a lot of reasons WordPress is very easy to use it’s very user friendly compared to some other site builders but that’s a topic for another video but we’re on WordPress site right here and their number one recommendation for web hosting is Bluehost as you can see right here so

They fully recommend and endorse using Bluehost WordPress has a very easy integration with Bluehost which I’m going to show you right here in my account right now so it’s just good to know that WordPress does highly recommend Bluehost as your web host so here we are in my Bluehost account and

Just to show you how easy it is to access WordPress from inside Bluehost you’re in your once you have your account set up you’ll have your Bluehost dashboard right here so you can see on the Left column right here all of your WordPress sites will be integrated right

Here you can click on that all your WordPress dashboard will pop up and you can just log in to your WordPress site right from your dashboard here so we’ll click on login to WordPress and here we are we’re inside of our WordPress site we can go in and build the net our site

And all that stuff so it really is as they say a one-click integration with WordPress you just click the one button from inside your Bluehost account and it logs you right into your WordPress everything’s all in one spot so it’s very easy and convenient and then if we

Go back to our Bluehost dashboard right here you can get into your email and office and all that kinds of stuff you can set up subdomains and do a whole bunch of other stuff and like the custom email address like I mentioned before and then if you need help with anything

At all you just go right up here to the Help Center you can type in questions and get answers or you can just go and contact the 24/7 Bluehost chat and like I said they’re very very very helpful and we’ll help you with anything that you need

All right so we’ll just do a quick recap of Bluehost you get your free domain registration excellent 24/7 customer support I’ve used it many times it truly is 24/7 they’re phenomenal like I said if you check the link in the description below to Bluehost you’ll get the most current and best discounted pricing

That’s available now for all the different plan options that we went over the one-click integration with WordPress like I showed you it truly is one-click super simple easy to use get your site built and set up and make edits along the way excellent I have several site posted

With Bluehost and built out with WordPress excellent and like we went over also excellent sites so if you are looking for a new web host if you’re just starting up the site or a couple sites and you need a good web host or if you’re not happy with your current web

Host should definitely consider Bluehost check it out give it a shot they have a 30-day money-back guarantee and like I said I’ve been using Bluehost for well over two years and have never had any issues and I’m very very happy with my choice of web host so definitely go

Ahead check out Bluehost that’s gonna be it for our Bluehost review as the best web host of 2020 if you did enjoy this video and got some value out of it go ahead and hit that like button down below leave a comment share with your friends and make sure you’re subscribed

To the channel and tap that notification bell again I hope that you enjoyed this video and found it helpful good luck with your site’s and I will see you on the next one
Sign up for BlueHost here (60% OFF) ➡️ In this video, I will be doing a full, in-depth Bluehost review as a recommendation for the best web hosting option of 2020. I have been a Bluehost user for more than 2 years and I highly recommend the hosting service. This video will help you make an informed decision about whether or not you should choose Bluehost as your web hosting platform. I hope to help you answer these questions: Is Bluehost the best web hosting platform for 2020? Is it the right web host for you and your website? Hopefully this video review will help you decide! If you are looking for web hosting for a WordPress website, Bluehost could be right for you. I explain the pros and cons of Bluehost web hosting, pricing, integrations with WordPress, features and more. Related Article from Freedom Fianancer: How to Start a Blog 👉 Sign up for BlueHost here (60% OFF) ➡️ /BlueHost -FreedomFinancer ***** 🔥 🔧TOOLS I PERSONALLY USED IN MY BUSINESS CLICKFUNNELS (landing pages, sales funnels, email autorespoders): FIVERR (outsourcing, virtual assistants, etc. ): https: // 48HOURSLOGO (logo design): NAME CHEAP (domain registration): BLUEHOST (website hosting) : https://bit. ly/2TLL48G WORDPRESS (creating my blogs and other websites): VIDIQ (increasing YouTube views and expanding your channel): CAMTASIA – What I have done before Record this video: ▬ ABOUT ME ▬ 👋 Who am I? Welcome! My name is Gary and I call myself a “Freedom Financier” because that is exactly what I will do and I want to achieve both financial and time freedom. I will be documenting my journey along this path in hopes of helping others achieve the same feat. Oh yes, I have a regular JOB at the moment, but hopefully not for long. I also want to help others do the same and achieve financial success. That's why I'm going to document my journey to making money online, from home and virtually. Every week I upload content that will help you make money online and I will be your “guinea pig” showing what I have done so far and what has worked for me, along with my mistakes. To our success! One final request: If you enjoyed this, please leave me a comment, like and subscribe – it REALLY helps the growth of the channel. If you found this helpful, please help me spread the word by liking and commenting. Even the smallest gesture helps me reach more people and show them how they can escape the mass motto through the power of online and virtual businesses. These businesses can be a great way to generate a life-changing, sustainable online income – if you go into business with the right expectations and with the right knowledge and attitude. See you in the next video. 👌 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL (+ click the notification bell 🛎). Subscribe here: Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video. Once again… To our success, Gary, The Freedom Financer #Bluehost #BluehostReview #BestWebHosting This channel and its associated blog sometimes contain affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no additional cost You will receive costs if you purchase something via my links. The purpose of this content is to educate viewers and share everything I know, which sometimes includes product recommendations. I believe in the products I mentioned and have experience with them. I will never promote a product that I have not tried or that I do not believe will be of benefit to you. If you purchase through my affiliate link, thank you for your support!
#Web #Hosting #Full #Bluehost #Review

Hosting Review

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