Bluehost Review – Best Bluehost Hosting Reviews 2015 BlueHost Video Review


Bluehost Review – Best Bluehost Hosting Reviews 2015

Tutorial Hosting
You might be struggling with trying to find the right hosting solution and I can totally relate to that because it can be really overwhelming because there are so many to choose from and you don’t want to pick the wrong one um because if you do they can have

Really poor performance which slows your site down and that really affects your rankings um it can be really difficult to use because they don’t have a control panel or an easy way to upload information and you have to FTP things and once you’ve made the commitment and you’ve set your

Site up it can be really hard to to move it to our hosting because it’s a they’re just files and conflicts and and everything so you really want to make the right decisions before you start and this is where Bluehost comes in now uh let me tell you a bit about myself my

Name’s Nick I’ve been web designing and doing SEO since about 1998 which is uh seems like awful long time now and in that time I have tried numerous hosts pretty much tried all my house and I now design on my websites using WordPress and that got me to uh checking out a few

That were really good for WordPress and Bluehost has been the top one I found I really like it and there are a number of reasons I like it and here we go I’ll describe what they are so the main reason I like Bluehost is they’re really fast it’s got great bandwidth

Uh they’ve got dedicated servers and that means your site loads quickly now from an SEO point of view Google judges your the speed that your site loads out at and it can penalize with your site load slowly so from an SEO point of view it’s really important that your site loads

Quickly and also just from a consumer point of view when someone comes to your website and it doesn’t load quickly they get bored and they’ll click the back button and go somewhere else so site loading really important the next thing I really uh like about Bluehost is the

Fact that they are optimized for WordPress uh they have a number of different packages you can get just a standard shared hosting and they do some some VPS stuff and they do dedicated server packages but they have a package that is optimized for WordPress and like I say I like WordPress

Um and I think now it’s it’s something ridiculous like a third of all websites on the internet have now been built on the WordPress platform and the reason I use Bluehost is because they are optimized for WordPress that means they’ve done some tweaking and some things behind the scenes that make it

Work really well so that is my number one reason why I love these guys um they have one click installs for for WordPress that’s great if you’re not used to uh downloading an ftping stuff they just have one button you go onto the the the dashboard behind the scenes click on the

Button and it’ll just put WordPress straight onto your domain which is absolutely fantastic they also have other one-click installs for for other bits and pieces on there and they’ve also got some Site Builders and other things behind the scenes but if you do go with their WordPress optimize package you

Also get access to their WordPress experts and that’s really cool because these guys really know what they’re talking about and when you get stuck uh you can just ring them up and they’ll help you sort things out and that the package is a little bit more expensive

You go for the WordPress one but you get all the access to the the experts and it’s fully optimized for WordPress so when you sign up for one of these packages you’re going to get a free domain in there that’s really useful but you can also get your domains from other

Places you’re not tied into Bluehost I often buy uh my domain names namecheap and then you can just host them here you can just allocate the name Service and bring them in you also when you sign up you get uh some marketing offers I think the biggest package is up to 200 worth

Of marketing offers and that’s for for ad campaigns for Google and Bing and and such like really useful and the other great reason to use Bluehost is they have fantastic training so when you’re starting out this is the hardest thing to get your head around it it can look complicated and it’s really

Useful to have training videos that are nice and easy to follow along and you can do the steps in the videos and get yourself set up so the Bluehost videos are really simple nice and easy to use they also have fantastic support they’ve got live chat they’ve got phones and they’ve got

Support tickets that you can send in and whenever I have had a problem they’ve been really quick to come back to me and they always get the problems sold really quickly really nice team on on the support side of things there so that’s really handy and lastly something else I

Thought I’d mention which is quite interesting if you do have uh another website set up with another host they also offer a migration service it costs a little bit of money I think at the moment it’s 99 dollars but if you do have a site somewhere else they will

Help you migrate it into their servers and and that is really useful because if you’ve ever tried it you know it can be uh hard at the best of times and these guys will do it all for you and they’ll bring it over and they’ll get it all set up on the hosting

So there you have it I highly recommend Bluehost they’ve always been really good to me they’ve always got some deals on if you click the button below here this will take you through to their latest deals page I think at the moment they’re doing it for about 3.50 a month which is

Really fantastic for what you get there’ll also be a link below the video down in the description that you can click okay I hope that was helpful speak to you soon
Bluehost Review: Use this link for the latest offer. Are you having trouble finding the right hosting solution? I can completely understand that. It can be really overwhelming because there is so much choice. You shouldn't choose the wrong one because if you do, performance may be affected, slowing down your website. This can cause real SEO problems as Google judges your rankings based on page speed load times. It can also affect the way visitors use your website. If a page takes too long to load, they can simply press the back button and go somewhere else. This is where Bluehost comes into play. I have been a web designer since 1998 and have used various web hosting companies over the years. After trying numerous different hosting services, I chose Bluehost and was really happy with it. Here is my Bluehost review and here are the main reasons why Blue Host is so simple: It is really easy to use: The benefit of using cPanel is huge. And the only thing you really need to keep in mind is that it can be very difficult to change web hosting once you've decided. Moving your website to a new web host can be very time consuming and very complicated. So you really want to make the right decision before committing. It's really fast: Bluehost uses dedicated servers and has fantastic bandwidth, meaning the websites load quickly. They are optimized for WordPress. Not only do they install with one click, but the actual servers are also set up to provide optimal WordPress performance. This is fantastic for me as I have primarily designed websites using WordPress. Their support is great: One of the other fantastic reasons to use WordPress hosting with Bluehost is that you have phone access to their WordPress experts. This is invaluable if you need extra help solving things or if you run into problems. They offer a range of other hosting packages, from shared hosting to VPS to dedicated servers. All of this is supported by fantastic service, be it via phone, chat or ticket submission. I have always found the support team to be very helpful and resolved any issue very quickly. Blue Host also has fantastic training videos to help you get set up quickly and also offers other services such as site migration, which are offered for a small fee. This is really useful because it can be a total hassle to do it yourself. There are always great deals and if you click on the link above you will be taken to the latest deals page at Bluehost. View here: Related search terms: #Bluehost review #Bluehost reviews #Bluehost hosting review #Bluehost hosting reviews #Bluehost hosting #Bluehost discount
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