Namecheap Hosting Review – The BEST Place for WordPress Hosting? Namecheap Video Review


Namecheap Hosting Review – The BEST Place for WordPress Hosting?

Tutorial Hosting
Hey everyone my name is Riley and in this video I am going to be doing a full review of the name cheap hosting I’m going to show you everything from how to actually get the best deal on your name cheep hosting as well as taking a look

At if name cheep is as good as other hosting providers so if you are debating using name cheep as your hosting provider all of your questions will be answered in this video okay so the first thing that we are going to be doing here is taking a look at the actual pricing

Of the hosting if you want to grab the prices shown on screen right now with this absolutely huge discount you can do so using the first link down in the description go ahead and click on that link and then you will be able to access these prices right here so we can first

Of all change the billing cycle between monthly yearly and 2 years and this is of course going to affect the price from month to month so looking here we have the basic plan which is called Stellar the middle plan which is Stella plus and then the third plan the most Premium

Plan which is Stellar business with the regular Stellar plan we get a domain name included we get three websites we get 20 GB of SSD 30 mailboxes and a website builder the first thing that I actually want to cover here is the domain name even though you do

Technically get a free domain name included here you only get the lowlevel domains things like fun. host do online if if you want a com or a doco one of these top level domains you are going to have to pay a little bit extra to actually buy that domain however if you

Buy this domain with the hosting plan you get it for half of the price that it will usually be just to give you an example if I was to go and buy a domain straight from name cheep it would cost me about $10 whereas if I buy hosting and then I want

To buy aom domain it would only cost me about $5 now moving on to the Stellar plus plan you can see we get everything that is included in the Stellar apart from we get unlimited websites instead of three unmuted SSD instead of 20 GB we get unlimited mailboxes instead of 30 we

Also get the auto backup and then of course the website builder as well the next plan is the Stellar business a little bit Overkill in my opinion unless you’re a big business if you are just running a blog or you are trying to host WordPress normal everyday use you

Probably just want to go for this Stellar plus plan however you do get 50 GB of SSD unlimited mailboxes and then auto backup and cloud storage with the Stell business we can also choose the data center location here at the top we can flick between the US UK and EU and

The data center location that you choose will affect the price the way that you actually choose your data center location effectively depends on where most of your traffic will be coming from if you have a website and most of the users are in the US you want to go for

The us if your audience is based in the UK go for UK and then if Europe go for the Europe plan if you want to take a look and get more detail on the specifications of this you can scroll down and take a look at this big table

However most of what is included in the hosting is going to be included in these lists so that is the pricing right there if you want to go ahead and buy one of these it’s pretty simple and straightforward we just go through here we can then choose to either buy a new

Domain or connect an existing domain and then we can simply go through here and purchase the hosting the second thing that I want to touch on here is the ease of use so if I just go here to my hosting list these are currently the two hosting plans or hosting domains that I

Have with name chep now every everything on name cheep in terms of the hosting is done through cpanel so if I go ahead and go into this you can see that this is C panel right here now I will say that c panel is not the best to look at it does

Look a bit junky it does look a bit clunky like something from maybe the early 2000s however it does the job connecting to a website like WordPress is super super easy all I would have to do is Click into WordPress right here go ahead and install this and then I can

Customize and configure my settings on WordPress so I can choose like the version that I want to install the domain the site settings like the name I then have my admin account for WordPress the username and password over here I can choose the language select the

Plugins that I want to use and then click on install once that comes through I can then go through this administrative link right here and that is going to take me straight over to WordPress I now have that installed and linked with my name cheap domain and

Then I can just go ahead and use WordPress like normal alternatively the second thing that we can do is use the website builder that is built into C panel right here that is specifically for name Che customers now this is an option however it is not the best the

Website builder just like C panel itself is pretty clunky as you can see here and it is usable like we can use this it is just a bug standard drag and drop editor we can add in like shapes and text however if you are going to be using

Name cheep and you are going to be hosting something on this I would absolutely recommend that you go with WordPress over the standard website builder that comes with name cheep because it is just going to make your life so much easier we can also go in here in the hosting

Subscriptions and manage everything so I can come over to this screen right here and this is where I can manage my hosting in terms of celing if I want to I can go ahead and change the C panel username change the domain change the plan if I want to upgrade and everything

Like that down here I can also see the usage statistics how much storage I have used the bandwidth the CPU in use and everything else that you need is straight at a glance right here so the general user interface although C panel is not the nicest it does integrate

Extremely easily with WordPress which is a huge bonus in my opinion and then the final thing that I want to cover here is the up time the up time that you have with your website is super super important it is probably the most important thing when looking at a

Hosting provider and the reason for this is if your website goes down people cannot get onto your website that can wreak havoc on your business so one of the main things that you need to look for in a hosting provider is does it have good up time and with name cheap

The answer to that is absolutely as you can see I got this from this website called tool so full credit to them as you can see they did a full test on all of the up time and you can see s ground WP engine name chep kinster and

In motion all got 100% so this means that they were up for the entire duration when they were tested so name chep comes in here at 100 % up time so extremely extremely reliable and it’s always going to be up so my overall thoughts on this is that nchep is an

Absolutely fantastic hosting provider and nchep is currently the website that I use for all of my hosting all of my domains all of my blogs are all currently hosted on Nim cheep and the way that things are going with the price and the up time that will not be

Changing anytime soon so that was my complete review of the name cheep hosting if you found this video valuable don’t forget to smash that like button and tap that subscribe button and until next time take it easy
✅ Namecheap Hosting Discount ▼ In this video I will give a complete overview of Namecheap hosting. We'll take a look at Namecheap hosting pricing plans, server availability, and the overall user experience as I've used Namecheap for my WordPress hosting over the past few years. Thanks and don't forget to subscribe! ▶ Namecheap WordPress Tutorial: – AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission if you click on one of the product links. I will not post anything here that I have not reviewed and/or personally used. PS: I am not a financial advisor, all investment comments reflect my opinion and are for entertainment purposes only.
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Hosting Review

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