Hostgator vs. Bluehost vs. Dreamhost – Web Hosting Service Review for 2020 DreamHost Video Review


Hostgator vs. Bluehost vs. Dreamhost – Web Hosting Service Review for 2020

Tutorial Hosting
Hey guys this is Bob and I just want to talk to you a minute about web hosting and give you a little bit of my experience and what I’ve learned from some of the hosts I’ve tried out first off I started with dream host when I

First started this blog back in 2007 and they were fine for me to start I knew a whole bunch of people using them and so I decided you know if everybody else is you know I’ll give it a try and I really didn’t have a problem with

Them they weren’t bad but the the one thing that really frustrated me was that I couldn’t call them when I had a problem when my site went down I couldn’t call them I had to email them and put in a support ticket and I never

Knew when I was gonna hear back I never knew one my site was gonna be back up you know and they would respond a couple hours later you know on a good day and you know that became a little bit – I just couldn’t deal with that anymore

Once you know I started getting to the point where I was really dependent on the income from this website so about the time I you know was was going at this full time I moved a media temple which they are much more expensive hosting company and they offer better

Service you can call them you know and the hosting itself is the hosting packages are better a bit more elaborate and you can call them if you have a problem so that was nice that was a great extra benefit for me that I could call these guys when I was having an issue

The downside is I feel like they’ve taken a turn for the worse over the last couple years cuz when I first started with them I could call them up and I felt like I always had somebody on the line within just a few minutes maybe five ten minutes max and my last

Probably four or five calls to them have taken 45 minutes to an hour before someone would get on the line to help me and you know and that’s just not real good when when your site might be down or it’s you know acting crazy and you

Don’t really know why and you don’t know who to call for help so for me that that was really and it still is a big frustration I have with I’m still currently hosting Christian PF with media temple but mostly because I haven’t I just haven’t gotten around to

Move move them out it becomes a little bit of a bigger deal to switch hosts as things get larger and um and so shortly after I moved over to media temple I found out about Bluehost which is another hosting company that’s on the lower end they offer hosting I

Believe for about seven bucks a month and and I when I found it I thought this was a steal it was great because they are about the same price as dreamhost offer about the same level of hosting package but they have phone support so you can call them up and ask them

Questions and in all my interactions with their customer service we’re good they were pretty helpful so I really liked them and ours I was really recommending Bluehost to a lot of people for a while well I mean I still do and I think they’re a great host and you know

And I still have a lot of websites over ahead Bluehost and I in and I do like them the only downside with them is they’re not real scalable so they only really have one size of hosting package and you know so it’s great to start and you’re fine and even when you’re medium

Size blogger you’re fine but once you become bigger and you’re getting a whole lot more traffic I personally probably wouldn’t feel comfortable having my hosting with Bluehost at that point okay and that leads me to Hostgator which I’m really liking them a lot and they’re currently

The one that I am recommending the most and the reason being is they’re one of the cheaper hosts out there and at the same time I think they offer better service than media temple so for about you know it’s cheapest 4 bucks a month you can be hosting with them and getting

Better service than you are a media temple by the way I’m paying $200 a month to be hosted with media temple for my hosting package right now and and in the thing that the kicker for me was that I a day where I called media temple and

Waited 45 minutes on hold to get somebody and then a day later I called Hostgator and within 30 seconds someone answered the phone to help me you know so there’s a little bit of an issue there that I’m paying $200 here in waiting 45 minutes for somebody answer

And then $4 a month at the other place and you know you’re getting somebody to answer within less than a minute and in honestly I’ve dealt with Hostgator and their customer service team via chat and on the phone probably close to 10 times now and every single time has been a

Good experience so that on top of the fact that they’re so cheap and in beginners can go in there and they’re one of the cheapest things is just a great great selling feature and then the other thing that separates them from Bluehost in my opinion is that they’re

Scalable so you can go in there as a beginner start out and then as your website and blog grows and you get more traffic you can increase your hosting package and just they can grow your site can grow along with it so they’re the ones that I am telling all my friends

And family to go to they’re the ones that I’m recommending you know when I get emails from readers they’re the ones that ultimately I will be moving all of my sites over to once I get around to that so anyway there you have it you know there’s a million hosts out there

But these are the four that I’ve dealt with and I have experience with and those are just my thoughts on it and I hope that provides you just a little bit of insight you know what helps you make a better decision Bay for where you are

And what your ambition is with your blog so that’s all for now and I’ll talk to you later okay one last thing I called Hostgator and let them know that they’re my recommended host now and I wanted to see if there’s any way I can get an

Extra discount for you guys and they said yes and so they gave me this coupon code that you can go in there if you decide to use them as your host and it will knock an extra 25% off I think it’s the first hosting package that you buy

So anyway if you go through that all you need to do is Christian PF as a promo code and you’ll save 25% so that’s all I have for now and I hope you enjoyed the video and have a wonderful day
In this video you will find honest reviews of web hosting services. The likes and dislikes of each service are also discussed. All of these companies offer shared web hosting services, file hosting services, and free web hosting services. So if you don't have web hosting yet, here are links to check it out. Learn more about bluehost at Learn more about Dreamhost at Learn more about hostgator at / Video Transcription: First of all, I started with Dreamhost. When I first started this blog in 2007, and they were fine with me, I knew quite a few people who used them. So I decided that if everyone else is using them, I'll try them out. And I really didn't have a problem with them, they were bad. But what really frustrated me was that I couldn't call them when I had a problem. The website was down, I couldn't call them, I had to email them or file a support ticket, and I never knew what I would hear back, never knew when my website would be back up. On a good day they responded a few hours later. That became a bit too, I just couldn't handle it anymore when I got to the point where I really depended on the income from this website. Around the time I was traveling full-time, I moved to Media Temple. They are much more expensive hosting companies, they offer better service, you can call them. The hosting packages are better, a little more complex. And you can call them if you have a problem. That was nice, that was a big added benefit for me, that I could call those people if I had a problem. The downside is that I feel like they have gotten worse over the last few years. When I first started with them, I could call them and feel like I always had someone on the phone within a few minutes, maybe 5-10 minutes. max. On my last few calls, probably four or five, it took 45 minutes to an hour for someone to come online to help me. And that's just not good when your website might be down or acting crazy and you don't really know why or who to ask for help. For me it really was, and it's still a huge frustration I have with them. I'm currently still hosting with Media Temple. But mostly because I just couldn't get it out. The bigger things get, the harder it becomes to change hosts. Shortly after switching to Media Temple, I learned about Blue Host, another hosting company that is on the lower end. They offer hosting for about $7 a month I believe. When I found this out I thought this was a bargain because this is great, they cost about the same price as DreamHost and offer about the same hosting package. But there is telephone support. You can call them and ask them questions and all my interactions with their customer service have been good, they've been pretty helpful. So I really like them and I really recommended BlueHost to a lot of people for a while and I still do. I think they are great hosts and I still have many sites on Blue Host. I like her. The only downside is that they aren't really scalable and only offer one hosting package size. So it's a great start and it's fine and even if you're a medium blogger you're fine. But once the intercity area gets bigger and there is a lot more traffic, I personally probably wouldn't feel comfortable having my hosting with Blue Host at that point. And that leads me to HostGator, which I really like. They are currently the ones I recommend the most. The reason for this is that they are one of the cheaper providers on the market while at the same time offering, in my opinion, a better service than Media Temple. At four dollars a month, it's cheapest to host with them and get better service than Media Temple. By the way, I currently pay $200 a month to host my hosting package with Media Temple. And the worst part for me was that I called Media Temple one day and waited on hold for 45 minutes to reach someone. And then a day later I called Host Gator and within 30 seconds someone answered the phone to help me. The problem is that I pay $200 a month and wait 45 minutes for someone to respond, and $4 a month elsewhere in it for someone to respond in less than a minute. And honestly, I've contacted HostGator and their customer service team via chat and phone, probably close to ten times, and every time it's been a good experience.
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DreamHost Review

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