DREAMHOST FULL REVIEW 2022 – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly DreamHost Video Review


DREAMHOST FULL REVIEW 2022 – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Tutorial Hosting
Is stream house really good for you well i did a lot of research and i combined it into one single video so you can make best decision for yourself firstly let’s take a look at the popularity what we want to determine based on this is if dreamhouse is a legitimate company and

You don’t need to worry about sharing your personal information or your credit card information with them dream house was founded in 2002 and to this day there are 19 years old as you can see on this lower graph dreamhouse gets steady amount of search traffic from google trends

And they are averaging around 2.5 million visitors a month also dreamhost is one of only three web hosting companies recommended by wordpress itself so what we can determine from this we can definitely say that dreamhouse is a legitimate company and they will not try to steal your data or your credit card

Information for short-term gain now let’s compare their data center location dreamhost is primarily based in the usa and they have two big data centers in virginia and in california so keep this in mind that you will probably not want to go with dreamhost if your traffic doesn’t come from the usa or north

America the important part is also to compare the different hosting plans now majority of you will try to go with shared hosting because you will be sharing some resources with other website which will make it significantly cheaper than the other options the few important parts to remember with

Shared hosting is that you cannot run nginx with shared hosting and also obviously you will not get isolated ram resources with shared hosting now let’s take a look at server speed because this is really important metric what we are looking at is the straightest line as possible which they kind of achieve but

As you can see they’re around 2000 milliseconds on sun’s days which is two seconds and it’s really high on average they’re posting about 1700 milliseconds which puts them definitely in the higher tier from shared hosting companies and we would like to see this number way

Lower as you can see on this map usa and canada is averaging around this two two second one second mark but if you would get traffic from the europe as well they will be attacking three second mark which is really high server uptime is also not the best but not the worst on

Average they have 99.86 percent of uptime and we can see two big hiccups in here 28 minute one and 18 minute one and also few small other ones those can be also scheduled maintenance so it’s hard to judge but 28 and 18 minutes of that time is definitely not the best one but

On average they are just okay in this category the good part about dreamhost is that they have something called 100 uptime guarantee which guarantees you that if you will have one hour of downtime they will give you one day of free hosting on your next plan but keep

In mind the dream host assessment of downtime begins when the customer opens a support ticket to report the problem what does that mean if you will be having two hour downtime and you will notice it one and a half hour into this downtime and report it it will only

Consider the 30 minutes so you will be not eligible for any free days of hosting so now keep this in mind but i definitely appreciate that they are doing something like this now we can go and look at stress testing because this is really important and metric and many people undermine it

Let’s take a look at this graph i know it can be looking confusing but don’t worry i will explain everything what is basically happening is that you will send 50 virtually users into your website to interact with it so they will start to click everywhere and doing a

Lot of requests to the server you can see this grey line represents the amount of virtual users on the website so obviously you start with zero start adding adding heading until it hits 50 then stabilizes and then starts leaving some of them so the first one who came

In is the first one to leave what we are looking for is this blue line we would like to see it as straight as possible which would basically tell us that the server has no problem with high amount of requests and you can see the dream

Host had two big hiccups and a few small hiccups but we can say that this is a kind of good results the important part is that they had over 10 000 requests and zero http failures just for imagination this is what failed test would look like this is for bluehost

With 50 virtual users as you can see this blue line is definitely not straight and they are hitting a big numbers 2 thousand milliseconds when dreamhost was around 200 milliseconds so we can say that dreamhost can definitely handle some traffic in this part of the video we are going to be looking at

Support dream homes with their support will offer knowledge base system status contact tech support and discussion forum now you can see they do not have a direct phone number you can call them let’s compare their self-help articles those are pre-written articles you would find for majority of the biggest

Problems as you can see they do the job right i personally would like to see more images with directions but this will do the job just right now the interesting part is that dreamworks offers something called community forum when you can go and write some basic things and people other users can

Respond to your questions which is kind of okay but i really like more when they have good life support because it’s more important and way more reliable than those posts on community let’s take a look at dreamhost livestream because this is really important metric now the good part is

They are not trying to hide it like other web hosting companies they have it pretty straight forward you will have to fill up few basic information so they can connect you to the best help possible so for example when you have problem with wordpress you will have to

Select wordpress so they can connect you with the expert on wordpress site now their live chat they are okay they will try to help you they are kind of accessible but the weird part is they are not available 24 7. they are only available from 3 a.m to 9 30 p.m pacific

Time seven days a week which is kind of weird that they are not 24 7 to be honest let’s take a look at server management platform those are the ways you will be interacting with your server obviously you can do this via command lines but there are better ways majority

Of web hosting companies are using something called c panel you can think about it like windows for your computer this is the way you will be interacting with your web server to make it way easier for beginners now if you are completely beginner you will not miss

Cpanel and you can manage this really well but when you are used to cpanel you can definitely have some problem getting used to this new layout but once again if you are beginner you have nothing to be worried about and i found this really easy to get started with let’s take a

Look at few things dreamhost will offer you they will give you free and easy cloud for integration which will definitely help your website the website wordpress migration is for free or otherwise you can pay them 99 bucks for them to do it for you you will be offered daily backups and server level

Firewall and also they will give you money back guarantee for 30 days with their basic plan you will be getting one website but they are really easily integratable with wordpress so if you are looking to make a wordpress website this is definitely for you you will be also getting a free ssl

Certificate which is going to encrypt information your visitors are sending to the server which is basically must have in these days and you will also get free cdn which stands for content delivery network which gonna speed up loading time for many people visiting your website currently they are using php

Version 7.4 and they are using ssd storage now they have two basic hosting plans shared starter and share unlimited and they have three possible terms you can sign up for just keep in mind those prices are only advertised so yes you will be paying 199 for one month but the

Renewal fee will be much much higher around 6 bucks a month if you want to go and compare shared starter and share unlimited there are only few things you have to keep in mind the amount of websites you’re gonna get with shared starter you will be eligible to get only

One website but you will get five sub domains so it’s good but i think when you are just beginner you don’t need unlimited amount of website it’s just useless also another different part is the email address when you are going with shared starter you will have to purchase email account with your domain

So you will be getting support at lucanos.com and not support at gmail or yahoo or something else.com which comes included with unlimited plan and it’s around 20 bucks a year other than that they are pretty similar now i want to disclose that i am affiliated with every single

Web hosting company on my youtube channel what does that mean for you whenever you want to go and buy something from dreamhost and you would use my links or you would go to lucanos.com forward slash dream host you will be still paying to dreamhost but they will give small percentage of the

Purchase to me for referring to you now the important part is that this does not cost you anything more and you are basically deciding if dreamhost keeps everything or they will share something with me but if you don’t feel comfortable you don’t need to use my

Links at all the good part about those links is that they will apply automatic discounts on your order so let’s take a look at different pricing for the one year plan you will be paying 295 a month which is 35 dollars a year and the renewal prices are going to be seven

Dollars a month which is 83.88 a year with both plans you will be getting your domain for the first year for free which is really good but the renewal fees are 18 the very good part is that dream host will offer you free domain privacy which

I will show you what it is later on and when you want to go for first year you will also have to pay for dream host email 19.99 if you want to have it if you don’t want to have it you don’t need to pay it and you can save a lot of

Money but with three year plan you will be paying 395 which is 142 dollars and 20 cents for three years so for the one year it’s 47 bucks and renewal prices are 19 enough or 395 dollars for three years and 131 dollars for one year which is the difference of 84

On one year and 253 for the free year also free domain and free domain privacy and no need to pay for email it’s already included in the price now what is the domain privacy you are getting for free well let’s take a look at it whenever you are registering your domain

Your personal information like your name email address or your phone number will be shared with public because it has to be public knowledge whenever you are registering your domain but what quiz protection or unknown instrument privacy will do the company will try to hide it under their own information but don’t

Worry you will be still registered as the real owner of this domain at this point let’s put everything together and look at our final pricing so let’s say you want to get web hosting domain domain privacy and email for the one year plan you will be paying in the

First year for this everything 55 dollars and 39 cents and from the second year and onwards you will be paying 121.86 a year and you can see for a four year you will be paying together 420 dollars and 97 cents on the other hand with the discounted

Three year plan for the first year you will only have to pay 47 bucks and 40 cents and for the second and third year you will be paying 65 and 39 cents so in total for three year plan you will be paying 178 dollars and 18 cents the difference is that you have

To pay this on the first day and with the one year plan you only have to pay on the first day 55.39 but from the fourth year you have to pay 149.87 so it will take you in total 328 dollars and five cents for four years

Now also let’s take a look at other people’s experience because this is really important as well dreamhouse has good reputation there is no doubt about it the majority of bad reviews come from their support that people were not satisfied but i think if you explain it really well they will definitely help

You the best they can also another point they are getting a lot of points in every single element so there’s definitely nothing to pinpoint so what are the results well dreamhouse will offer good pricing for a beginner they have uptime guarantee and offer you daily backups which is really good they

Are recommended by wordpress which is excellent and can handle a good amount of traffic as we could see with the stress testing the great part is if you’re a non-profit organization you can get 35 discount for qualifying non-profits and also amazing thing is that you will be getting advertising credits for google

Ads and microsoft advertisements so together you’ll be getting 250 dollars of free advertising which is excellent and what are some negative of dream hosts well they do not offer you email with shared plan they are not the fastest shared hosting company on the market and they have sometimes longer

Waiting time for the support response i also don’t like that they do not have 24 7 live support and also for some people the lack of cpanel can be also viewed as a problem so who should use dreamhost in my opinion i think dreamhost is the best

For people who are looking for good value for money someone who is just starting out and wants to save some money and someone who is just playing around for example you are starting your own vlog it’s great for someone who wants to start with making wordpress websites as

Well and for people who want simple plug-and-play solution and it’s also good for audiences mainly from the usa and north america and who shouldn’t use bluehost in my opinion is someone who is making websites for their clients there are definitely better options for this and if you are certain that you will

Expect a significant increase in traffic to your website almost immediately so for example when you are migrating already existing website that gets a lot of traffic i think they are way better option than dreamhost and someone whose traffic does not originate in the usa or the north america there are also better

Options once again if you want to get discounts you can go to forward slash dreamhouse or simply click in the link in the description this is everything from me i hope i’ll help you make a decision about dreamhost consider subscribing and have a nice day goodbye
If you are new to DreamHost, this is the complete review you need to check out in 2022. 👉🏻 DreamHost Signup: https://www.lukaknows.com/dreamhost DreamHost is one of the WordPress recommended web hosting companies, but I wanted to put it to the test and find out if DreamHost is a good option for you as an absolute Beginner in creating a WordPress website or blog would be. I tested speed, uptime, pricing, support, management platform, server location, and many other factors to determine whether DreamHost is a good fit for your needs. Contents of this video: 00:00 – DreamHost full review 2022 00:07 – Is DreamHost legit? 00:56 – Where are DreamHost’s data centers located? 01:43 – How fast is DreamHost? 02:28 – How good is DreamHost’s uptime? 03:40 – Stress testing DreamHost's server. 05:07 – Does DreamHost offer good support? 06:44 – What control? Panel uses DreamHost 07:26 – What does DreamHost offer? 08:26 – Comparing DreamHost plans 10:09 – How much does DreamHost cost? 13:23 – DreamHost Reviews 13:50 – DreamHost Score 14:50 – Who Should Use DreamHost?

DreamHost Review

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