Bluehost review BlueHost Video Review


Bluehost review

Tutorial Hosting
In this review i’m going to give you my honest review and take you on a short tour of Bluehost bluehost has been recognized as one of the big players in the web hosting platform so what set Bluehost apart from its competitors due to a study they did back in 2011 they

Have pushed their company to even greater heights and now offer VPS as well as dedicated server hosting additionally besides having great web hosting services such as unlimited bandwidth email accounts subdomains and storage space and many many more other features Bluehost customer service is on a point you can contact them via chat

Phone or ticket support and the normal wait time is very reasonable their support staff tends to be very knowledgeable and trust me I had to contact them a few times myself allow me to give you a tour of the bluehost website as you can see under products

They list their products which are share hosting wordpress hosting VPS hosting dedicated hosting and reseller hosting let me take you to a couple first under shared hosting you can see plan starts as low as 4 95 per month including all of these great options below even the pro version plan is very reasonably

Priced at only 1999 per month which gives you even more added value let me take you to wordpress hosting and you will see the various plans for optimized hosting for wordpress especially being the number one blogging platform is WordPress I would say that is definitely a plus i have been using Bluehost myself

For over four years now and will highly recommend it so to sum it up Bluehost has a ton of great features affordable monthly rates excellent customer service user friendly platform and extras there is a link below that will give you a discount so click on the link below now

And join Bluehost and you won’t regret you did thank you and take care
Hosting offers tons of great features, affordable monthly rates, excellent customer service, user-friendly platform, click here for a discount ==
#Bluehost #review

Hosting Review

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