Dreamhost website hosting review. Shared hosting or WordPress managed hosting? DreamHost Video Review


Dreamhost website hosting review. Shared hosting or WordPress managed hosting?

Tutorial Hosting
In this video I’m going to take a look at Dreamhost. Dreamhost is one of my top picks for webhosting using either their shared hosting services or their WordPress managed hosting service that they call Dreampress. I have a bit of a soft spot for Dreamhost.

As I’ve been using their hosting services for over 10 year and I’ve been really happy with them. In this review I’ll show you what I like about Dreamhost. I’m Tim from realwebsitehints.com and I’ve made it my mission to help you find the best and easiest way to build websites.

I support the reviews that I do and the free tutorials that I offer on my YouTube Channel and website by using affiliate links. So if you like the products that I talk about in my videos or if you want to learn more about them, use the links in the description below.

The links below this video will give you $25 off of your first year of hosting with Dreamhost and it will provide me with a little bit of a commission that helps me to keep reviewing, testing and creating tutorials so I thank you for your support!

The first thing that I like about Dreamhost is their pricing. Dreamhost offers fair pricing without a lot of gimmicks. Once you sign up for hosting with Dreamhost they don’t bombard you with lots of up sells and I really appreciate that.

When I’m working on my website I just want to focus on what I need to do. Dreamhost’s prices can seem a bit more expensive at first especially when you look at other companies introductory pricing, but I think that when you look at what Dreamhost has to

Offers and then you compare that with the long term rates of the other hosting companies you’ll see that Dreamhost is actually a good value in the long run. My favorite feature of Dreamhost is actually the domain registration. Domain Registration is a pretty basic thing but what I like about Dreamhost over other

Domain registrars is that they offer domain privacy standard. If there is one thing that makes me a little bit crazy it’s robo sales calls, junk mail and email spam. Domain privacy helps you to avoid that by using the contact information at Dreamhost instead of your personal information in the whois listing.

Most other domain registrars that I’ve looked at charge anywhere from $9 to $24 for domain privacy alone and that’s on top of the normal domain registration fee, so dreamhost is a great savings right there. For basic hosting and for WordPress hosting there are really only two options with Dreamhost.

Their shared hosting plan which allows you to host an unlimited number of websites, create an unlimited number of email addresses, at your domains and gives you unlimited storage and bandwidth. This is great if you want to host just one website at a lower cost, or if you want to

Host a bunch of smaller websites it’s all included with their shared hosting plan. Dreamhost also offers a WordPress managed hosting plan that they call DreamPress. So what is it like to use Dreamhost? There isn’t really any hosting companies control panel that I’m in love with.

Dreamhost’s panel is different then most hosting companies it’s not really better or worse it’s just different. The one think that I do like about the interface at Dreamhost over other hosting companies is that all of the main setting categories stay on the page. They’re all right over here on the left.

You don’t have to go back and forth between the main settings categories and the setting that you are trying to control. Under the domains tab you will find the basic hosting features. This allows you to turn on and off hosting for your domains as well as add features like

SSL certificates or turn on Cloudflare. If you want to add or manage email address you’ll find that under the mail tab, and it’s fairly straight forward to add an email to any of your hosted domains. When you want to install WordPress on one of your hosted domains you will find that

Under Goodies, and then under the section for one click installs, and I have a full video tutorial that will show you how to setup hosting and install and configure WordPress on Dreamhost. I’ll link to that in the description below as well as right here at the top of this video.

If you want to step up from the basic shared hosting to something a little more robust for your WordPress website you can use Dreamhost’s managed WordPress hosting service called Dreampress. Dreampress is what I currently use to host realwebsitehints.com with. With Dreampress you get a virtual private server that is configured specifically to

Run WordPress. The settings are automatically managed for you to help you get the best performance out of your website. One of the things that I really like about Dreampress is that it now includes a premium subscription to Jetpack. The premium version of Jetpack includes daily backups of your website with vault press.

ValtPress keeps an offsite backup of your website. With the premium version you also get Akismet the spam comment filtering for WordPress and if you’ve had a website for a while you know that spam comments are just really annoying

And really annoying to get rid of so I really like that fact that there is this sort of automatically cleaned out for me. Jetpack also offers a malware scanner to help keep your website hacker free. And of course you get all of the other benefits of the standard version of Jetpack like it’s

Image content delivery network to help you website’s images load quickly, as well as the easy to read website statistics and social media tools. I’ve been really happy with Dreampress since I’ve had it and really excited about the newly included Jetpack premium.

That’s going to save me $99 a year with just that service alone. Over all Dreamhost is a great option. With Solid State Drive hosting and fast servers Dreamhost offers one of the fastest options for hosting at this price point and that I’ve tested.

If you decide to step up your service to the WordPress managed hosting Dreampress you’ll get a fully managed VPS and the benefits of Jetpack premium. If your interested in learning more about Dreamhost or if you want to get started with

It check out the link bellow and get $25 off of your first year of hosting. If you want help get started with Dreamhost I’ll have that video that will show you step by step how to sign up for Dreamhost and how to get WordPress installed and configured,

And I’ll link to that at the end of this video and in the description below. And for more tips and tricks on how to build great websites easily be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel and visit me at realwebsitehints.com. Thanks for watching!
Should you use Dreamhost as your web hosting company? I have a lot of experience with Dreamhost and will show you what Dreamhost hosting is all about. Get Dreamhost using this link: https://www.realwebsitehints.com/get/dreamhost-youtube/ Using this link helps support the channel! Thanks! I have been using Dreamhost website hosting for over 10 years. They are a high quality woven tubing company with no hassle pricing. They offer a great unlimited shared hosting plan as well as a very good WordPress managed hosting plan which they call Dreampress. I am currently using their WordPress managed hosting for my website https://www.realwebsitehints.com. If you need help installing or setting up WordPress on Dreamhost, check out my step-by-step tutorial video: https://youtu. be/37jnIdi6tJw If you need help creating your first WordPress website with easy-to-use tools, I'll walk you through it in my step-by-step tutorial series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list= PLixt17_AZiCCjlLB2v8V1iT3Lw5TYhGD4 You can too Take my free WordPress website building course on my website: https://www.realwebsitehints.com/build-website-wordpress-tutorial/ For more tips on building a website, visit me at https ://www.realwebsitehints.com
#Dreamhost #website #hosting #review #Shared #hosting #WordPress #managed #hosting

DreamHost Review

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