BlueHost Review 2022 – Is it the best web hosting? BlueHost Video Review


BlueHost Review 2022 – Is it the best web hosting?

Tutorial Hosting
Bluehostreview2022 hi guys welcome back today i am going to be showing you a review on how you can host your own website with bluehost so let’s get started first what you have to do is you will simply go to and you will land on this

Platform right here if you do not have any idea about bluehost bluehost is a web hosting platform that allows you to host your website for free there is a pricing plan which i will be mentioning and i will tell you all about it and then there are different features as

Well and bluehost works with wordpress and you can build a website with bluehost and then you can do website hosting then we have you know domain names stores and other services as well so the first step is going to be of course to sign up for bluehost so what you have to

Do is you will find the option of login and sign up right here so you’re gonna quickly sign up for the sign up process for bluehost is really easy you can simply sign up with your google account or you will simply sign up with your email address and you

Simply have to set up a password once you have them then you simply have your bluehost so before you you know sign up you actually have to get started with a plan you will have to select any of the plan so this is the pricing plan for

Bluehost right here so we have a basic plan which is going to be 2.95 dollars per month which is kind of like on sale right now it was eight dollars but right now it is just 2.95 dollars and it has you know 50 gb of storage then we have one website and we

Have a free certificate performances standard email storage all of the features are given right here then we have a plus plan which is going to be 5.45 dollars right here per month and it also has all of the features right here and then we have a choice plan which is recommended one

Because it has a lot of different features and right now the pricing is similar to the plus plan right here which is 5.45 per month so the pricing is actually quite reasonable right here and we get a lot of different features right here on bluehost so what you have to do is you

Simply go ahead and you know select any of the plan let’s say that i want to go for a basic plan so i will simply select it and then i will sign up with my google account and that is how you get your own blue host so now i will simply

Type in my email add my password and then login to my account that is super easy to do now let’s check out different features that we get on bluehost and i am going to be you know reviewing different features and what are the different tools that we get and if

Bluehost is good for you for your web hosting or note so one of the features that really stand out is that most of the people are going to be using wordpress wordpress is an amazing website builder so what happens is on wordpress i think bluehost works really

Good with wordpress and you can you know do wordpress hosting we have manage wordpress option right here and we also have a website builder option on bluehost so bluehost is not only giving you the option to host your website but you can also build a website with a

WordPress website with your blue host so that is actually uh you know very efficient and very you know good feature that we are getting on bluehost then when it comes to the websites what kind of websites you can create with uh bluehost we can actually create all kind

Of websites and we can also create online stores with bluehost so that is actually uh pretty good and there are a lot of templates available when it comes to creating website and when it comes to hosting your website you will get your own domain as well and let’s talk about domains now because

Domain is really really important thing when it comes to website hosting because we want our own domain name with our website and most of the time what happens is the website builders are not providing you the domain name so that is the purpose of your website you

Know a host so they will actually you know give you a domain name if we talk about the domain name right here so you can see right here i can just simply type in any name i want to let’s say that my website is named or my blog

Whatever the name is so let’s just say that my website or blog i’m just gonna type in any void let’s go with dreams okay so i’m gonna just simply go ahead and type the word dreams right here so let’s say that’s what i want

So i get a drop down right here drop down menu so you will see i have all of the domain names right here we have dot com which is the most famous one and uh you know the most expensive one as well because everybody wants dot com right

And then we have dot net dot o r g dot story dot co dot blog if i were to choose for dreams because it’s a blog so i would have gone with dot block or dot com right here and then we have uh the others dot info dot uh start live so

These are the different domain names available on bluehost so you can go with any of these and you simply click on search as well because it depends on the availability as well and the pricing so i will simply click on search and bluehost will you know search it for me the

Availability and the pricing for this domain name as well so now you can see right here i have my search results so you can see that is not available right now so you know bluehost will tell you all about your domain name so it’s not available but

Now they have these suggestions for me they have in which there is like three and four written as uh you know e and a then we have then we have now they’re just giving me these suggestions to go for and these are all you know dot com so if

I want to go for a dot com i can you know change my name or i can simply go ahead and you know change the domain name i can simply go for maybe dream stored org or maybe so what is going to happen maybe this one will be available and bluehost will

Tell me about it that if the domain name is available and the pricing as well and after that you simply you know you go ahead and buy the domain name so that is how it works on bluehost if we talk about the pricing the dot com actually starts from round about 13

Almost because it is going to be 12.99 most of the time for com and then of course the pricing decreases for different domain names for example org is available in 9.99 dot store is also you know it’s a featured domain so that is why it is

Also 12.99 but again you can see right here uh this one is actually a dot space is available for just 1.99 just two dollars so it depends on the uh you know domain name as well so we get a lot of bluehost you know domain names right

Here and that is why bluehost is you know one of the very famous a web hosting uh platform because it has all of the domain names for you that you can buy in not that expensive and reasonable pricing so then we have online store uh you know option we have website builder

Then we have professional services as well in these services we get uh other services such as you know your marketing and your stats the different dashboards that you are actually going to get with your bluehost then we have the email option we actually get our own web mail

With bluehost this is actually one of the features that i really liked because what happens is when we have a web hosting a platform so we use our normal gmail and we have to create our own professional email or business email with another account using um another uh you know platform because

It’s important creating your own business email is really important when it comes to having your own business having a domain name a website with a domain name and then becomes the uh you know your email so you need a business email and web host allows you to create your own professional email address

Within your bluehost and you don’t have to go to any other platform so this is actually one of the other features that really make bluehost stand out then we have the eucomist option on bluehost as well you can actually create your e-commerce store with bluehost as well because it allows

You to you know a host your business and if you have a business then you can simply use bluehost to create your own website to create your own store if you’re using wordpress then you can also use bluehost as your hosting platform where you will actually get your own

Professional email and then your domain as well so yeah guys this brings us to the end of the video i hope that i was a big help to you and now you know uh what is and how to use and what are the different features bluehost provides you in order

To help you create amazing website and your story don’t forget to give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe to the youtube channel
BlueHost Review 2022 – Is it the best web hosting? This is a review of Bluehost in 2022. Is Bluehost the best web hosting for 2022? Let's check it out! Please like and subscribe if this was helpful! #digitaltutorials #webhost #webhosting #bluehost 🌟OPTIMIZE YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: ➡️ ➡️
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