GoDaddy Review GoDaddy Video Review


GoDaddy Review

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So a couple years ago I was talking to the product manager at GoDaddy who was done in charge of their web site builder and he explained to me that they had surveyed their users and the number one thing that the users asked for was they wanted website building to not take so

Long SoDo daddy really took that to heart and their strategy for the last couple years has been to build a website builder that lets you build a website in less than an hour now I think this philosophy explains a lot about their new website does website builder ray and

Unfortunately I think it’s kind of an unrealistic goal for a website builder overall website builder ray is just it’s too simplistic and it lacks important features so I’m going to show you give you a walk through the product and show you what I mean so here’s website

Builder 8 pages in website builder 8 are built by stacking sections on top of one another so this is an about Us section this is a Contact Us section here’s a newsletter section so let’s out of section we’re going to add the content select the content section which is kind

Of like the blank section and already you can see it’s pretty simple we have four options here four different sections we’re going to choose one and you’ll notice it’s pretty cookie cutter it’s not very flexible you’re kind of locked in to Go Daddy’s template basically you have two options you can

Add a you can adjust the header or you can write in paragraph right like the paragraphs you can’t add another header you can’t add an image to this you can’t change the text color to kind of just lock in to what GoDaddy is giving you here so simple not a lot of

Customization now I’m going to show you another section and this is going to be the contact section the contact section is what you would think it is it’s like it gives you a simple contact us form maybe a Google map that kind of thing the unfortunate thing so let’s add

We’re going to add this one because it has a form and I want to show you the GoDaddy’s form builder here’s the contact us section and we’re going to edit it so the unfortunate thing is that the contact form here is also really cookie cutter in past versions of

GoDaddy’s website builder they give you a full form builder where you could add additional fields but in this one you’re stuck with email name and message so let’s say you wanted to add an option for a checkbox that lets your users join your email list you can’t do that with

This contact form it’s just it’s too simple even if you go to edit form fields it doesn’t really give you any options other than changing the names of the fields now one thing that I do think is kind of cool is they have a menu slash price list section it’s simple and

Straightforward but I think it’s pretty handy especially if you’re a restaurant how it works works well basically you add items and you can add categories to place the items in and it’s pretty simple to update the pricing it’s just a easy system when it comes to your website theme there are seven themes

That GoDaddy offers and theme is kind of a charitable word for it the themes here will swap through the themes right here here’s theme one here’s theme two here’s three as you can see these themes they don’t really change much about the website they don’t change the layout they’re just pretty superficial they

Adjust colors and fonts so there’s only seven themes which is a lot and the theme differences are not that much so I hope you like this theme layout because you’re kind of stuck with it if you choose Go Go Daddy and if the theme customization also does not go very far

Basically there’s 30 different colors here that you can choose from and you don’t get to choose how the color is applied you just sort of get to choose one and it’s automatically apply to different things in your website there’s a lot of problems with this the first problem is like you better hope

That your business uses one of these 30 colors for your business brand otherwise it’s going to be a little funny the other problem is you just don’t get to customize where this color is applied so if you choose a lighter color let’s say you wanted to customize the color of

Your navigation links and you can’t do that you’re locked in for all I just wouldn’t recommend Go Daddy’s new website builder it’s too simple I think it’s going to be frustrating for most users and there are a lot there are much better options out there which you can

Find at my website site builder report where I’ve written hundreds of reviews of other website builders at this point so thanks for watching hope that was helpful
Updated for 2023! Try GoDaddy: …
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